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"Tidbits From TNT" Tuesday Morning 8-1-2023


CandyKisses:  A source reveals that the instructions for implementing the budget were issued secretly!

Baghdad - Iraq Today:    2023/08/01 10:06 , 

An official source, in the Budget Department of the Ministry of Finance, indicated that instructions for implementing the budget were sent to the ministries, with government secrecy and unwillingness to announce the matter.

The source said in a press interview that "the Ministry of Finance has sent instructions for implementing the budget to the ministries during the past days."

The source added, on condition of anonymity, that "the government issued instructions to the ministries and asked them not to disclose this, in order to avoid the anger of some groups, from the termination of their contracts and lecturers who were not included in the budget articles within their allocations."

He explained, "The government fears the anger of these people in light of the state of confusion that Iraq is witnessing at the present time, and the state of anger, as a result of the collapse of the electricity system more than once, and the defect in the rest of the services, including the continued interruption of drinking water."

He stressed that "firm instructions were issued by the Prime Minister's Office not to declare and disclose the matter."

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CandyKisses:  Hundreds demonstrate in front of the Martyrs Foundation in Ramadi due to the suspension of salaries

Baghdad Today - Anbar

Today, Tuesday (August 1, 2023), hundreds of martyrs' families demonstrated in front of the Martyrs Foundation in the city of Ramadi, the center of Anbar province.

The "Baghdad Today" correspondent stated, "Hundreds of martyrs' families demonstrated in front of the Martyrs' Foundation building in Ramadi, following the suspension of the salaries of the martyrs in Anbar Governorate, demanding the re-launch of salaries

On the fifth of last July, an informed source reported that the director of the Martyrs and Wounded Foundation in Anbar Governorate had been dismissed on suspicion of financial corruption.

The source said, "An order was issued by the federal head of the Martyrs and Wounded Foundation to relieve the director of the Martyrs and Wounded Foundation in Anbar, Abdul Aziz al-Badri, from his post, based on a directive from the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani."

"The removal from office came against the backdrop of suspicions of financial and administrative corruption at the Anbar Martyrs Foundation," he said.

Anbar province has been witnessing a campaign to open financial and administrative corruption files by the Supreme Anti-Corruption Committee, headed by Abu Ali al-Basri, in cooperation with the Integrity Commission.

The campaign resulted in the arrest of a number of officials in the province, the last of whom was the director of the Pension Authority in Anbar


Tishwash:  The oil-for-gas agreement between Iraq and Iran enters into force

The barter agreement (oil for gas) between Iraq and Iran entered into force, starting today, Tuesday, August 1.

Hamid Hosseini, head of Iran's Petroleum Products Exporters Union, declared in a statement to Iranian media that: "Iraq will send us about 30,000 barrels of crude oil and 70,000 barrels of diesel in exchange for gas exports, starting in August."

He explained the volume of electricity and gas exports to Iraq and the amount of oil and other products imports in the form of barter, noting that, according to the statistics announced by the National Iranian Gas Company, we exported 18 billion cubic meters of gas last year, most of which went to Turkey and Iraq.

He added: “We exported an average of 25 million cubic meters of gas to Turkey and the same amount also to Iraq, and the export quantities may vary in some seasons of the year to reach 50 million cubic meters per day, but when we face a shortage of gas in the winter, this quantity decreases significantly.” Where 9-10 billion cubic meters of gas must be delivered to Iraq every year according to the agreement signed between the two countries, and this amount can decrease or increase in certain seasons of the year.

Referring to the value of electricity and gas exports to Iraq, Hosseini mentioned: “The Iraqi government announced that it imported 3 billion and 800 million dollars of gas in 2022, and since Iraq does not import gas from any other country, we can say that the total value of that value is attributed to Iranian exports. In addition to this, we have exported $700 million in electricity. Therefore, Iran has exported $4.5 billion in electricity and gas to Iraq over the past year.”

It is noteworthy that Iraq and Iran signed an agreement in Baghdad on July 11, according to which the imported Iranian gas, which operates power stations, will be exchanged for Iraqi crude oil and black oil.

The agreement was reached, according to the Prime Minister's Office, "after negotiations that lasted for several days, in which delegations and technical and technical committees from both sides participated."

A statement by the office stated, "This agreement is within the framework of the government's effort to address the crisis of supplying gas that powers power stations, and avoid financing problems and the complexities of US sanctions that prevented the continuity of payment of import requirements. ".   link

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Mot: .... Do They Even Realize that .....

Mot: .. Gots to Loves English!!!  Spelling is important

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