Dinar Recaps

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"Tidbits From TNT" Saturday Morning 12-24-2022


Tishwash:  Al-Rafidain invites citizens to issue a Master Card to sell dollar currency (12/24)

Rafidain Bank called, on Saturday, for citizens to issue Master Card cards from the bank to benefit from the sale of dollar currency to them

 And the media office of the bank stated in a statement received by {Euphrates News}, “Citizens who do not have accounts in Al-Rafidain Bank or who are not citizens of their salaries in the bank and who wish to travel outside Iraq can review one of the two branches of the bank to open bank accounts and obtain an amount not exceeding (10) Thousands of dollars from one of the two branches of our bank after depositing the amount of Iraqi dinars corresponding to the dollar at an exchange rate of (1465) dinars to the dollar. 

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The statement called on "citizens to visit the Palestine Street branch (al-Rusafa side) and the Arab neighborhood branch (al-Karkh side) in Mansour for the purpose of opening an account and issuing a MasterCard card immediately. And to present the following documents, which are the civil status identity or the unified national card, passport, housing card, and an active mobile phone number For the purpose of meeting their requests, indicating that the bank will open its doors on Saturday and Sunday corresponding to 24 - and - 12/25/2022. 

While "other branches will be opened in Baghdad and the provinces, respectively."  link

RVAlready:  Thanks Tish. I think this is a major step to the RV. Iraqi banks selling international currencies on Mastercards today….Expecting RV the first of the year

JSL:  rvalready wouldn't that finally be great, I seen you in here all these years and it sure would be good to see this finally come to a conclusion

Annie68:  I wonder what that "new" rate is on these cards is? Supposed to be a new rate?

RVAlready:  No new rate yet as far as I know….New rate the first of the year

JSL:  Lets Do it! New rate for a new day….New Year too


Tishwash:  Sudanese advisor: Selling dollars in banks is a practical approach to achieving stability in the exchange market

Today, Saturday, the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed that the application of the mechanism for selling dollars in banks constitutes a correct practical approach to achieving stability in the exchange market, pointing out that the monetary policy of the Central Bank continues to provide options as well to achieve this goal .

Saleh said, to the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that "the procedures introduced in providing wide and multiple official outlets for displaying dollar cash through the government banking system, with an increase in the allocation for one traveler to 5 thousand instead of 3 thousand dollars, up to 10 thousand dollars, represent a correct option to achieve stability." in the exchange market .”

He added, “In addition to this, strengthening credit cards by raising the exchange rate of the dinar when paying through them with an increase in withdrawal ceilings in them, and it constitutes a correct move as well in one of the applications of direct positive intervention in the exchange market on the part of the monetary authority, to generate actual competition between currency sellers in the market.” The secondary exchange rate to be stable within the range of the central exchange rate of the dinar . 

He added, "The procedures followed provide the cash dollar through available, fair and equal opportunities for the beneficiaries, and make it available directly to the groups that need it for the purposes of travel and treatment outside the country ." 

And he pointed out that “this trend in the policies of intervention in the exchange market is a positive expansion in transforming the dollar cash market into a flexible market that enjoys a high degree of competitiveness, governance and discipline at the same time,” noting that “the monetary policy of the Central Bank of Iraq and within the duties of its intervention in the exchange market By providing an adequate and appropriate supply of foreign currency, it is noted that it is a constant and continuous policy in providing other additional options in providing foreign currency supply, which will contribute continuously to the stability of the exchange market .”

He pointed out that “this expansion ensures at the same time maintaining the stability of the general level of prices, which is the lofty goal of monetary policy in the country .”

Al-Rafidain, Al-Rasheed and Al-Sanaei banks announced that non-national citizens would include their salaries on the bank and those wishing to travel outside Iraq by buying dollar currency.  link


CandyKisses:  Gold prices in local markets

Baghdad - Mawazine News
Gold prices fell, on Saturday, in the local markets in the capital, Baghdad.

Selling prices were recorded One 21-carat weight of Gulf, Turkish and European gold is 382 thousand dinars, and the price of Buying 378 thousand dinars, while the selling prices for Thursday were 384 thousand dinars per weight Per.

The sale price of one 21-carat Iraqi gold also recorded a decrease at 352 thousand dinars, and the purchase price was 348 thousand.

With regard to gold prices in goldsmiths' shops, the sale price of the Gulf gold weight 21 carat ranges between 380 thousand dinars and 390 thousand, while the selling price ranged gold weight Iraqi between 350 thousand and 360 thousand dinars.  


CandyKisses:  The popular movement: accuses the US ambassador of interfering in the Iraqi issue to disrupt the Chinese agreement

Information / Baghdad..  

A member of the popular movement for the Belt and Road, Hussein Ali Al-Karawi, accused, on Saturday, the US ambassador in Baghdad, Elena Romanowski, of working to disrupt the Sino-Iraqi agreement by all means, indicating that Romanowski's moves are considered blatant interference in our internal affairs.  

Al-Karawi said, in an interview with Al-Maalouma Agency, that "the American ambassador in Baghdad is touring some official officials to implement America's malicious agenda," stressing that "the American persistence constitutes a blatant interference in the Iraqi sovereign affairs." 

He added, "This interference has become visible to all, and it is obstructing the implementation of the Chinese agreement and working to inflame the street against the Sudanese government."  

He pointed out that "the US ambassador to Baghdad is violating diplomatic norms by violating the sovereignty of Iraq and working to disrupt agreements with China, especially the Belt and Road."   

Today, Saturday, the representative of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Rafik al-Salhi, accused the US ambassador of continuing to violate Iraq's sovereignty and working to implement her country's agenda in Iraq, calling on the new government to keep it away from interfering with decisions that concern the Iraqi interior.

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Mot: ... can You guess ALL he wanted Santa To Bring!! ~~~

Mot ..... Trust me! - I Knows!!! ~~~

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