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Thursday Night X22 Reports 1-9-2020

Brexit Passed, Trump Readies The Country, Watch What Comes Next - Episode 2066a

X22 Report:  Jan 9, 2020

EU sends a warning to the BJ, trade deal will happen when we say it will happen.

The UK parliament finally finish the BREXIT deal, it is now approved.

 Trump continues to let the American people that the economy is doing well and about to take off.

The USMCA is now going to change the way the US does business, watch what happens next.


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Panic Message Sent, Major Operation Remove/Replace Active, Enemies Removed - Episode 2066b

X22 Report:  Jan 9, 2020

The [DS] is panicking, the MSM is now asking more questions about the fake impeachment.

NP is trapped and she can't make her next move.

The patriots have now pushed operation replace and remove, Iran is in the process of flipping, the [DS] is on the run and they are panicking.

HRC sends out an emergency message to the [DS] players.


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