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TNT, Bix Weir and more Monday Afternoon 2-17-2020


Tishwash:  Deputy: Three ministers in the resigned government will continue in Allawi's "transitional" government

Today, Monday, al-Fateh Haneen Qaddo, a member of the Al-Fateh Alliance, announced that three ministers from Adel Abdel-Mahdi’s resigned government will continue within the upcoming “transitional” government of Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi.

Qaddo said, in a statement to "Al-Akhbariya": "Allawi is trying to keep some ministers of the resigned government in the new government, so that the new ministerial cabinet becomes a mixture of the new and previous governments," explaining that "among the ministers that Allawi may keep are the sovereign ministries, especially Interior, Defense and Finance. "

He added: "The prime minister-designate wants through this to send a positive message to the Sunni component of the Ministry of Defense, as well as the Finance Minister Fuad Hussein, to satisfy the Kurdish component, as well as the Democratic Party, which continues to pressure the prime minister-designate in relation to the Ministry of Finance," noting that " Allawi is trying to break free from the pressure exerted on him by some political parties, as some parties seek political gains in his government.

The deputy continued: Allawi is seeking to satisfy all the blocks and components for the sake of the success of his government, pointing out that "the Prime Minister-designate may depend on the criterion of integrity and freedom from political pressure in forming his government, and this comes through the use of some old ministers."

And the leader of the Al-Fateh coalition suggested that "the ministerial cabinet will be passed in Parliament, because Allawi will not come to parliament without obtaining the green light from the political blocs to agree to pass the ministerial cabinet."   link

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Tishwash:  Keeping the American forces ... is the most important conditions for approval of the new Iraqi government

The Iraqi national forces agreed, with the former president of the Kurdistan region, the leader of the Democratic Party, on six conditions, to form the new Iraqi government, most notably the continuation of cooperation with the international coalition against terrorism, which Parliament voted to end the presence of its American and foreign forces on the fifth of last January .

On Sunday, February 16, the Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, Muhammad al-Halbousi, held important talks with the former President of the region, Masoud Barzani, to agree to form a new government headed by Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi.

The Media Office of the Speaker of Parliament, Al-Halbousi, announced in a statement that Sputnik’s correspondent in Iraq had got today that the Speaker of Parliament and the Alliance of Iraqi Forces, accompanied by a number of coalition representatives, met the President of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Masoud Barzani, in “Erbil” Territory Center

The media office revealed that the meeting discussed the dimensions of the current situation and the political crisis in Iraq, including the formation of the government.

And the number of the statement, 6 points agreed upon by the meeting that took place between the Speaker of Parliament, Halbousi, and the deputies of the Alliance of Forces, with the President of the Kurdistan Democrat, Barzani, the first of which was their agreement to work with all political forces to get out of the current impasse, and to contribute to restoring stability in Baghdad and the southern provinces Iraq.

The meeting stressed in the second point, that any upcoming government should be representative of all components of Iraq, and on the basis of national partnership.

Third, they agreed that the government program includes a clear vision in preparing for early elections, and as soon as possible, in response to the demands of the demonstrators, and this issue should be a priority for the next government.

In the fourth point, they stressed, the government program must include a clear plan to restore prestige to state institutions, maintain societal peace, end external interference, confine arms to the state, and end informal military appearances.

Fifthly, the meeting agreed to continue cooperation with the international coalition to help Iraq in facing the threat of terrorism, and to eliminate the remnants of "ISIS", and, sixth, to continue to maintain close communication in order to coordinate positions between the two parties and the rest of the partners

On January 5, the Iraqi Council of Representatives voted unanimously on a parliamentary resolution that includes obliging the Iraqi government to cancel the request for assistance submitted by it to the international coalition to fight the terrorist organization "ISIS", and the Iraqi government's commitment to end the presence of any foreign forces in Iraqi territory, and to prevent it from Using Iraqi lands, waters, and airspace for any reason, and the Iraqi government is committed to restricting weapons to the state.

And the Iraqi Prime Minister-designate Tawfiq Allawi announced that they are close to achieving a historic achievement.

Allawi said in a tweet on the social networking platform "Twitter", yesterday, Saturday, February 15th, "We are close to achieving a historic achievement by completing an independent ministerial cabinet of the competent and impartial without the intervention of any political party, and we will put the names of this cabinet this week, God willing." Far from rumors and leaks. "

"We hope that members of Parliament will respond and vote on them in order to start implementing the demands of the people, " the designated Iraqi Prime Minister added .

Allawi, who served as Minister of Communications for two sessions in the government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, said that on Saturday, January 31, the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, commissioned him to form the new government.

The Adel Abdul-Mahdi government in Iraq announced its resignation last November, against the backdrop of violent protests that began in early October, which call for the dismissal of the government and the holding of early parliamentary elections, after the deteriorating economic conditions and the poor level of basic services    link


NetGlobal:  So maybe tomorrow the cabinet will finally be seated. Not holding my breath but hope for the best.

Yada:  believe they will netglobal,,,the articles are supporting that there was a breakthrough in agreements yesterday and the weight of the US along with the UN's threat of chap 7 and starting over with the UN picking their government for them is incentivized them to get this done,,,I do believe the deadline to stop the auctions, via the RI of the dinar is the end of this month

Dr.Bob:  Just had a patient from Kurdistan. He says the Iranian influence is very bad and they are trying to control Iraq. Big struggle for them (Just what Tony & Ray have been saying all along)

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  ...I don't like the idea of people going to a mom & pop bank.  Or a credit union.  These places are not  capable of taking care of you.  They will take your dinars and send them to a bigger bank for authenticity.  You don't want to separate yourself from your dinars.  Please ok?...



Samson:  Oil prices are stable amid concerns about demand due to the Corona virus
17th February, 2020

There has been little change in oil prices, as fears of declining fuel demand due to the economic repercussions of the coronary virus outbreak in China have negated the outlook for reducing supplies from major producers, which will lead to a scarcity of crude supplies

Brent crude was at $ 57.27 a barrel, down five cents after rising 5.2 percent last week, in the largest weekly increase since September 2019

US West Texas Intermediate crude rose eight cents to $ 52.13 a barrel, after increasing 3.4 percent last week

Japan, the world's fourth largest oil consumer, announced an economic contraction of 6.3 percent for the period from October to December and there are expectations for further contraction in the quarter between January and March due to the disease. Singapore, whose trade-dependent economy is a measure of the region's performance, has warned of a possible recession this quarter due to the outbreak of the virus   LINK

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ALERT! GOLD Mystery Has Gold Bugs on Edge!! (Bix Weir)

RoadToRoota:  Feb 16, 2020

For over 10 years I've been YELLING that there is 10x more physical gold than the bankers tell us...10X!!

And most of the above ground gold is in London. WHY?

As we like to say in the crypto world....IF YOU DON'T HOLD IT YOU DON'T OWN IT!!


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