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Thursday Evening News with MarkZ 8-19-2021

Thursday Evening News with MarkZ 8/19/2021

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MZ: It’s been a very uneventful news day. Definitely a nothing burger day. I am expecting some type of comment from US treasury contacts to let us know where we are at for the release of funds. Hopefully we will have that by tomorrow morning or at least by tomorrow nights update.

Member: Man! Things are moving slow ….so it seems

MZ: I cannot get a straight answer why there is a slow down this week. Maybe they are blaming the Afghanistan situation because Afghanistan was in the first basket and now it’s not. That is the only guess I can come up with right now.

MZ: Before Afghanistan was firmly in the first basket and now…..there is no way it could be. Maybe this short delay is readjusting the algorithms for currency values and how they relate to each other. Just a guess.

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Member: What is the significance of Dubai 1,2 and 3 where the beginning of this release is concerned?

MZ: As we understand it Dubai 1 is critical for the release of everything. I am not sure where Dubai 2 and 3 fall. We should be seeing the release of Dubai 1 funds very early in the process.

Member: I heard a rate of .11 cents to start for the dong.

Member: 11 cent comment this morning about dong worried me all day

MZ: That’s been a back and forth about this between our treasury dept. and theirs. They may push forward and release it at .11 cents in a float, which means it will adjust very quickly. Let’s see how this week plays out and hopefully we will see the real value soon.

Member:  Mark are you saying dong no longer in the low 2’s?

MZ: I still believe we will see the dong in the $2 range. But we hear they may “jump the gun” if the reset continues to stall and release the dong at the lower .11 cent rate and let it float to value.

MZ: I am hearing there are a couple currencies thinking about doing this …and that would be ok.

MZ: I think there will still be one reset but it would be irresponsible not to tell you what I am hearing.

MZ: There is a great article out …the Central Banks Are Now in the Endgame. Its good to see this in print in the real world  (See below) https://goldswitzerland.com/central-banks-are-now-in-the-endgame/

Member: Is it possible tomorrow could be the RV day?

MZ: Absolutely….Any minute now is fair game as we move forward….imo. .

Member: When we will see perp walks?

MZ: Great question….I think we are going to see a lot of panic starting next week

Please listen to the replay for all the information

The next stream is Friday 10AM est.

No Whiskey and Wisdom tonight or next week.

Mark will be on vacation between Aug 25th and 29th. No daily stream during this time.


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Central Banks Are Now in the Endgame

Central bankers were handed the Midas curse half a century ago. Midas turned everything that he touched into gold– even his own food. Exactly 50 years ago (15 Aug, 1971) central bankers were handed a much worse curse by Nixon. But instead of turning everything into gold, their curse was to turn all real assets, including gold, into worthless paper, creating the perfect setup for this central bank endgame.

Nixon had of course not studied history. Because if he had, he would have understood that his lie was $100s of trillions worse than the Watergate lies:

“THE EFFECT OF TODAY’S ACTION will be to stabilise the dollar”


The dollar has lost 98% in real terms (GOLD) since 1971. Just a one hour history lesson would have taught Nixon that no currency has ever survived in history since all leaders without fail have done what Nixon did.

Reminds me of the line in Pete Seeger’s song “Where have all the flowers gone”:


Well, they will never learn of course. History has taught the very few who are willing to listen that there is no exception.

Every single currency throughout history has been debased until it has reached ZERO as I outlined here.

It seems incomprehensible that presidents and central bankers have not learnt they will all play the role that their predecessors have, in destroying the nations currency.

With their arrogance, they are all obviously hoping that they can pass the baton on so that it won’t happen on their watch. And because most leaders have a relatively short reign in relation to the lifespan of a currency, they often escape even though guilty.

Nixon for example believed that he committed a good deed and stabilised the dollar. If he is looking down from above, he will now 50 years later, see that his actions have created a “mere” 98% fall so far.

So Nixon saved the dollar very briefly with the consequence of killing it forever! When will they ever learn?


The period after I was born at the end of WWII  was followed by a long chapter of law and order in the West. This was not just in society at large but there was also order and discipline as well as courtesy in schools and families.

Today in many countries there is no respect for teachers, parents or even the police. All eras go through cycles and the worst part of the cycle is what we are experiencing now.

Moral and ethical values are gone and crime is rampant. This is not new in history and regularly happens at the end of major eras or cycles. This happened for example at the end of the Roman Empire as Rome disintegrated economically and morally. Decadence was rampant then as it is today. So were debts and deficits.

The emperor Commodus started it all and was the ancient Nixon. Gallenius finished it off and was the Greek version of Biden.

So dissolution of values and principles are clearly a consequence of financial and economic  dysfunction.

The fact that the US for example has increased the federal debt every year since 1960 (with four minor exceptions) is a sign of chronic disease and total dysfunction.

If the US government for over 60 years has become increasingly more decadent, both economically and morally, how can we expect the people to behave differently?

Many countries in the world have fared in a similar manner but because of the size of the US economy and the reserve currency status of the dollar, the consequences are considerably more significant.


The song I am forever blowing bubbleswas written in 1918, not long after the creation of the Fed. Clearly the composer saw it coming:

“I’m forever blowing bubbles,

Pretty bubbles in the air,

They fly so high, nearly reach the sky,

Then like my dreams they fade and die.”

It will be no different with the current bubbles. They have already flown so high and reached the sky. Just look at central banks’ balance sheets which are now going exponential:

Since the Great Financial Crisis started in 2006, the balance sheets of the four biggest central banks have gone up 6X. Since the current crisis accelerated in 2019, the growth is now EXPLOSIVE!

But it is not just central banks blowing bubbles. Because the whole world has become a bubble:

I am projecting $2 quadrillion or more in the next 4-9 years. Sounds massive and sensational but the math is simple. If we add unfunded liabilities of at least $200 trillion globally plus total derivatives of at least $1.5 quadrillion, that takes us to $2 quadrillion.

As the derivatives bubble explodes, or rather implodes, in the next few years as we hit the central bank endgame, all that money will be printed by central banks in a futile attempt to save the financial system.

Read full post here:  https://goldswitzerland.com/central-banks-are-now-in-the-endgame/

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