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Tales from an RV/GCR Road Warrior: My Personal ‘Exchange’ Stories : Awake-In-3D

Tales from an RV/GCR Road Warrior: My Personal ‘Exchange’ Stories

On January 12, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR, Random Thoughts

I have been a card-carrying member of GCR Land for 13 years as of last month when I purchased my first IQD.

I started out as an avid follower and consumer of the Guru News Network (GNN). Over time, I listened to every RV/GCR conference call, read every internet news site, and joined every online chatroom I could find.

Soon, I found myself realizing that I was a fully addicted GCR Hopium junkie.

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The Genesis of an RV/GCR Road Warrior

After a cacophony of daily “It’s happening” and “It’s done” GNN reports peaked around 2013, I took my first steps from being only an RV/GCR observer to becoming a more proactive GCR Land participant.

I started asking a lot of questions.

Believing that asking rational and logical questions (my nature being an experienced Engineer and Entrepreneur) would lead me to meaningful answers about the constant delays of my RV/GCR exchange/redemption, I was deeply disappointed.

Instead of getting answers, I was quickly the subject of ridicule and disdain within the GNN landscape of the time. I was labeled a cabal shill, CIA infiltrator, and worse. Soon I was an outcast and banned from nearly every online community of the day.

Then I found a few private member chat rooms where my probing questions were accepted by like-minded folks who were also questioning the GNN narratives. Yet still no answers came forth.

So, I began to faithfully dig and research all things relevant to how currency exchange rates are determined, the global financial system infrastructure, and fundamental economic principles and my eyes were opened.

Then I started to write about what I was learning under the pseudonym of Awake-In-3D.

As my posts began finding their way into mainstream GCR Land news outlets, people more deeply involved in behind-the-scenes RV/GCR took notice and began to contact me privately and I started getting plausible and realistic answers to many of my initial questions.

And this led to even more questions – so I kept on digging and writing.

Eventually, I found myself invited to private exchanges and redemption opportunities for my growing collection of currencies and bonds. I thought I finally made a breakthrough, but little did I realize at the time that I was only just beginning my RV/GCR journey.

Exchange Stories: Brokers and Bankers and Lawyers Oh My!

I tend to write long-form articles, but I’ll keep this short.

My first exchange scenarios began with different lawyers with “top level connections” to currency and bond (assets) Buyers. Centered in Reno, Los Angeles, and Salt Lake City, I was instructed to send my assets to them under a contract to transact.

The contracts were all in the usual legal language I recognized from my professional business experience even offering insured/bonded transport of my assets. I actually considered doing this. Afterall, everything looked totally legit.

It was only after I offered to personally transport my assets, and meet the parties involved directly, did I run into doubt.

The Reno and Salt Lake City lawyers suddenly had excuses for why my request was not possible. Hmmmm…

But the LA lawyer was open to a private meet so I packed up my car and drove cross-country from Chicago to LA. This was showing progress!

The next day, being only 3 hours from LA, the private meet-and-greet with the Buyer started getting delayed. Hmmmm…

The meeting never took place and it was a wasted trip. I was told the Buyer had to catch a last-minute flight to Hong Kong, but the attorney said I could leave my assets in their office and the transaction would be executed when the Buyer returned. Hmmmm…

No thanks!

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Some months later, I was contacted by a broker representing one of the Asian Elder Families and I was invited to participate in and asset exchange to take place in Singapore as part of the initial liquidity injection into the broader GCR funding infrastructure.

Contracts were offered containing terms and asset pricing. Also included were Humanitarian and Economic Project participation stipulations. Now we’re talking! Only this time, I wasn’t going to fly all the way to Singapore just to face another wasted trip.

So, I offered to have a 3rd-party, legal fiduciary, approved my both myself and the Buyer act as a Guarantor and transporter of the assets (similar to an Escrow facility) once the funds for the transaction were verified (proof of funds/POF) by the Fiduciary.

This was deemed acceptable and the process began. I generated a list of serial numbers and Proof of Life (POL) photos of my assets while I was awaiting Proof of Funds documentation from the Buyer and HSBC Bank.

I withheld providing my serial numbers, etc. until I had POF letter from the bank. Day after day went by without the POF letter but was told it would be forthcoming.

Becoming impatient, I informed the broker that I was going to withdraw from the deal if the POF was not provided within the next 5 business days.

Near the end of the 5-day period, I was offered a different contract and a sum of $10,000 cash up front to remain in the deal – since the Buyer needed more time. I said no because I would have lost the Right of Refusal with the Buyer if I signed the new Agreement.

It turned out that the broker was structuring a Flipper Deal on behalf of the Buyer. The Buyer was under the impression that a private RV/GCR exchange would occur on his side within 30 days under which he was waiting for POF from his Buyer’s bank.

The broker never made clear to me up front that this was an asset Flip deal.

I have several additional such stories over the early years, but I need not elaborate further. Suffice it to say, none of them have come to fruition as of today.

All around these transactions, there were bankers involved in deals. Legitimate folks with positions and names I could verify. While a few of the lawyer deals smelled of deception, most were put forth with good faith under lawful circumstances.

Bankers are just the guys in the middle of all of this. Some are very aware of the state-of-play in Our GCR (not the bad guy reset). They want the business.

After all, they’re bankers. Many get excited and tend to get overzealous in their predictions over what is going on in the bigger picture.

Most times, I wish they would just admit that they don’t know as much as they think they do.

I have also come across my share of pure criminals and con artists in my GCR Road Warrior journey thus far. Whenever there’s a lot of cash involved, there are always sharks in the water.

For the bulk of those early experiences, I fully believe the RV/GCR is real, and since those days, I have come to learn a much more and forge a greater sphere of connections in the process – further strengthening my support for the RV/GCR event forthcoming.

I also know that the Bad Guy Reset plan is real.

Additionally, I am highly aware that quite a few of the scenarios, accepted as truths, surrounding Our RV/GCR are exaggerated at best and pure myth in the worst cases.

But this is also to be expected in such a transformational, epic financial event.

Yet the greatest thing I have learned so far is, no one knows when the RV/GCR will actually occur or exactly how it will unfold.

Anyone claiming to know, certainly does not know.

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