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"Tidbits From TNT" Friday 6-23-2023


Harambe:  Vietnam considered rising star to become emerging market | Vietnam+ (6/22/23)

A recent article posted on , a news website based in the UK, has pointed out the frequent hope that Vietnam will be upgraded from its frontier-market status to the  status.

Many years of consistently high  have been due to a highly attractive combination of political stability with sound pro-market execution from the government which has managed to slash poverty from 17% to less than 5% in a decade, the article wrote.

“Perhaps the best-known growth driver for Vietnam is its step-change in  (FDI), benefiting from an increase in exports due to what is widely known as China Plus One,” it said.

The country continued to sign more than a dozen key trade agreements during the pandemic-triggered lockdown. These partnerships will make it easier for companies to do business in Vietnam, positioning itself ever more as a manufacturing expert with ease of access to broad, international markets and benefitting from 3,000 kilometres of coastline and the close connections to China.

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According to the writing, Vietnam is now moving more towards manufacturing higher-value products, more in electronics rather than textiles.

One of Vietnam’s most critical FDI sources is Samsung Electronics. The technology giant employs tens of thousands of people in Vietnam and is the largest investor in the country, with 50% of its handsets being produced there.

There is frequent hope that Vietnam will be upgraded from its current, off-benchmark,  status to emerging market status by MSCI. The Vietnam stock market overall now meets the size and liquidity requirements to be included, with a four-fold surge in retail participation during the past 2 - 3 years, driven by digital account technology, the article added.



CandyKisses:  Parliamentary Finance reveals the date of financing ministries with the amounts of the budget due for the past months

Today, Thursday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee set the date for the start of funding ministries budget amounts due for the past months, while indicating the trend to adopt an electronic system to complete the procedures of the final accounts.

Committee member Mustafa al-Karawi told the official agency that "the instructions for implementing the budget will be issued after Eid al-Adha, as the Prime Ministry and the Ministry of Finance prepared the draft of the instructions that may need amendments after adding articles to the budget by the House of Representatives," pointing out that "the issuance of instructions for financing and implementing the budget will be ready after Eid and circulated to all government departments and ministries."

He added, "After issuing the instructions, the Ministry of Finance will start financing the amounts due for the past months, especially operational, and other ministries will start implementing the investment budget for projects and others."

Regarding the final accounts, al-Karawi stressed that "the National Audit Office is working on this issue, and there is a trend to adopt an electronic system to complete the final accounts procedures."

He continued, "The latest data of the final accounts that was updated was the 2015 budget, which was sent to the House of Representatives with the budgets of 2013 and 2014," stressing "the need to be a careful follow-up of the final accounts, review and final approval so that there are real accounts and to uncover corruption files."

"The three-year budget will be conditional and the data and the tables will be updated by the Council of Ministers and approved within the House of Representatives," he said.

"The application of most of the items will continue year after year, but the digital data will be variable according to the Iraqi and global economic situation, as they are directly related," he said.


CandyKisses:  From space to telephone. Iraq is looking with the global {space x} to provide it with the Internet

Minister of Communications Hiam Al-Yasiri discussed Thursday evening with representatives of the global company Space X, the project of providing Internet service via space during a meeting that took place remotely (video conference) in the presence of the advanced technical staff in the ministry and its formations.

According to a statement by the ministry, a copy of which was received by Al-Furat News, "during the meeting, an explanation was listened to from the company about the project."

Al-Yasiri discussed with the company a number of important issues, especially the security aspect, and stressed that project management, control and control are all in the hands of the ministry exclusively.

It was also reached with the aforementioned company the possibility of reducing the prices of the system purchased by the user and the subscription price to a large extent compared to its prices in other countries that launched the service, as well as the ease of its acquisition and the speed of its access to the citizen after a short period of demand.

Al Yasiri stressed the exact standards of internet service quality and speed that have been detailed with the service provider.

She pointed out that the ministry prefers direct sales to citizens and stay away from the intermediary system.

It is noteworthy that the system does not need technical procedures to install it, but the citizen can obtain the service directly from the moon as soon as it is acquired.

On the other hand, the company's representatives expressed their desire to cooperate with the ministry and contract with it in this field, and it was agreed to hold a physical meeting with officials in the ministry to discuss the exact details of the project.

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Mot:  ... Hummmpt!! - Finding me a New Doctor I Am!!! ...

Mot:  .. NOT Me - Nopppers!! huh Uh things you say after 50

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