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The Atlantis Report, PIR and Pimpy Monday Afternoon 10-26-2020

The Atlantis Report

The Mother Of All Stock Market Bubbles -- Prepare for a Volatility Burst

Premiered 48 minutes ago

The US stocks continue to trade as though the world is expanding apace rather than wallowing in the worse economy since the Great Depression.

Fed stimulus can only last so long. A Day of Reckoning is coming, and only unjustified euphoric optimism stands in its way.

Subsidies are temporary measures and not permanent solutions. The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.

Or perpetual Fed fake money could push stocks ten times higher. So, one must hedge accordingly. But it will implode.

On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everything drops to zero. It is not a bubble if it doesn't pop. The pin is approaching.

For the full transcript go to https://financearmageddon.blogspot.com


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Patriot Intel Report

PIR 10 26 20

All I can say about this week is “Buckle Up”


Iraqi Dinar News 10/26/20 - more peace agreements coming

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Oct 26, 2020


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