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The Global Settlements’ Often Overlooked Consequence

The Global Settlements’ Often Overlooked Consequence

OCTOBER 10, 2022  Information Briefing #178  by whitehatauxiliaries.

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For 30 years, the Temple Head of Asiatic dynastic Elders sought out one entity, or channel,  with whom they could achieve the goals which comprise the purposes of the Global Settlements. Such a search ended with complete and total trust placed in one London source. 30 years – it took that long.

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Such an entity had to possess the requisite skills to immediately harmonize with longstanding dynastic ethos operating in very ancient traditions, and to assist bringing them forward into a modern world of assets with which they could affect the releases of immense off-ledger gold reserves, and do so safely and legitimately.

This meant one thing: Such an entity would have to have the power, and cultural relationships behind it, to effect releases in the face of several magnitudes of monopolistic resistance – the kind of resistance that has started wars, conducted assassinations, suborned bribes, corrupted laws and usurped rights – all to retain its grip on power and to remove any and all threats to its continuing existence.

More importantly, the entity would have to ensure the licensed and controlled beneficial use of the assets, in a shared wealth creating partnership, where both sides benefit. Funds used will be fit for purpose to serve need, not greed. Societies can then be enhanced and not plundered.

Planned Societies with no oligopolies or oligarchs.  Educating mankind in universal truths so that a new species of mankind can emerge. True cosmopolitans, worthy of expanding its frontiers into our solar system to ethically and responsibly manage the abundant resources it contains.

The entities have a complete and total understanding of the opposing forces, and what they are capable of. Their tactics are well known. And the opposition knows the consequences, to them, of successfully unleashing a new financial system, out of their control, which has sufficient material backing to utterly destroy the Jekyll Island aberration. More on this a little later.

You may think such a power-wielding entity would be uninterested to move amongst common men, not to mention ever discuss this monumental undertaking openly (within limits). But, to our great fortune, the entity is truly humble and very generous with time spent to assist WHA in understanding the realities of this task and to dispel the many myths, embellishments and outright lies and falsehoods about it that are used by opportunists to separate people from their money and their senses.

You know the tales: All the NESARA, Galactic Federation, Restore The Republic, Q, Great Reset, Dinar riches, Annunaki-took-our-gold, and, an-itinerate-Irishman-in-Jakarta-is-going-to-fund-the-world kind of things.

By some concatenation of fortuities we made contact with the right people and established trust. This trust has allowed common men rare insight into a world where the decisions that move nations are made and effected. I know that sounds like a real hoot, a knee slapper and a poke in the ribs.

But, it’s true. And here we, and they, are.

And since it is not often someone wielding the sole trust of key Asiatic gatekeepers with immense gold reserves comes aboveboard to exchange information with “little people”, there are some who may be tempted to think such a person as, “just another dude who claims he knows an Asian with hidden gold”, kind of thing. Well, rest assured.

WHA has been shown still unrevealed proof of their sovereign access; fully corroborated and unmistakably authentic. Don’t let the at times jocular, easygoing nature fool you. It’s quite normal for people of high station to possess the fondness of humor too!

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Now, the part about the consequence.

At this time, US Treasury persons and Rothschilds emissaries are in Seoul trying very hard to circumvent the British/Asiatic alliance and sweep the board. Typical.

But, the Temple Elder Head WILL NOT MEET THEM. And, why not? Because the trusted party in London said not to. They are left to treat with inconsequential underlings. They had their chances in New York last December, and blew it. Trying as they are, they will get nowhere in Seoul.

So, if the Seoul gambit is out for the FED, what is the plan for a release route?

Enter, BRICS.

An alternative release, via BRICS, is developing and potentially will be in play. An end-run around the US FED. If the key Elders okay the London lions to proceed along those lines, in concert with huge diplomatic delicacy,  it’s GAME OVER for the FED and banking as we know it.

The center of power shifts, and suddenly an “Ethical Center for International Finance” is established. Long needed and truly long overdue. After decades of plunder and thievery by a minority tapeworm species, 6,000 years of key planetary financial control, ends. What this may mean for the USD’s preeminent role is probably not going to augur well in the end, but it will for mankind.

The key change will be the dismantling of international finance’s corrupting influence over political processes. The focus will be to ensure that the economy exists to serve the people, not for the economy to serve capital interests, as is the case now.

Capital should exist for the economy so the economy can exist for the people, and not to exploit them. The goal is to raise living standards, and not to plunder nations while filling the pockets of banking cartels and their political puppets.

Those who see this elite new world uncloaking via BRICS will also sense the unmistakable vision of something new in international finance: The highest standards and integrity, whereas before, such things were punchlines in the Rothchild’s tea parlors.

Such an operation is beyond low profile. That’s for a good reason. There are many other dynamic aspects to this. Safeguards, rules, procedures, etc. Too much to cover here, and probably best not to disclose anyway. Just know that the right entity for the job, has that role. One entity. No other.

We are privileged to see the depth of global communications and the real progress, even as necessarily limited as it is.  The scale of the Global Settlements is epic. Few really understand just how epic it is and will be.

The stakes in the game are very, very high. But so will be the rewards if the Asiatic/London congeries of dynastic alliances carries the day. We will continue to bring any news about this to the extent possible.

In closing, know that your comments, views and informational contributions at WHA are read, assessed and factored in to future planning where appropriate. Nothing is missed. You are being read by those same incredibly brave and hard working entities who are on the front lines, pressing the attack.

Your ideas are given serious consideration. Don’t think otherwise. It’s your forum, and we thank the many valuable contributors we have here. We have the freedom to express thoughts, opinions and ideas that other “woke” and namby-pamby butt-hurt intellectually insipid sites would reel from as they run screaming for a safe space. They wear blinders equal to the cuckold’s horns.


Thank you, again. As we always remind you, be ready for anything.

Stay tuned.  WHA   S*P*Q*R


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