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This is Why China's New Silk Road is the New World Order

This is Why China's New Silk Road is the New World Order

The Nomad Economist:  Premiered 2 hours ago

75 years ago, the Bretton Woods conference laid the foundations for much of today's global economic order. But the system is facing a serious threat from growing nationalism and protectionism worldwide.

 While today the U.S. is in a trade war with China, the foundations of international trade were laid to avoid war altogether.

In this video, we will give you a quick rundown of the Bretton Woods System, the system of global trade that emerged at the end of WWII.

So here is a little history lesson , we are going to talk about the Bretton Woods system . so the year is 1944 the end of World War two was in sight the Allies realizing that they were going to win ,wanted to get together and talk about creating a world where war and depression could never happen again , they met in Bretton Woods New Hampshire 

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There they spent a month negotiating , there were 730 people or delegates from 44 different countries all our allies , and essentially what they did was create a three-legged stool a tripod of institutions to guide the post-war world , this is how that three-legged stool works today .

The first leg is the International Monetary Fund or IMF .the IMF works with countries that are having problems with money problems with debt and paying back the money that they borrowed and the IMF gives them advice on how to change their internal policies and structures in order to fix the problems that they've got .

The second leg is the World Bank back in 1944 when the delegates met at Bretton Woods they realized that poverty is a big motivating force when it comes to conflict and violence and they decided that if they could help countries grow and create jobs there would be a better chance of peace , so the World Bank is primarily a lending institution with a goal of ending extreme poverty and it lends money to poor countries for economic development .

The third leg of the stool as it stands today is the World Trade Organization or WTO the WTO promotes global trade and free trade and it also functions as a courtroom for member countries to resolve trade disputes with one another

Basically the WTO upholds the rules of international trade . So the money changers that financed both sides of WWII met in July of 1944 to figure out how they could keep their scam going.

This year French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire has publicly admitted something normally reserved for backroom discussion in the circles of Europe’s governing elite at an event honoring the 75th anniversary of Bretton Woods . Le Maire stated ever-so candidly that “the Bretton Woods order has reached its limits. Unless we are able to re-invent Bretton Woods, the New Silk Road might become the New World Order”.

Le Maire dives so deeply out of reality that he actually believes that the radical transformation desperately needed in the west does not involve collaborating with the New Silk Road, but rather to strengthen the power of Brussels, while becoming more technocratic and more green (aka: de-industrialized, de-populated).

The Bretton Woods of 1944 and New Silk Road of Today Seventy five years of revisionist historians largely funded by the British Roundtable/Chatham House and its American branch (The Council on Foreign Relations) have obstructed the true anti-imperial nature of the founding intention of Bretton Woods and the post war order centered on the United Nations.

Then, much as today, two opposing factions were vying to shape the essence of the world order as the Nazi machine ,funded by Wall Street and London’s Bank of International Settlements ,was drawing to a close. I am not talking about Capitalism vs Communism.


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