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Tivon and MilitiaMan Thoughts on the "Food Security Law" 6-7-2022


TIVON:  The Oil Contracts 

The Oil & Gas Law

The Border Ports

Taxes & Tariffs 

Land & Border Ports 


The Private Sector 

Retirement & Social Security 

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Currency Auction Fraud

Electricity Sector 

Export Revenues 


Gold Reserves 

Oil Surplus 

Social Welfare 

Ration Card

Private Sector 

TIVON: Reading the aforementioned list above is the main objective of the "Food Security Law". All of which was highlighted over the past few days under what? The E.F.S.L.

That (List ☝Above) is where the "Purchasing Power" will come from. I got PM/DMs from people being nervous about a nonchalant comment made from Frank' when he said the FSL is not important.

People listen he is right. Why? Because the FSL was a tool to produce everything we were supposed to get in the general budget.

Didn't Mazhar Muhammad-(Financial Advisor) say there are only two legislative laws in Iraq? Which is the FSL & Budget Law. Ask yourself...what are Citizens Entitlements? What falls under that? What law made it possible to access the above items? What does Iraq need in order for all those things listed to work? What did the Federal Court make Kurdistan do just 24-48 hrs ago?

Do you think food itself was the main objective to ensure to the Iraqi people? No. That would come by default of Iraqi having access to the things mentioned above. Think people everything we wanted done for the past 10-15 years is being done under the guise of food security.

It was a ploy to enforce urgency with legal parameters (SOMO) that would ensure constitutional rights that were denied to the citizens because of corruption. Have you not read any of the articles me and Militia-Man commented under?

We are pointing out what you need to pay attention to. I stated many times why the FSL was neccessary. And look what is brought us? Where are you in this investment now? You think the World Bank, US Treasury, and IMF got together to discuss "Food Security" because they wanted every Iraqi to have a piece of chicken on the table? These are monetary institutions. Not the Food Stamp Office.

Frank covered this for you tonight (Monday Night KTFA CC)  and you're hung up on a word in almost two hours into the call? C'mon people. You have not lost any ground here. Relax and stop being so tense. This is what is causing you react to miniscule things. I thought we already made it clear what the FSL was for? You couldn't be anymore closer to the reinstatement.

What did the General Tax Authority announce on yesterday's thread? The completion of a program to eliminate corruption at the currency sale window. This is the monetary policy of the CBI. Guess where all the information about bills (Paper Money) will be submitted to Private Banks that work on behalf of what? SWIFT.

You know what these politicians were doing? They were taking advantage of citizens documentation at the Adhamiya Tax Department registering the citizens name under the pretext of appointment causing regular 9-5 employees to pay 40-30 thousand in taxes unbeknownst to the working class.

But guess what? Most of the names on the tax documents were from people who were not even employed. 0 income. So how was these charges accounted for on non working citizens?

Quote, the tax authority developed short, medium and long-term plans, represented by removing the rings in reviewing citizens to increase revenues and facilitating the procedures of the auditors, while the medium, which has been almost completed and which will work with the identification number system instead of the name assigned to the remittances, and on this basis, no name will be accepted, but rather an identification number so that there is no similarity and will also end corruption and the like. As for the long-term plan, it includes the establishment of the comprehensive electronic system, which was included in the reform "White Paper", to be implemented 3 to 5 years.

Purchasing Power my people. This new tax system can only work with what again? The exchange rate. 



MilitiaMan:  You nailed it Tivon.. Glad to see the recap laid out so well. We all have been witness to the reforms unfolding and to their conclusion ahead. Indeed all are awaiting the sum of the new exchange rate that will populate the CBIs spread sheet.

They have been working to level the playing field and it shows they are just about there.

They have set the Date for the EFSL for tomorrow . The last day of the present parliamentary session. Why take it out to the last minute? Strategic play. Can't let the cat out of the bag until it is show time.

 Lets see if the EFSL, 2022 Budget, Automation at the borders with taxation, GOI sorted, Social Security and exchange rate fall into place all at once or even sequentially once the vote is done.

They told us the sum would be available once voted on. That will require an international calculation to be applied to level the playing field internally and externally. imo ~ MM

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