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The Atlantis Report, Currency 365, and Lynette Zang Wed. PM 3-11-2020

Chaos in The Markets -- Global Economic Armageddon worse than 2008

The Atlantis Report:  Premiered 51 minutes ago

The economy is on the verge of another mega-recession/depression.

The Dow Crashes Into Bear Market. This is the fastest drawdown from a peak into a bear market in history.

Around the world, factories have gone offline, schools have been suspended, and entire cities have been locked down.

The stock market and the economy are going down like the titanic. This is now about the economy. The world economy is not slowing down. It has literally come to a screeching halt.

Manufacturers in China report operating at 50 percent capacity, with 56 percent of normal staff. Supply disruptions are already occurring at the ground level. Almost 75% of companies have reported supply chain disruptions, according to a new survey released by the Institute for Supply Management (ISM).

The real exposure is companies with no real assets to weather this storm. So much debt, so much just in time cash flow. Companies that have been around for decades but can't survive a two-month revenue interruption.

Tourism industry worldwide collapsing. With countries issuing travel advisories, airlines canceling flights, and popular tourist destinations being put on high alert, people are avoiding crowds, airports, and travel in general.

 Museums and archaeological sites are closed, events canceled.

Atlanta, the busiest airport on the planet, was empty yesterday .

For the full transcript go to https://financearmageddon.blogspot.com


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Kenneth Storey "Global Currency Reset Update"

Mar 10, 2020


Lynette Zang: 

OFFICIAL GLOBAL PANDEMIC: How to Secure Your Wealth Before it Disappears

Streamed live 68 minutes ago

As everything continues to get worse around the world economically and with the coronavirus now effecting over 120 countries, people are asking a lot of questions about what to do, how to protect themselves, and how to secure their wealth before it's too late.

 I've been highlighting how and why we were already entering into a Global economic Reset, and the Coronavirus is not only shedding light on how interconnected we are globally, but it's speeding the process up faster than people can even decide what to do.

In today's video I'll be answering questions regarding what to liquidate first and why, what to do if you have money in the markets, CD's, MM's, Annuities, ETF's, Treasury Bills, etc...and how certain types of Gold & Silver have different values necessary for protecting different types of your wealth and assets.

I'll support this with the most recent facts and data, including updates regarding COVID-19, Central Banks, and what the Economic fragility means at this stage.

This video is very important to anyone who's having an intuitive feeling that their wealth is at risk, and at this point, it's still solvable if you take the right actions.


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