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"Tidbits From TNT" Monday Morning 6-5-2023


Tishwash:  Parliamentary Finance: The legislative term will not be suspended without passing the budget

The Parliamentary Finance Committee denied Parliament's intention to announce the legislative recess before the completion of the budget law.

Committee member Iman Abdel-Razzaq said, in a statement reported by "Al-Sabah", which was seen by Al-Maaloumah, "The legislative term will remain open until the budget is approved, as the parliament is not obliged to take its vacation after the ninth of this month, but rather waits until the budget is approved."

She added that "there are no initiatives or agreements regarding the budget," expressing her regret for this situation, as the entire people are waiting for passage.

"The  legislative term has been extended in order to approve the budget law, since the interests of the people in terms of investments or appointments are all suspended until the law is passed," she added   link

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Tishwash:  This evening.. the frame holds a crucial meeting before voting on the budget

The leader in the coordination framework, Turki Al-Atbi, revealed that an important meeting will be held this evening, Monday, to push the 2023 budget to the House of Representatives.

Al-Atbi said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, "An important meeting will be held this evening in Baghdad, in the presence of representatives of the coordination framework forces, to discuss crystallizing a decisive position with the dilemmas that impede the completion of the discussion of the 2023 budget by the Parliamentary Finance Committee, in preparation for presenting it to the House of Representatives."

He added, "There is a principled consensus to support the speedy resolution of all problems in an objective and fair manner for all parties, in order for the budget to be ready for voting at the end of this week."

He pointed out that "80% of the problems facing the 2023 budget have been resolved in the past days, and that the political agreement that paves the way for its presentation is just around the corner at the present time, according to the information."

The KDP's objection to the Parliamentary Finance Committee's amendments to the 2023 budget caused a delay in voting on it last week.    link


Tishwash:  Baghdad sends 400 billion new dinars to Kurdistan

 Today, Monday, the representative of the Kurdistan Regional Government in Baghdad, Fares Issa, confirmed that if the budget is not approved in the coming days, Baghdad will send 400 billion new dinars to the region.

Issa told (Baghdad Today) that "the Kurdistan Regional Government has not yet released the salaries for the month of May for employees, due to the lack of sufficient financial liquidity, as a result of stopping oil exports and not approving the budget."

He added, "In the event of a delay in approving the budget, the federal government will send in the coming days an amount of 400 billion dinars as a loan that will be deducted from the region's share, so that the Kurdistan government can pay the salaries of its employees."

The Kurdistan region is witnessing a severe financial crisis that caused its inability to pay the salaries of employees after the decision to stop oil exports from the region to Turkey, which came after the Federal Ministry of Oil won a lawsuit in international courts.  link


Tishwash:  The Central Bank of Iraq is looking forward to building a partnership with the German "GIZ" and announces advanced stage

he Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alaq, affirmed, on Monday, the bank's aspiration to build a partnership with the German Institute for International Cooperation (GIZ), indicating that it has reached advanced stages in building a national strategy for lending.

This came during a speech by Al-Alaq at a conference held by the German Foundation for International Cooperation regarding the needs and priorities of actual financing for small and medium enterprises in Iraq, and was attended by the Shafaq News Agency correspondent.

GIZ is now one of the largest development agencies in the world and was established on January 1, 2011, through the merger of three German international development organisations.

Al-Alaq said, "The German Foundation for International Cooperation, which is today one of the largest institutions in the world and operates on the basis of a model that aims to achieve a balance between economic development, social integration and environmental protection," explaining that "this comes from the role of the Central Bank of Iraq in achieving economic stability." Contributing to growth, prosperity and job creation through unconventional monetary policy, which is one of the policies pursued by some central banks in the world in order to drive economic growth.

He added that "the initiatives of the Central Bank of Iraq, which are distributed between the initiative to develop small and medium projects, housing loans, renewable energy and other economic projects in the field of agriculture, industry and services, which total more than 12 billion dollars, constituted 30% of the total credit in the private sector and for the purpose of strengthening this Direction The Central Bank is building a national strategy for lending, which has reached advanced stages in terms of design and is expected to be announced in early 2024.

He continued, "This strategy aims to facilitate bank borrowing in all its forms in light of diagnosing weaknesses and challenges as well as opportunities and strengths available," stressing "the continuation of supporting small and medium enterprises, which are the backbone of economic projects, revitalizing the private sector, and reducing unemployment and poverty."

Al-Alaq said, "Our experience through the Small and Medium Enterprises Financing Initiative over the past years has shown that funding alone is not sufficient, but it is necessary to strengthen sectors, skills and training, and create a suitable environment for launching projects. This is what we are seeing from international organizations that have long experience in this field, including the German Cooperation Foundation." ".

And the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq added, "We launched during the past days the Al-Riyadah Bank project and we are working to achieve it through Iraqi banks, which will be a starting point for financing small and medium projects."  link

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Mot:  ... Geeeeshshshshshshhhhhhhhhh!!! Do this Monday thing

Mot:  . oooooooooooh - How I Can Relate!!!! ~~~ customer service menu…ugh

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