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"Tidbits From TNT" Monday 7-17-2023


Tishwash:  Parliament describes the government's move to barter Iranian gas as "smart"

The Parliamentary Planning Committee described, on Monday, the Sudanese government's move to take action to solve the electricity crisis for the stations that supply Iranian gas by bartering black oil for the right and smart ones.

The deputy head of the committee, Muhammad Al-Baldawi, said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, that "the government discussed many solutions in order to solve the problems of Iranian gas and the US sanctions that prevent Iraq from sending amounts of imported gas to operate electrical stations," noting that "the step of exchanging gas for black oil is correct." And smart.”

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Al-Baldawi added, "The malicious voices rejecting the barter agreement with Iran under the pretext of wasting money, previously refused to import gas from other countries and worked to support the energy sector remaining dependent on the hands of the Americans."

He pointed out, "The Sudanese government's step to take action to solve the electricity crisis for the stations that supply Iranian gas in exchange for black oil is a correct and smart step that was carefully studied."

He pointed out that "the Iranian-Iraqi agreement achieved two things, the first is the continued supply of Iranian gas without interruption, and the second is the exploitation of black oil after it was smuggled and sold at low prices to the Gulf countries."   link


Tishwash:  Political movement: Washington imposes a blockade on Iraq in the energy file

On Monday, the Secretary-General of the Jihad and Building Movement, Jawad Al-Saadi, denounced America's attempts to create problems between the government and the people, pointing out that Washington imposes a siege on the country in the energy file and does not allow the entry of companies other than its failed companies to work on electricity projects. 

Al-Saadi told Al-Maalouma, "America does not have the ingredients that can improve the electricity situation in Iraq, and the General Electric Company has become very unsuccessful, at a time when Iraq is going through a major crisis that needs the presence of solid companies to save the energy file." 

He added, "The US administration is exercising a policy of pressure on Iraq by controlling the electricity file and not allowing contracts with the German company Siemens or other international or Chinese companies in this sector." 

And he indicated that "Washington worked to exert maximum pressure against Iraq, so that it did not allow the entry of discreet companies to revive the electricity file and did not give Iraq an opportunity to buy Iranian gas."  link


CandyKisses:  :  Iraq to open new travel routes with two countries

Baghdad - NAS  

The Ministry of Transport and the Civil Aviation Authority announced that the coming period will witness flights to Germany, Malaysia and China, with efforts to open another route to Morocco.      

Ministry spokeswoman Shatha Radi said in a statement to the official newspaper of "NAS" on Monday (July 17, 2023), that "the ministry is working to develop the work of the national carrier, by adhering to flight schedules and providing the best services and amenities to passengers on board the green bird, especially after receiving the modern aircraft contracted with Boeing, the latest of which is (The Dream Plane)."  

In the same context, she revealed "the company's intention to open a line towards Malaysia, in addition to reactivating the China line in coordination with the International Civil Aviation Organization, noting that the selection of destinations to which the green bird will travel depends on the measure of economic feasibility exclusively.  

Radi indicated that the airlines have technical teams specialized in aircraft maintenance, and in the event that they need maintenance in coordination with the manufacturers, they are contracted directly.  

"It will soon receive engines for one of the parked planes to be installed and operate the aircraft after obtaining the operating certificate," it said.  

In the same regard, PA spokesman Jihad al-Diwan said that "the authority is working to complete all technical steps leading to activating air agreements with European countries and restoring mutual cooperation in the fields of air services, while restarting direct flights with Iraq."  

He pointed to "the existence of high coordination and mutual desires between Iraq and European countries, for such steps to open new air routes in the coming period."  

He added that "the first phase of activating these agreements includes the re-operation of direct flights between Baghdad and Berlin in the coming months, and through coordination and continuous talks with the German side to enhance air cooperation between the two countries," revealing "the authority's efforts to activate the air transport agreement with the Moroccan aviation authority concluded since 2019, in preparation for the conduct of flights between the two countries."  


CandyKisses:  It's been long awaited. The oil and gas law is about to be passed by consensus between Baghdad and Erbil


The KRG's lack of commitment to oil exports and the quantities specified for export abroad, as well as the loss of revenues and the lack of knowledge of the real figures, prompted Baghdad in the past period to hold a meeting with Erbil in order to agree on Certain mechanisms to ensure that oil is not smuggled and that real revenues reach the capital.

The consolidation of this agreement comes through the continuation of the legislation of the oil and gas law in order to oblige the region to its paragraphs and punish it in the event of a violation or export in violation of the law, which is expected to see the light during the next short period.

A member of the Oil and Gas Committee, Sabah Sobhi, told Al-Maalouma, "The draft oil and gas law is still with the government due to the outstanding political differences regarding the law, as it needs political consensus between all parties without exception."

Sobhi added, "There is an effort to create a suitable environment to solve some of the accumulated problems to proceed with the legislation of the law during the current parliamentary session."

He pointed to "the continuation of work to solve problems with the law and put it on the parliament table for the purpose of discussion."  

Representative Alaa Al-Haidari from the same committee confirms, during his interview with Al-Maalouma, that "the government program, and according to what was agreed upon by the State Administration Coalition, the oil and gas law will be legislated soon."

Al-Haidari added, "The legislation of such a law is an urgent necessity, as it regulates the method of extracting oil and minerals throughout Iraq, including the Kurdistan region, as well as regulating oil revenues."

He continued, "This project is of economic importance and is bound to deliver oil revenues through the Federal Oil Marketing Company, as well as knowing the quantities exported, especially since there is an agreement between Baghdad and Erbil to legislate the law, and therefore the House of Representatives will work to legislate it during the next stage."

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Mot: ..... Bet He Now Uses ""Da Code"" 

Mot:  siiiggghhh - Yet Another Sleepless Night Trying to Figure This un Out!!!

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