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"Tidbits From TNT" Wednesday Morning 7-19-2023


CandyKisses:  Parliamentarian: Iraq needs to legislate the oil and gas law to complement the budget

MP Kazem Al-Touki stressed Iraq's need to legislate important laws, including the Oil and Gas Law, which complements the federal budget.

Al-Touki said in a press interview seen by "Taqaddam" that: "What matters to the work of the House of Representatives is legislation and oversight, and the country today needs to legislate important and strict laws related to the citizen."

"Today, laws have been enacted, including the Intelligence and National Security Law, and we have already issued important laws, including electronic extortion," he said.

Touki pointed to "the demand of the presidency of the parliament that the second legislative term be different from the first in terms of important laws."

"We are waiting for the most important law complementary to the budget and the stability of the country's economy, which is the controversial oil and gas law," he said.

"All parliamentary committees continue to host officials with intensive visits to state institutions," al-Touki said.

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CandyKisses:  9 accused of illegally trading dollars arrested in Baghdad


On Tuesday, intelligence detachments managed to arrest 9 people accused of illegally trading dollars in Baghdad.

The Ministry of Interior said in a statement received by Al-Maalouma that "the detachments of the intelligence agency in Baghdad received information related to the existence of fake and unlicensed shops and offices practicing the work of remittances and buying and selling foreign currency illegally, in addition to violating some shops (K-Card) and their exchange of foreign currency."

He added, "After obtaining judicial approvals, the intelligence agency's detachments in Karkh, accompanied by staff from the Central Bank, proceeded to check the aforementioned shops that are located in the Al-Harithiya area within commercial and residential buildings, where (9) people were arrested inside these fake offices and seized in their possession amounts estimated at ( 250,000) US dollars and more than (200,000,000) Iraqi dinars. The statements of the suspects were recorded and they will be referred to the competent authority. 


Tishwash:  Parliamentary wealth: Iraq aborted the malicious American agendas with the oil and gas agreement

A member of the Parliamentary Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee, Alaa Al-Haidari, affirmed Iraq's success in breaking the US hegemony over the Iraqi energy sector by bartering oil with gas.

 Al-Haidari said in a televised interview, followed by Al-Maalouma, that "America is practicing a malicious policy against Iraq, but the Iraqi negotiator surrounded the American crisis and won the energy file over Washington."

 He added, "Iraq must continue to barter with Iran and not be subject to US sanctions."

He pointed out, "The government must proceed with the barter agreement with Iran and make it a success and develop it, because America will review its calculations that Iraq is in a new situation that differs from what it was in the time of Mustafa Al-Kazemi."

Al-Haidari pointed out that "America is now with its weakest strength, but it is trying to impose its will with malice, and that barter mechanisms with Iran must be developed, and the Banias pipeline should be developed and invested in the best way."  link


CandyKisses:  Citizens in Mosul call on the central bank and the government to solve the exchange rate problem

Mosul (NINA) - Citizens from Mosul called on the central bank and the government to take urgent measures to address the problem of the continuous rise in the exchange rates of the dollar, which has reached in the markets about 150,<> dinars per hundred dollars.

One of the most prominent merchants in the city of Mosul, Hassan Klawi, said in a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency (Nina) that "the continued rise in this way affects the economic situation and markets in Mosul and all of Iraq."

He added that "the markets of Mosul are witnessing a very large recession due to the high prices of food products, which was a major reason for the rise in the price of the dollar, which negatively affected the Mosul street, calling on the Central Bank to intervene quickly to solve the crisis of the rise in the price of the dollar, which negatively affected citizens due to the deterioration of the economic conditions in Iraq in general, especially Nineveh."

Citizen Uday Al-Badrani stressed that "this increase has led to a deterioration in the purchasing power of citizens and an increase in the cost of living.

Prices have been significantly affected, he said, as prices of basic commodities, foodstuffs and basic necessities have risen. Various economic sectors, such as industry, agriculture and trade, have also been affected by the high import costs and the decline in investments, which led to the deterioration of the economic situation and increased unemployment and poverty rates," he said, calling on the Central Bank to intervene quickly in order to end the violations of these high prices in light of this difficult economic situation.

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Mot: . Just love the internet! - Just Finded the Perfect ""Stress Diet""

Mot: Bananas instead of Pringles?

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