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Sunday Night Miracles CC 3-29-2020 6PM PST/ 9 PM EST

Sunday Night Miracles Conference Call 3-29-2020


The most extraordinary events in both American and world history continue to unfold in the most dramatic fashion we have ever seen!

 And it is vitally important to realize what is REALLY going with the Coronavirus pandemic as it relates to what both the Bible and “Q” have referred to as — THE GREAT AWAKENING.

 In fact, the entire Earth, along with the human race, are shifting from the dark into the light, from a fake reality into an authentic reality, and from an old paradigm into an entirely new paradigm. And this is very much a spiritual evolutionary event of epic proportions. 

 On a number of occasions over the last 10 years, we warned you this transition into this new world was going to be at times rather rocky, and sometimes rather frightening. And indeed, it has lived up to that billing already. Nonetheless, you can rest assured it will all be worth it in the end as you are about to discover in the most magnificent ways imaginable. 

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 So many gigantic, systemic changes are now being put into place on so many levels, the world is going to begin to look a whole lot different very, very soon if not already. Massive changes are coming to: the global economic systems, the banking industry; the American healthcare system; medicines and medical technology; the global supply chain; the Chinese Communist Party; Hollywood; the Fake News media; and the very structure of the U.S. government; and on and on and on. 

 It is truly breathtaking what we are witnessing right now, to say the least. 

 • On, Saturday, March 28, on the Jesse Watter’s program on Fox News, former White House advisor Steve Bannon was the special guest. Steve Bannon was asked about President Trump’s daily press briefings which are conducted at the White House along with the Coronavirus Task Force, and his response was extremely revealing: “He's (President Trump) a wartime President. We are at war against one of the most dangerous enemies the country has ever had.”

 • Time and time again over the last two weeks, President Trump has also talked about “the invisible enemy” ravaging the world at this time. The “invisible enemy" is actually a veiled reference to the global Satanic network on planet Earth which is now coming under the most extreme attack ever by the U.S. Military, other nation’s militaries, the Earth Alliance and the Patriots in at least 151 countries. 

 • On Tuesday, March 24, President Trump conducted a Town Hall event on Fox News from the White House, which was followed later in the afternoon by his daily press conference at the Press Briefing Room. During these two televised events, President Trump and the Coronavirus Task Force dropped a NUMBER of massive clues of what is really going on behind the scenes. We will decode many of the hidden messages given out on that day.  


 • The U.S. Senate and House of Representatives finally passed a massive $2 Trillion Stimulus Bill on Friday, March 27, which President Trump has signed into law. One of the major components of the Stimulus Bill will be to send many Americans monthly payments of at least  $1,200 beginning in April 2020. Realize, this is only just the beginning of a massive wealth redistribution back to the American people from what has been stolen from our country. 


• Fox News also reported on March 24, a rather significant clue of what is actually happening as the Coronavirus ravages the nation of Italy with the following headline: "Coronavirus in Italy takes its toll on organized crime”. No wonder the entire country of Italy is in total lockdown snd there are rumors of as many as 8,000 arrests may have already been carried out. 


 • “Q” has also returned this week with many new drops about current events, including a bombshell regarding the revised status of the Federal Reserve.

 • It is possible, the code has been cracked for the whole purpose and the timeline of the THE STORM, plus THE GREAT AWAKENING, which we will be sharing with you on our upcoming Miracles Intel Conference Call. And it is really, REALLY amazing!

 • And finally, we ask of you once more, please keep all of these great, GREAT people of the U.S. Military, the Earth Alliance and President Donald Trump in your prayers. IN GOD WE TRUST AND GOD BLESS AMERICA. 

 Once again, we will have A LOT of breaking news to cover on this very important conference call. We really encourage you to join us this Sunday night!!

 Our conference call line is:

 Dial-in number (US): (712) 770-4598  Access code: 767664#

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Online meeting ID: scottm6975

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 Backup Number: 425-535-9162

 We will likely have a RECORD number of people coming to our Miracles Intel Conference Calls. If you encounter any issues with our Miracles Intel Conference Call lines and recordings please call Free Conference Call support: 844-844-1322

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