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"Tidbits From TNT" Monday 1-29-2024


Tishwash:  A Sudanese meeting recommends structuring government companies and reforming them financially and economically

A meeting held by Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, on Sunday, came out with decisions to carry out comprehensive reforms to government companies and structure them to strengthen the Iraqi economy.

The Sudanese media office stated in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, that the latter chaired the second meeting to follow up on the process of structuring and organizing government companies.

At the beginning of the meeting, Al-Sudani pointed out the importance of this process and the role it represents in the essence of economic reform, subjecting companies to correct economic foundations and standards, stressing that this step lies at the core of the strategic goal of increasing the contribution of non-oil revenues to national output and income.

The meeting came up with a number of decisions that included general principles for proceeding with the financial and economic reform and structuring of companies, in a way that strengthens the national economy and its stability. link

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Tishwash:  Parliamentary Oil: Kurdish obstacles prevent the resolution of the “Oil and Gas” law

Kazem Al-Touki, a member of the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee, confirmed on Monday that the Kurds have placed obstacles to resolving and ending the oil and gas law and handing it over to Parliament for reading and voting on it.

Al-Touki told Al-Maalouma, “Members of the Oil and Gas Committee communicated and moved towards the political parties and heads of blocs in order to end the problems of the Oil and Gas Law and ensure its passage in Parliament.”

He added, "Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani continues to move to end the aforementioned law, and to reach a consensus formula agreed upon by everyone in order to resolve the law and vote on it, especially since the government program focused on this file."

He stated that "the Kurds do not have the seriousness to resolve the oil and gas law, and obstacles have been placed in front of this law, which now needs political consensus before it is sent to the House of Representatives for the purpose of reading and voting on it."  link


Tishwash: Communications discusses the implementation of issuing biometric identity to employees of government departments

Minister of Communications, Hiyam Al-Yasiri, chaired the meeting of the executive team to issue biometric identification for employees of government departments, in the presence of a number of officials in ministries and government institutions.

The Ministry stated in a statement: “The meeting included a discussion of the possible steps and the next stages that will be finally approved, in order to prepare the approved standards for implementation. The material and technical capabilities available to the government agencies charged with issuing the identity to be a government identifier were also discussed.”

It is noteworthy that the project is currently in the process of completing the organizational and administrative procedures and submitting the recommendations proposed by the executive team to be presented to higher authorities for approval.   link


CandyKisses:  Resources: 27 projects to be initiated in 2024

Economy News _ Baghdad

The Ministry of Water Resources has started 16 projects for the current year, revealing that it has completed 11 other projects last year.

Minister Aoun Diab Abdullah said in an interview with "Al-Sabah" followed by "Economy News", that the ministry owns within the government program, 27 projects, 11 of which were completed during the past year, while the competent technical and engineering staff began implementing the remaining 16 at the beginning of this year, which he noted that some of them achieved varying completion rates in previous times before stopping for several reasons.

He pointed out that the 11 projects completed during the past year are reclamation operations for each of the lands of Suwaihiyah in Muthanna, a section of Hor Najm, part of the lands of the Shafi'i Diwaniya, part of the lands of Bani Hassan, ten thousand dunums in Husseiniya, and part of the lands of Ramadi, in addition to the rehabilitation of part of the first phase of the northern island irrigation project, in addition to the establishment of Nazim Sadr Al-Shatra in the district of Shatrah, with the preparation of electrical and mechanical equipment to install a pumping station in Hor Najm, in addition to the completion of From the northern part of the water channel to the Shatt al-Arab.

Regarding the 16 projects that began work at the beginning of 2024, Abdullah explained that they include the reclamation of 20,000 dunums as a fourth phase in the Saad River project and will be completed by the end of 2024,

In addition to the reclamation of 15,000 dunums, in addition to 20,000 dunums in the Saad River, which has already completed 86% of its work, in addition to the reclamation of seven thousand dunums of Husseiniya lands and will be completed during the next month, in addition to large numbers of projects in Dhi Qar Governorate with an area of 14,200. Dunums, as well as the start of the critical area works for the Basra water project, and the reclamation of 36,000 dunums for the (Diwaniyah-Shafi'i) project, 77 percent of which was previously completed, while it will be completely completed during the current year.

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Mot:  and Yet Another ""Marital Tip"" frum ole Mot!!!

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