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The Atlantis Report and Lynette Zang Saturday PM 2-1-2020

BREXIT is Done -- What Happens Now ?

The Atlantis Report:  Premiered 2 hours ago

BREXIT is Done -- What Happens Now ? It’s finally Brexit Day, after three and a half years.

When London's iconic Big Ben struck 11 PM on Friday night; The United Kingdom was officially out of the European Union. Three and a half years after the referendum of 23 June 2016 in which the yes to the farewell won over the no.

The United Kingdom has been the first country to leave the EU since the international organization was founded. London had joined in 1973, retired 47 years later.

The last formal but necessary step was the vote by the European Parliament on Wednesday 29 January, concluded with a broad yes to the agreement. It's been a long and complex farewell from Brussels, but some three-and-a-half years. Three and a half years after the referendum, Brexit is now a reality.

But exit Day, as it's called, was just the beginning of the end. Until the end of 2020, everything will remain the same in Britain, except that 73 British members of the European Parliament will leave Brussels and return to the United Kingdom.

Britain will continue to play by the rules and also pay into the EU budget, even though it doesn't have a say in making the rules anymore. Meanwhile, Scotland’s first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has urged her party to build a strong case for independence from Britain.

The EU accounts for 60% of the UK trade. Britain is leaving, France is almost bankrupt, All the other nations except Germany take more than they pay in.....The whole EU project could be headed towards failure.

Welcome to The Atlantis Report.

 January 31 is the last day of the United Kingdom within the European Union. It is a historic event: 47 years have passed since London - on New Year's Day in 1973 - and Great Britain became part of what was then called the EEC, the European Economic Community.

After the historic referendum.... the day has finally arrived. The U.K. is now officially out of the European Union. After years of people asking, when Brexit. Now the question becomes, what's next after Brexit.

So let's analyze who are the winners and who are the losers of post-Brexit Europe.

Brexit Day on Jan. 31 is just the beginning of an 11-month transition period. Britain has to figure out everything from trade to fisheries.

 For the full transcript go to https://financearmageddon.blogspot.com


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Jan 31, 2020


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