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"Tidbits From TNT" Sunday Morning 4-3-2022


Tishwash:  Oil announces the highest financial revenues since 1972 during the last month

The Ministry of Oil announced today, Friday, achieving the highest financial revenues since 1972, amounting to (11.07) billion dollars.

The ministry said in a statement received by Earth News, "The total amount of crude oil exports amounted to (100) million (563) thousand and (999) barrels, with revenues amounting to (11.07) billion dollars, which is the highest financial revenue achieved since 1972.

She added, "The total quantities of crude oil exported for the month of March from oil fields in central and southern Iraq amounted to (99) million (115) thousand and (64) barrels, while from the Kirkuk fields through Ceyhan port, the exported quantities amounted to one million and (115) thousand and (64) barrels. (448) thousand and (935) barrels.

She pointed out that "the average daily quantities amounted to (3) million and (244) thousand barrels per day, and that the average price of one barrel amounted to more than (110,090) dollars   link

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CandyKisses:  President Saleh on the eve of Ramadan: The people are waiting impatiently for the formation of a government

Saleh said in a post seen by "Nass" (April 1, 2022), that "by the blessed Ramadan, I offer my sincerest congratulations and best wishes for good and peace to prevail in our homeland and our people, which strikes the most wonderful images of compassion, generosity and steadfastness."  

He added that this month "is an occasion to overcome the political crisis in the spirit of brotherhood and patriotism, and to respond to the aspirations of our people, who are waiting impatiently to form a government that expresses their will to live a decent and free life."


Tishwash:  Zidane clarifies the penalty for violating the constitutional rule

Today, Friday, the head of the Supreme Judicial Council, Faiq Zeidan, clarified the .penalty for violating the constitutional rule

Zaidan said in a statement, which (Baghdad Today) received a copy of, that "the Iraqi political reality today is witnessing an explicit violation of a constitutional rule stipulated in Article (72 / second / b) of the constitution by determining the duration of the President of the Republic continuing to exercise his duties until after the end of the Parliament elections.

The new president and its meeting within a maximum period of thirty days from the date of the first meeting of the parliament, and the necessity of electing a new president of the republic during that time, but this did not happen due to the lack of political agreement between the parties and the ”.political forces that make up the parliament

He added, "Although the Federal Supreme Court worked hard to find a way out for this constitutional violation when it permitted the President of the Republic to continue exercising his duties until the election of a new president in accordance with the decision issued on (2/13/2022) No. (17/Federal/2022), but this jurisprudence, .although necessary to avoid the vacancy of the position

Zaidan pointed out that "the consequences of the measures that are not agreed politically, but it was not sufficient to address the continuation of violating the constitution indefinitely because of the two-thirds majority requirement stipulated in Article (70/first) of the constitution regarding the quorum of the parliament session dedicated to electing The President of the Republic

And the failure to stipulate the existence of a constitutional penalty for this violation, so we see the amendment of the constitutional text contained in Article (64/First) that the dissolution of the House of Representatives be by a decision of the Prime Minister and with the approval of the President of the Republic

Provided that it is not during the period of questioning .the Prime Minister The President of the Supreme Judicial Council indicated that "by this, a balance is achieved between the legislative and executive authorities, with the penalty for violating the constitutional rule by a decision of the legislative authority in the event of its violation by the executive authority by withdrawing confidence from it, and vice versa

The penalty shall be by a decision of the executive authority, the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic together." , indicating that "in the event of violation of the constitutional rule by the House of Representatives by dissolving the House without the condition of the House of Representatives approval of the dissolution procedures and to ensure that the executive authority does not arbitrarily impose the penalty by dissolving the House of Representatives, and for the importance of this procedure exclusively, the decision to dissolve the House of Representatives issued by the executive authority is subject to to appeal to the .Federal Supreme Court   link


Yada:  I believe that once the issue with the budget is released, the leverage the parliament members are using to get their ways will be gone. Then miraculously they will form the government because no one will be paying them any attention

Annie68:  How can the budget be opened when they have no government?

Yada:  Annie: who said they can’t? It was a Courtesy that they passed it to the new government but now, they stand to not have one after the 6th. So yes, they can.

CharlieOK:  If history means anything, there will be no govt. formed and we are back to square one with a caretaker govt. I am not so sure that this is not a good thing. In the meantime, the CBI just might revalue the currency because there is too much money to keep the currency at a program rate.

CharlieOK:  In the meantime, the $100/bl oil revenue just keeps stacking up. I don't see how the joe q. public Iraqi citizen is going to continue to sit idly by while the political sects decide who gets to partake of that money and the public gets nada

CharlieOK:  There will always be the issue of the politicians of the day in power stealing the money. That is their way of life.

Yada: CharlieOK,,,im of the mind they have all the tools in place that once they ReIssue their currency, they will shut the auctions down which will lessen the amount of corruption. Believe we will see the CBI move forward if Parliament is dissolved come the 6th

CharlieOK:  Looking forward to it Yada

Skinman:  If Parliament is dissolved, aren’t cooks like Maliki and his boys no longer protected from prosecution and are subject to arrest? I would think that they would want that safety net of being a member of parliament to keep from being arrested and jailed… So maybe they’ll decide to work with the rest of parliament and former government have it seated and be part of it and stay out of jail

Ulued:  There all ready for this in Iraq and they need it to meet their needs....there just messing around with the crooks.... Last minute crook entrapment and arrest to tidy up before ....RV

Eccle519:  The Russian ruble is now gold backed so watch what it does...the Dinar needs to do the same thing (currency reset) all this other stuff has little effect as we've found out for the past 10+ years

Eccle519:  Nothing is worth anything in this Fiat system including Rubles right now but at least Rubles, Yuan, Brazil and others are taking the right steps towards real value with gold backing. I heard Russia has more gold than China

Eccle519:  Wait till Iraq starts on selling their oil for Dinar! Many Countries are looking at using their national, sovereign currency to buy oil, that is the trend right now

RVAlready:  I think we missed the boat on rubles. From what I heard, the day they went gold backed, their value went up about 30%. Don’t know how much more action there is in the near term. Perhaps forex futures has a prediction.

BenM:  All these years later, this quote from Donald Rumsfeld perhaps states it best: "There are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns. That is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know."

9Ball:  A wise man is one that knows not and Knows that he knows not. A fool is one that knows not and Knows Not that he knows not. Confucious

Phantom809:  Top Economist Declares Globalization Is ‘Over’ Thanks to Ukraine War -- https://neonnettle.com/news/18714-top-economist-declares-globalization​-is-over-thanks-to-ukraine-war

RVAlready:  Phantom, now we need laws to prevent censorship, monitoring of communication, and tracking of citizens. We also must cancel the idea that corporations have the same rights as citizens…. This globalization stuff has gone way too far.

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Mot:  YEA!!! - YOU KNow What This Means!!!!! ~~~

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