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"Tidbits From TNT" Friday Morning 12-4-2020


Red:  Now who do this make since to ? Not Me... “WE are trying to get the RV out and done; real people including all key peoples are working real hard right now to get it out.”   I ask how hard is it to push the BUTTON or say GO!

JudiBlueEyes:  Yes Red they act like they don't understand how crucial this all is to so many countries and people suffering. It has to be at warped speed by now jimho

Alf:  they are making committees to figure out who's supposed to push that button!

Oregonsooner:  If we think the delays to the RV affect us, think about the Iraqi's that have been waiting months for their paychecks.

JudiBlueEyes:  I met a man that works at my Walgreens from Iraq he told me so much about the country. They used to have free University for all and street lined with gold before he left to come to the US. He said it once was a great place to be in the world. But that was then, very different now and fortunately he is here in America and very happy

DTyler:  Remember Iraq was the "Fertile Crescent" The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, The Book of Daniel in the Old Testament.........Iraq (Mesopotamia) one of the seven wonders of the World. They are still very wealthy, hence this crazy venture we are on.

Alf:  Iraq the cradle of civilization if I'm correct.

RVAlready:  They still have the oil, if they can restart agriculture, mining, manufacturing, tech, and education, they can come back.

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AJTexas:  A Bank Story

Today was a great day! I have a feeling something good is about to happen! I went to Chase Private Bank to pick up some currency.

I first stopped and used the ATM located near the Private Client Manager's office. As I was collecting my cash, the Manager comes out said hi AJ. I've known her for about five years. Whenever I go to the bank and she's available I always stop and have small conversations.

She knows for sure I have some currency. But she has never asked me how many different currencies I have, until today! So, I told her. She then gives me a big smile.

She asked me how is Iraq doing? I said based on the news as of today, it looks great. She Then repeats what I said shaking her head up and down still smiling while she walked back to her office and said see you soon!

I said to myself, something is about to occur! She's never done that before. I always approached her to ask her a question in the past. I believe she was giving me a signal!

By the way, she recognized me with my mask on when I stood at the ATM! I feel there was a reason why she came out to say hello! Time Will Tell!


Harambe:  Reuters: Oil prices rise as producers agree on supply compromise ... Brent Crude to $49.65 https://www.reuters.com/article/global-oil-int-idUSKBN28E05G


Tishwash:  Al-Rafidain Bank announced, Friday (December 4, 2020), the disbursement of financial dues to owners of private outlets offices.

 The bank’s media office said, in a statement received by  IQ NEWS , that "the bank has started disbursing financial dues to outlet owners in its spread out branches."

He added, "Many of the outlet owners and after their cash ran out, as a result of the employees and other segments' desire to withdraw their salaries, they came to some
of our branches to receive their money and continue to provide financial services to employees, citizens and retirees      link


Tishwash:  Adham Barzani comments on the events in Sulaimaniyah: the situation can not bear more

The former head of the Kurdish Democratic Party's (KDP) leadership council in Sulaimaniyah and Halabja, Adham Barzani, warned of the current situation in Kurdistan province, referring to the events that accompanied the angry protests in Sulaimaniyah.

"According to all the analysis, the Kurdistan region is in a very sensitive situation, and it cannot afford to leave any more without a solution," Barzani said in a letter.

"The facts should be properly tracked and the people should be dealt with clearly," he said.

On Thursday, security forces dispersed protests by firing tear gas and throwing water cannons at demonstrators in central Sulaimaniyah.

"The security forces prevented employees and angry people from demonstrating near Al-Saray Square in central Sulaimaniyah to denounce the delay in the payment of salaries and deduct a percentage of them, and to demand an end to the financial and administrative corruption that is rampant in government departments and institutions, and to improve the deteriorating living situation," said a reporter for Shafq News.

They confronted the protesters with tear gas and succeeded in dispersing their crowds, spreading heavily around the square and surrounding markets.

Thousands of teachers, teachers and staff demonstrated in Sulaimaniyah, Kurdistan province, on Wednesday to protest against the delay in salaries and poor living conditions.

The Kurdistan regional government yesterday began spending salaries late as a result of the federal government's delay in Baghdad by sending the funds allocated to the province within the country's general budget.

Arbil and Baghdad are under pressure under the worst economic crisis in Iraq since 2003, so far, as oil prices have dropped and the coronavirus has spread. link

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MxDivine:  15 Things To Do If You Get Rich All of a Sudden


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