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"Tidbits From TNT" Monday AM 6-13-2022


Tishwash:  The Iranian Central Bank Issues A New Decision On The Introduction Of Currency On The Exchange Market

A member of the Supreme Council of the Iranian Money Exchange announced that the Central Bank has published a circular stating that exchange offices can purchase foreign currency from exporters at a compromise price.

Kamran Soltanizadeh said in a statement to the media website of the Central Bank and local banks, that the new decision allows exporters to sell foreign currency that comes from the export process without specific pricing and restrictions, and on the basis of a price that is compatible with the money changers.

I consider that the new decision will urge exporters to sell foreign exchange in their possession, which they were waiting to sell, waiting for them to reform the bank pricing, by putting it in the exchange offices, and that the central bank will benefit from the real market resources without using its hard currency resources.  link

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BaldingEagle: "Head's UP" (if no one has posted hereon as yet): Next Sunday is June 19th and, accordingly, this year's Juneteenth Federal Holiday Official Observance will be on Monday, June 20th. (no USPS mail, some banks closed, etc.)  NOTE: Juneteenth is the newest Federal Holiday - Juneteenth is always on June 19th but if on a Sunday, then on the succeding Monday it is Observed. (If on a Saturday [such as last year] it is Officially Observed on a Friday.) Last year it was, of cousre, Obsedrved on Friday, June 18th.

BaldingEagle:  June 14, 2022; USA Flag Day (June 14, 1777 - The Official USA Flag was adopted). Sunday, June 19, 2022: Father's Day and Juneteenth Freedom Day. Monday, June 20, 2022: Juneteenth will Be Officially Observed As A Federal Holiday for the second time. (no USPS mail, some banks closed, etc.) 'perhaps' no TNT call on the 20th OR, most ideally, the RV will have occurred!)

Yada:  Reading the various articles regarding the resignations of the Sadrist block. Smart move. Read this part of one of the articles.   The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, instructed, on Sunday, June 12, 2022, the deputies of his political bloc, consisting of 73 deputies, to submit their resignations to the Speaker of Parliament, while legal expert Ali Al-Tamimi explained the mechanism of resignation within the House of Representatives, indicating that .Parliament is in a legislative recess and the resignations will remain suspended

Yada: I’m still thinking parliament will be dissolved forcing them to have new elections much later. PM and President remain in place until then

Yada:  All this is like making clean dish water to wash dishes and once the dishes are cleaned, we have dirty water left. Parliament is now more dirty and good for nothing so time to draw more water.

Bhisham:  cool metaphor. yada! draw more water and wash it down!

Yada::  OK folks. Just read an comment regarding the purpose of the resignations and it is as I thought. "The resignation of the largest bloc puts Kahdimi and Saleh in office for an additional two years. From the looks of it, it will dissolve parliament. That move takes away the immunity for those that have committed corruption against the state..

Yada: Maliki loses his immunity,,,,,,,this is now an extension of the same government we had the past 2 years, meaning they are able to conduct business, Especially the answer to the $64,000 question,,,"Passing of the whole budget". The article says the the replacements come in but, forcing the hand of new elections. Still expect the FSL will be seen in the next few moments

NetGlobal:  Well I hope Maliki and his corrupt partners lose immunity. I hope parliament is dissolved and Kazimi and Salah remain in office. I hope Kazimi and Salah can pass the budget and we finally get our reward. This would be the best outcome.

Yada: Im of the mind that the FSL was a precursor for the rate to be released. That is all we want. They can do the remaining budget after we've exchanged. Yes, I will be looking to see how Maliki fares but not focus on it.

GraceRenewed:  Could we just rv? That would just be the bomb diggity for everyone!  I think it would make the entire country of Iraq super happy. And we would also benefit. Win win


CandyKisses: Mashaan al-Jubouri: Parliament will dissolve itself and early elections next year

Baghdad - Nas  

Excluded MP Mashaan al-Jubouri on Monday predicted the dissolution of parliament and the survival of prime minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi's government on the back of the resignation of Sadrist deputies from parliament.   

"Al-Kadhimi and his government will remain, dissolve the parliament itself and go to early elections next year," al-Jubouri said in a blog post by Nas( June 13, 2022).  

On Sunday, Speaker of the House of Representatives Mohammed al-Halbousi signed the mass resignations of the Sadrist bloc.  

The bloc's president, Hassan al-Azari, submitted a request for the mass resignation of his bloc, in response to the call of Sadrist leader Moqtada Sadri.   

According to a video obtained by Nas (June 12, 2022), Speaker of the House of Representatives Mohammed al-Halbousi is seen signing the resignations of the Sadrist bloc in the presence of the bloc's president Hassan al-Azari.   

Sadr's leader, Moqtada al-Sadr, on Sunday directed the resignations of members of the Sadrist bloc to parliament speaker Mohammed al-Halbousi.  

"The head of the Sadrist bloc, Hassan al-Azari, must submit the resignations of the sisters and brothers in the Sadrist bloc to the speaker of the House of Representatives," Sadr said in a statement.   

"This step is a sacrifice from me for the people and the country to rid them of the unknown destiny," he said, thanking Jaafar al-Sadr, who was our candidate for prime minister.   


Tishwash:  After the resignation of al-Sadr's deputies, Iraq enters a "political maze" (6/13)

A state of ambiguity and absence of vision in the political process in Iraq, after the resignation of the Sadrist movement’s representatives from Parliament, in a sudden decision, taken by al-Sadr, at a time when the “coordinating framework” began conducting internal discussions to follow up on the repercussions of that step.

 On Sunday, al-Sadr directed the resignation of members of the Sadrist bloc to Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi , after the failure to form a "majority government" despite the passage of eight months of parliamentary elections, considering it a "sacrifice for the sake of the homeland."

Al-Sadr said, in a handwritten statement, that "the head of the Sadrist bloc , Hassan al-Adhari, should submit the resignations of the sisters and brothers in the Sadrist bloc to the Speaker of Parliament," thanking "for what they offered in this short period," as well as "to our allies in The Alliance to Save the Homeland because of their patriotism and steadfastness, and they are now free from me.”

This resignation means the end of the "Save the Homeland" alliance, which was formed by Sadr's alliance with Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi and Kurdistan Democratic Party head Massoud Barzani.

A popular opposition

The opinions of Iraqi analysts differed about this step and its repercussions on the political process, and whether it would be in the interest of stabilizing the political situation or would it deepen the crises in Iraq, especially since Sadr's decisions are not fixed, which adds to popular and political anxiety.

During the past months, the "coordinating framework" forces sought to form a consensus government, with the participation of al-Sadr, as these forces fear the scenario of al-Sadr's going to the political opposition, because of the danger that this means to the next government and the possibility of overthrowing it in a short period.

But al-Sadr went to an option beyond the political opposition, which is the "popular opposition", as he will resort to the street to achieve his goal, which will always be a concern for the political forces that will form the next government, in light of the experience of 2016, when al-Sadr's supporters stormed the Green Zone and the building Parliament, before al-Sadr asked them to withdraw quickly.

In turn, the political analyst, Imad Muhammad, believes that "the movement's move to switch to the popular opposition camp, with a huge public balance, will be taken into consideration by the framework coalition, which will never proceed with the formation of the government, in anticipation of the violent reaction of the street, in anticipation of the international situation and the nature of its dealings with the government." abandoned by the biggest winners.

Muhammad added, in a statement to "Sky News Arabia", that "Al-Sadr in the street is stronger than Parliament and the government, and this time the Tishreen parties will be with them, but this may spark widespread protests, and they will be more violent and broader, and perhaps it will end the chaos of the political process, in the hope of creating a process. Iraqi politics without foreign dictates.

That resignation raised the balance of the other political blocs of representatives, due to the election law, which stipulates that the candidate with the highest votes will replace the resigned deputy in the same constituency, which will raise the representatives of several alliances to higher numbers, such as the State of Law coalition, led by Nuri al-Maliki, who It will get about 10 seats, while the Al-Fateh coalition led by Hadi Al-Amiri will get about 15 seats, in addition to the independent representatives, which will completely change the balance of power.

A tendency to dissolve Parliament

Iraqi circles believe that if the next government is formed without the Sadrist movement, it will be extremely fragile, threatened by the Sadrists' ability to mobilize the masses and their repertoire of the accumulated protest experience.

For his part, the expert in Iraqi affairs, Ghazi Faisal, believes that "Al-Sadr's step came to set up the coordination framework organizations in order to confront the truth and the major responsibilities before the Iraqi people, after the practice of thwarting democratic mechanisms, and suspending the constitution, through the boycott and through what was called ( The blocking third), which put the political process, the parliament, and the constitution in front of major challenges, and a complete disruption of all its capabilities and those of the government, for eight months.

Faisal added, in a statement to "Sky News Arabia", that "the big question today is whether the representatives of the Kurdistan Democratic Party will also resign? As well as the representatives of the Sovereignty Alliance, and therefore through these resignations the dissolution of the House of Representatives will be announced, or will sovereignty and democracy go, By submitting a draft resolution to dissolve Parliament, and to go towards other early elections,” noting that “there are many questions unanswered, pending the outcome of the decisions and policies of other parties in the House of Representatives.”

The Iraqi constitution stipulates the mechanism of dissolving parliament, which is that the parliament is dissolved by an absolute majority of its members with two options; The first is at the request of one-third of its members, and the other is at the request of the Prime Minister and with the approval of the President of the Republic.   link

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Mot: . Now This I Agree - 1000% fer Sure! ~~~

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