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"Tidbits From TNT" Saturday Morning 3-12-2022


Tishwash:  Urgent| An upcoming meeting in Al-Hanana to resolve the formation of the Iraqi government

Urgent| Special for change: A delegation that includes Al-Halbousi, Al-Amri, Al-Fayyad, Ahmed Al-Asadi and Fadel Mirani will be in Al-Hanana within hours

Today, Saturday, a special source confirmed to Al-Tagheer channel that there is an upcoming meeting that brings together Muhammad Al-Halbousi, Hadi Al-Amiri, Faleh Al-Fayyad, Ahmed Al-Asadi and Fadel Mirani from the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Al-Hanana to agree on forming the government, after Muqtada Al-Sadr contacted Al-Maliki.   link

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Tishwash:  An expert reveals an Iraqi financial fund containing 3 billion dollars, which was established by Iraq half a century ago

The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, revealed the obstacles to establishing the Sovereign Fund in Iraq.

Saleh said in a press statement, "The establishment of the sovereign fund depends on setting the price of oil within the federal budget law, and the legislation of the budget law for the year 2022 depends on the date of forming the new government."

And he indicated, "The Iraqi authorities support the establishment of the sovereign fund after the increase in total revenues resulting from the sale of oil."

Saleh explained, "The provisions of Article 19 of the Financial Management Law in force in Iraq No. 6 of 2019 stipulated covering the deficit and providing the surplus for use in the budgets of the following years, including the Sovereign Fund, according to the management and investment of official reserves."

While the economist Nabil Al-Ali revealed "the existence of the External Development Fund, which was established by Iraq in the seventies of the last century, and whose assets amount to about 3 billion dollars, but this fund is absent and does not provide the state with revenues, and no one knows where its annual revenues go."

In a press statement, he stressed, "the importance of establishing an internal development fund, the management of its financing and investment is outside the powers of the government, and it enters into investment partnerships for development projects with local and international partners to implement them inside Iraq, such as energy or housing projects, transportation projects and others."

He mentions the calls of a number of political forces and economists, which escalated for the second week in a row, for the necessity of establishing an Iraqi sovereign fund similar to several countries in the region, so that the fund would seize the current financial abundance after the rise in oil prices, and manage this wealth and use it in the context of alleviating the severity of any crisis future finance link


Tishwash:  Al-Kazemi: We have performed the duty for which we were called to serve the people of Iraq

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi stressed, on Friday, March 11, 2022, the need to form a national government, that addresses the entitlements, and defends the homeland and its unity.  

 Al-Kazemi said in a tweet on Twitter: We have performed the duty for which we were called to serve the great people of Iraq.  

He added: We did not hesitate, falter, or compromise at the expense of the national interest, and we did not put our interests ahead of the interests of our people, and we were not drawn into arguments and outbidding. 

He continued: We have reached the homeland for free and fair elections and patiently laid the foundations for overcoming major economic, security and social crises despite internal obstacles and external challenges. We have silenced terrorism, its cells and its tails, with the determination to nullify our military, security and intelligence forces. 

He stressed that the national forces, parties and personalities that emerged from the democratic electoral process bear the responsibility today to protect the national track by ending political blockages and forming a government that addresses the entitlements, preserves the country and defends its unity and capabilities, and we bless all efforts on this path. link


Tishwash:  Al-Qaisi and Al-Araji discuss the importance of maximizing Iraq's role at the international level

Member of Parliament Mahmoud Hussein al-Qaisi discussed with National Security Adviser Qassem al-Araji the importance of maximizing Iraq's role at the international level.

Al-Qaisi said, according to a statement by his media office, received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA) today, Friday: that he "discussed with National Security Adviser Qassem Al-Araji the latest security and political developments that Iraq is going through, emphasizing Iraq's strength and role in the region, and the importance of restoring its Arab, regional and international reputation, from Through representing the popular will and achieving a national vision on which Iraqis of all sects and orientations are unanimous.”  link


Yada: Im surprised. after much change in the last 4 months, that many would still cling to the old adages that the US still has say in the progress of the new government. It is clear that the characters in Iraq's government are playing the constitutional game of ebb and flow to get what they want. Especially with them released from chap vii. This end game is playing out and the kraken is about to be released

CharlieOK: Yada The point is not that the US has a say in Iraqi govt. The point is that the US has a say in when the rv/gcr will happen. Tony has repeated this point numerous times. When the applicable ptb decide it is time to go; it will be miraculous that Iraq's crazy, insane way of running a govt. will finally settle into place.

Yada: I don't know about that any more Charlie. The main reason why the IMF or UN do not tell Iraq to ReIssue their currency is they are not considered sovereign. Even the US has to step back or risk fanning the flames of discontent, again, with our presence in their affairs'.It was like that previously but even the US Treasury and banks are awaiting the release of the dinar after their new president is voted in.

CharlieOK: The IMF is controlled by the US. The IMF has told Iraq to get with it and form your govt. If they continue as they are, there will be no rv, gcr or whatever. Noone is forcing Iraq to form their govt. They have to do that themselves…. Of course, what I just said is true only if you believe it is all about Iraq. Today's call is as good of evidence as I have heard in a long while why it is so ludicrous to believe the whole world is waiting on a country as backward and corrupt as Iraq. I know, I get it, all of them are corrupt. But Einstein couldn't figure out how to get something done in a govt. like Iraq.

Yada: LOL, if they are as backward as that, the rest of the world is sitting at their doors while they play politics. I call that clever movement by Iraq. They are not as stupid as many think.

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Mot: ... I Sure Hope ~~~~

Mot: -- The Full Guide fer Ya! ~~~

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