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TNT, Max Keiser and Lynette Zang Thursday Morning 8-20-2020


Tishwash:  American Institute: Al-Kazemi is the last and best hope for the United States

Director of the Middle East Program for the Institute for War Studies, Nicholas Heras, said Thursday that the current Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, may be the last and best hope for the United States of America.

The British newspaper The National quoted Heras as saying, "Perhaps Al-Kazemi is the last and best hope for the United States to have an Iraqi prime minister who can assume Iran's influence in Iraq ."
He added, "What distinguishes him from his predecessors is that he assumed the premiership with a strong vision of how he wants to face the main challenges in Iraq ."

Heras said, “Al-Kazemi’s visit to Washington comes as a culmination point for the Trump team’s established policy in Iraq to send a signal that the United States has a partner with whom it will work passionately in Iraq.”

And a man that the United States believes can kill the factions that threaten the United States in Iraq and the region   link


Pearle:  My thoughts are if they don’t release this RV in the near future, when will they. There can’t be anymore perfect storm.

Alf:  Pearle we have had many, many perfect times and no one moved their butts!

BigLou423:  If the US doesn’t pull the trigger then POTUS can’t take credit for the financial benefits to the US

Pearle:  But the whole world is burning now. If they can at least fix the economy, it would be a start

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Keiser Report | Fix the Money and the Rest Will Follow | Summer Solutions | E1582

Aug 20, 2020

The fiat money system is dying………….

In this episode of Keiser Report’s annual Summer Solutions series, Max and Stacy chat to investor, Lawrence Lepard, about ‘money printer go brrrr’ in an age of ‘when government spending knows no limits’ and yet the people have bitcoin and gold to exit the decadence.

Though we are in an era of a Fourth Turning and tumult is to be expected, Lepard notes that, even if we go through a global hyperinflation in fiat, at least the assets are still there on the other side: gold, property, productive assets like manufacturing factories do not get destroyed and can be used to rebuild.

Fix the money and society gets better.

The good news as the big institutions and organizations may collapse and humanity can evolve to a higher level.

We don’t need nuclear weapons and aircraft carriers, we can be more peaceful if we step away from the ‘free money.’

Finally, they ponder a future in which the likes of Ben Bernanke and Alan Greenspan are remembered as the same as John Law, the first of the modern day money printers.


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Streamed live 16 hours ago

Susan: What happens to debts held outside the banking industry in a reset? Does a $100K debt get reset to (guess) $50K along with the revalue or do you think the original contract figure stands?

Mirjam: Do you have advice for the younger crowd in terms of where we should be focusing our investments if we’re just getting started? (i.e. starting with silver over gold as it’s more affordable; focusing equally on essential preparations and precious metals accumulation, etc.)

Patricia F: We are both retires and do have some physical metals. When the prices rose almost doubled this month my husband said, it was time for us to take the over profit out and wait for dip and then we can buy more metals? Well to me this does not seem to make any sense we are defeating the purpose. He then he said: how do you get a return investment on your metals if you do not take a profit when it goes up? He said I should ask Lynette this question… I must say it is confusing and as many times as I listen to your videos this is not clear answer to me. What advice can you give a retired couple how should they use their physical metals to supplement their income without losing the purpose of holding it.

Daniel U: if the U.S. Gov’t Makes it illegal for citizens to own gold/silver (and orders us to turn any in) BEFORE we get the chance to pay off fixed rate assets (such as our homes), with gold spot prices in the stratosphere by then, the strategy seems much less effective for those of us who don’t have the income to purchase a large enough quantity to fulfill the strategy. Your thoughts/suggestions?


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