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"Tidbits From TNT" Tuesday Morning 12-20-2022


Candykisses:  Shiite-Kurdish agreement to pass oil and gas law

Baghdad, Iraq Today:

Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) MP Nermin Maarouf revealed the formation of a joint committee between the Baghdad and Erbil government to prepare a draft oil and gas law.

Maarouf said in a press interview that "the current discussions, according to the agreement between Baghdad and Erbil, are taking place to legislate the oil and gas law while resolving differences and outstanding issues between the region and the center."

She added that "the agreement concluded between the political forces stipulates the legislation of the oil and gas law within a period of 6 months from the age of the formation of the government."

She pointed out that "the adoption of the law within the House of Representatives will contribute to solving the problems between Baghdad and Erbil," pointing out that "the oil and gas law has political dimensions, as it is linked to relations between the Baghdad government and the Kurdistan Regional Government."

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CandyKisses:  :  Sudani Arrives In Jordan To Attend Baghdad Summit

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani arrived in the Jordanian capital Amman to attend the Baghdad summit.

The media office of the Sudanese in a statement received by Earth News, that "took place this morning at Queen Alia Airport in the Jordanian capital Amman an official reception ceremony for Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Sudani."

The statement continued, "At the official reception of Sudani, Crown Prince of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II, where the ceremony witnessed the playing of the national anthems of Iraq and Jordan, and the parade of the honor guard, according to the statement.

According to the statement, Al-Sudani is heading a high-level government delegation to participate in the second Baghdad Summit for Cooperation and Partnership, hosted by Jordan. During the summit, they will discuss bilateral relations with the leaders of the participating countries, mechanisms of cooperation and partnership in facing the current economic, security and climate challenges, and achieving integration with the countries of the region in the service aspect and economic partnership, in a way that enhances the security and stability of the region.


Tishwash:  The full text of Al-Sudani's speech at the second Baghdad conference in the Jordanian capital

Today, Tuesday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani called on the countries participating in the second Baghdad Summit in the Jordanian capital, Amman, to cooperate with Iraq regarding recovering its smuggled funds, while stressing work to find solutions to the water crisis with Turkey and Iran.

This is the text of the  most important things that came in the speech of the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani, during the second Baghdad conference:

We meet today in Amman with the hope that we will move towards strengthening the process of relations between our countries in various fields, and developing their pace in a way that contributes to establishing the foundations of stability and development in the region, and opens The field is wide for means of dialogue and discussion to exchange views and deepen concepts.

- The idea of ​​establishing the Baghdad conference stems from Iraq's desire to establish and strengthen the bases of cooperation and partnership between it and the countries of its geographical and regional neighbors, in addition to friendly countries.

- Our government adopts an open approach aimed at building regional and international partnerships based on common interests, including the establishment of complementary strategic projects to link Iraq with its regional environment.

 - We see that the priority now lies in strengthening the bonds of cooperation and partnership between our countries through interdependence in infrastructure, economic integration, and mutual investments that strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and friendship between our countries and peoples.

- We seek to work together to transform into industrialized countries, through the establishment of joint industrial zones, which enhance our joint industrial capacity, and link value-added chains for each of us, within an integrated chain capable of competing in global markets; Launching giant projects in various sectors.

- It is necessary to focus on the service sector and its development, considering it one of the most important engines of the economy in our countries and our region. In addition to addressing the problem of unemployment through developing the productive private sector, improving working conditions in it, and providing guarantees for workers.

- On the internal level, we have put the fight against financial and administrative corruption at the center of our priorities, and we have practically started the anti-corruption campaign, starting from the highest levels, and we ask brotherly and friendly countries to help us recover the looted and smuggled funds of Iraq and hand over the wanted persons who take these countries as their place of residence.

- Our government is working hard to improve the investment environment in Iraq, in terms of legislation, procedures and guarantees, to enable investors to enter our markets and benefit from the great opportunities in them.

- The appropriate investment environment needs to establish security, and we have achieved security stability in Iraq after the great victories over the remnants of terrorism and takfiri groups, and I do not fail here to pay tribute to the pure blood and sacrifices made by our armed forces, in self-defense, the region and the world.

 - We must all continue to work together and unite to combat extremist ideology in all its forms, and put in place real mechanisms and programs to expose the malicious intentions of terrorists who recruit young people with their destructive ideas.

- Iraq faces an existential threat due to water scarcity, and we are determined to work hard with our neighbors in the Republic of Turkey and the Islamic Republic of Iran to ensure our water security, and to reach the best ways for joint management of transboundary water resources, and to reach our water share in accordance with international agreements and laws.

 - In parallel with that, we started taking practical steps to promote the use of modern irrigation systems and stop wasting water in storage and agriculture.

- We consider environmental pollution - in the air, water and soil - as one of the most important risks to the future of our people, especially in the southern regions, and we have begun serious work to address the burning of associated gas in the oil fields.

We call on international companies to invest in this field in order to transform the use of this important source of energy for the purposes of electricity generation, in an effort to achieve self-sufficiency in the use of gas to generate electricity in the medium term, and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and global warming.

- Iraq is committed to building balanced cooperative relations with all regional and international partners, and it distances itself from alignments of axes and an atmosphere of escalation, and seeks a policy of calm and reducing tensions; At the same time, it refuses to interfere in its internal affairs, violate its sovereignty, or attack its lands.

- The principle of force cannot be adopted in efforts to resolve disputes or disagreements. We do not allow this principle to be used against Iraq, and we do not accept any threat from Iraq against any of the neighboring countries or the region.

Our duty is to adopt dialogue and understanding to solve our problems, and build on what brings us together to open horizons towards establishing comprehensive regional partnerships, maximizing dependence between our countries, and establishing stability and prosperity in the region.  

- Iraq seeks to be a sponsor of communication and dialogue, as a basic way to resolve differences, with the aim of calming the atmosphere and bringing the views of the parties closer, and has strengthened its diplomatic efforts to defuse crises in the region.  link


Tishwash:  The imbalance of the dinar and the toman against the dollar caused a loss of 80% of Sulaymaniyah merchants

Specialists in the field of financial transactions in Sulaymaniyah Governorate confirmed today, Tuesday, that 80% of the currency dealers in the province incurred losses due to the instability of the price of the Iranian "Toman" and the Iraqi dinar against the foreign currency, "the dollar"

The financial expert, Shwan Muhammad, told Shafaq News agency that the instability of the Iranian "toman" price against the foreign currency "dollar" is due to the instability of the positions of the Islamic Republic of Iran in its negotiations with the United States of America, stressing that Iran's instability in those negotiations negatively affected the reality of the Iranian currency. In global markets, it was also reflected in the economic reality of Iranian citizens and everyone who deals in the Iranian currency.

Shwan pointed out that the value of the Iranian “toman” declined today by 6.5 points compared to yesterday, as the price of (100) US dollars yesterday amounted to (3.925) million Iranian “tomans.” Today, the “toman” decreased against the dollar to reach a value of (100). Dollars to (3.980) million "tomans".

As for the situation of the Iraqi dinar against the US dollar, Schwan indicated that the situation of the dinar suffers from a clear fluctuation against the US dollar, and this is due to the economic policy of the Iraqi government and the smuggling of about 60% of the dollar out of the country, which is pumped by the Central Bank of Iraq to the markets through commercial banks in Iraq.

He explained that all the steps that the Iraqi government intends to follow in the face of the instability of the value of the local currency against the foreign currency will not succeed if the transactions of private banks that take dollars from the Central Bank of Iraq are controlled.

Regarding the repercussions of the instability of the price of the Toman and the dinar in financial transactions, Shwan confirmed that 80% of the currency dealers in Sulaymaniyah were affected by that situation and incurred great losses.  link

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Mot:  . ooooh Deeer - the Stress of the Season! ~~~~

Mot: Why Christmas Pets are so much Fun - Already Broken in they is! 

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