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TNT, Bix, Greg Hunter and SRU Friday PM 10-25-19


CauutiouslyOptimistic:   The GOI could not do for the people what they promised them they would do. Those promises were based on lies that they were told. This is completely out of Iraq’s hands. When the Elite are ready to push the button, for the sake of the GCR and NWO, then this will go, and not a second before. They own and control the whole process…. “They” couldn’t care less about the suffering..... The Iraq Government has been trying to do this for years ..

RVAlready:  CBI almost made it to the point the RV could have been released prior to the protests. Now we will see what happens to the protestors, and to the GOI.

Natok:  Iraq is international in country, they are waiting for UST to push it thru for us so they can say publically they are international……when UST pushes it thru, Iraq can announce publically they are international, all lds and fils will be open for use, paymasters will be able to distribute their funds, we will have 800s all at the same time! wham!

Natok:  We should all be thankful we even heard about this to start with, when we were NOT invited to the party to begin with! Just remember it is NOT about us, and this is GLOBAL, NOT JUST IRAQ. Take a seat, gather your snacks and sit back and watch the movie.

DTyler:   it really doesn't matter who, what where or ............perhaps when ? We are just riders and when whomever is ready it will happen............It must! We just don't know when.............breath deeply and carry on.

RVAlready:   Someday, those who do not want this to happen may be forced to let it happen. Until then, my button does not seem to work. And I have been with this stuff for 29 years.


Harambe:   Reuters: At least 27 killed as fresh protests engulf Iraq (10/25/19)

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - At least 25 protesters were killed in Iraq on Friday when security forces used tear gas and an Iranian-backed militia opened fire to try to quell renewed demonstrations against corruption and economic hardship, security sources said. 

A government intelligence officer and a member of the powerful Asaib Ahl al-Haq militia were killed in a clash with protesters in the southern city of Amara, police sources said. 

Nearly 1,800 people were injured nationwide, according to medical sources, as demonstrators vented frustration at political elites they say have failed to improve their lives after years of conflict. 


Despite the OPEC member country’s vast oil wealth, many Iraqis live in poverty, have limited access to clean water, electricity, basic healthcare or decent education as the country tries to recover from years of conflict and economic hardship. 

Many Iraqis view the elite as subservient to one or other of Iraq’s two main allies, the United States and Iran. Many suspect these powers use Iraq to pursue their struggle for regional influence via proxies unconcerned with ordinary people’s needs. 

“They hit us last night and again this morning. We don’t have any demands anymore, we want the government toppled,” said demonstrator Salah Mohammad. 

“We want Iran to take its parties and leave, America to take its parties and leave, and let the Iraqi people decide.”

In Basra, Reuters footage showed protesters clashing with security forces who launched tear gas canisters and stun grenades and were met by rocks thrown at their vehicles. Young men carried the injured away, as protesters set police cars on fire. 

An 8 p.m. curfew was imposed until further notice in the southern provinces of Basra, Muthanna, Wasit, Babel and Dhi Qar, after protesters torched offices of lawmakers, Shi’ite political parties and militia headquarters. 

How the government and security forces handled Friday’s planned protests had been seen as a litmus test for the stability of the country with political leaders already on edge. 


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A bartender received a $200 tip for serving a few drinks to a couple of regulars.



Bix Weir

Silver Up! Cryptos Up!...as Fiat Bank Bailouts MOONSHOT!!

RoadtoRoota:  Oct 25, 2019

A big THANKS to the Trump Administration for "Allowing" the cryptos and silver to move up a little today! Thank You Masters!! At the same time they gave themselves $77B more in bank bailouts today!


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Greg Hunter - Weekly News Wrap-Up 10.25.19

Economic, Repo, Banking crisis, Reset news at about minute 15:00

UN Head demands immediate Fiscal Stimulus to save World from crisis


Economic Collapse News - $134 Billion In liquidity, Mass Bank Failures, Jobs at 2009 levels IHS PMI

Silver Report Uncut:  Oct 25, 2019

First, we begin with the Feds repo operations because they just added $134 billion in liquidity through various funding markets and operations.

Next, we look at the S&P global ratings warning about the banking system in India after concerns arise about non-bank Lenders exposure.

We review the IHS Markit Flash PMI and see that employment has fallen to the worst levels since 2009 and durable goods orders are also declining. let's get started.


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