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The System is Rigged to Fail: The Largest Financial Fraud in History

The Atlantis Report

The System is Rigged to Fail: The Largest Financial Fraud in History - Prepare for the Coming Chaos

Jan 24, 2021

he System is Rigged to Fail: The Largest Financial Fraud in History - Prepare for the Coming Chaos

30 TRILLION in debt! 66% of the M1 money supply has been created in the last six months alone.

Our money will soon be worthless, hyperinflation rampant, and your milk will cost 15 dollars a gallon. The printing presses have been working overtime. And we have been borrowing money from future generations, and all America can do is to make interest payments.

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The pandemic will put us another 4 trillion in debt, and Biden just wants to spend money on every program he can.

America is already bankrupt. Socialists will bankrupt any country because they have no idea where the money comes from. They will destroy the middle class and create a permanently dependent poor class. The mess is only going to get bigger with the clown show we now have in DC.

We just printed 1/5 of our entire money supply in the last ten months, and we're talking about inflation as if it would be theoretical. The stimulus (bribe) will mostly go into the stock market, and then when it explodes higher, ALL of the elites will get out.

They're pushing the new stimulus, and they know how it works, and they're going to take it from all the idiots by exiting the markets at the peak and watching it implode. And why do I know this? Because they have done it over and over.And the average Joe just doesn't know when to quit the casino.

The concentration of wealth is going to go parabolic; in other words, the top 0.001% will own everything. More government handouts to keep people under government rule - instead of creating jobs so people don’t need the handouts plus overtaxing the Americans who are working so they can give free money to those who won’t work.

The economy contracted by at least 80% in 2020. Millions of jobs disappeared forever. The entire leisure and hospitality industries were destroyed. The ripple effects of this are only going to start showing up in 2021.

 A business that is making sales but not pulling in a profit still adds to GDP, but that doesn't mean the economy is doing well. The band-aid of trillions of dollars printed into existence did nothing but add trillions to the stock market, WHICH IS NOT THE ECONOMY.

Inflation is off the charts, and we haven't seen anything yet. The next stimulus will destroy everything that is left.

For the full transcript go to https://financearmageddon.blogspot.com


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