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This Thing Will Collapse The Markets

This Thing Will Crash The Markets And Collapse America

The Atlantis Report:  Feb 7, 2022

Everything’s wonderful , the market should be soaring!

 Inflation out of control, socialist want redistribution and higher rates,  the Fed is still pumping until mid march Fed won’t take actions necessary and US government so far in debt it will never recover.

No homes or cars to buy. Shortages everywhere! Send it up 10,000 per day -what’s the difference , it's all fake.

Share buybacks have skyrocketed because interest rates remain low and companies are having a very hard time finding alternative profitable investments. At the price of some of these stocks, it is a huge waste of money.

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The market wouldn't be at this level if the federal government didn't incur record deficits in the trillions for two years straight. The Fed is complicit insofar as they have been enablers of this reckless spending by monetizing all that debt for the government.

Their purchases of T-bonds has kept the rates nice and low.   The market won't be at these levels if the Fed didn't feed companies by buying their bonds with stimulus (money created out of thin air).

Share buybacks were mostly funded by Fed stimulus and one of main reasons why the market kept going up throughout the pandemic. You can do the math. $120 billion of stimulus per month x two years = over $2 trillion in stimulus being injected indirectly into the markets. 

The Casinos all around the world are RIGGED with a simple click of a mouse....

I believe we get an EVENT......to conveniently place blame for the Crash when it occurs!!  

Seeing that printing, in theory, can go to infinity I guess there is no limit or timeline for reversal. The only thing that could change that is if ordinary people some day come to look at a US dollar as a filthy rag.

Too much money printing. There'll be plenty of freshly printed cash to soak up any market crash.The stock market will go to the moon before the effects of hyperinflation kicks in.

More trillions are going to inflate the NUMBERS REGARDLESS OF THE "REAL" VALUE.  Low rates will keep the market up.  The inflation will be brutal for the average citizen. 

Only a debt ceiling failure would prevent the melt up. 

Collecting crypto capital gains by proper tracking  could 'RECYCLE" the stimulus back into the treasury.   

This is all such a ridiculous fiscal failure.  It will blow. Printing cannot go to infinity. 

That is the definition of hyperinflation.  It's the definition of MMT.

The pied piper is coming, to call all debts due and payable.

Government debt to GDP of 54X and 125X and , Private debt to GDP of 181X and 235X.

With $330 Trillion in global debt, they'll have to pull the plug at some point. The question is when.

The globalists cannot afford a rise in populism/nationalism - it would sink their scheme to reset global order . As the US has begun to recover, at least economically  from the pandemic, there's been an upsurge of demand, the US has seen a lot of supply chain pressures, including shortages of parts and materials, like semiconductors that go into so many products, including electronics.

And also, container ships have been blocked at ports, such as Los Angeles and Long Beach.So they're backed up, and that means a shortage, and in some cases, it means retailers feel that they can or must raise prices.

When politics are more important than economics you have inflation, fuel prices are the most obvious example. This is a tax on everyone making less than $400k per year.

Thanks whoever is in charge.

 If truckers quit their jobs, society would immediately collapse.

If politicians quit their jobs, the world would become a better place.

We need truckers more than anybody else.

The failure of our institutions guarantees that America is a third world country and not a very good one. 

The poorly educated Millennials will be unable to save themselves but perhaps a few years of Depression will cull them out or change their attitudes.


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