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Sunday Morning Iraq Parliament News Highlights 12-11-22

Sunday Morning Iraq Parliament News Highlights 12-11-22

Al-Maliki's Coalition Strongly Attacks Al-Halbousi: He Uses The Sectarian Card

news source /Iraq Today Agency   Al-Maliki's coalition strongly attacks Al-Halbousi: he uses the sectarian card Iraq today

The source of the news /Iraq Agency today  Baghdad-Iraq today:  The State of Law Coalition considered that the Speaker of Parliament, Muhammad al-Halbousi, resorting to the file of the absentees is "a familiar thing," while stressing that al-Halbousi is trying to use the "sectarian card" to gain some public support.

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The leader of the coalition, Kazem al-Haidari, said in a press interview, “There is talk about dismissing Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi from his post, even if it was rumors, but we are used to using (the sectarian card) in these times.”

He added, "We are accustomed to Iraqi politicians relying on sectarianism at some critical moments, thinking that this is the only way out of the crisis that surrounds them."

The leader in al-Maliki's coalition explained, "The politicians know very well that these files are hot, so they try to gather young people and direct them towards this file to gain some support and public support."

Al-Haidari said, "This policy is old, and the Iraqi people are accustomed to it, and it is no longer something new."   You can read the news from the source here:


Expectations Of Major Political Changes In The First Quarter Of 2023

Posted On2022-12-11 By Sotaliraq    Baghdad / Tamim Al-Hassan   The coordination framework has been in a complex crisis for about two weeks, due to the continuation of internal disputes on the one hand, and fears of the disintegration of the State Administration Coalition. And the Sadrist movement - whose leader Muqtada al-Sadr still refuses to communicate with any political party - predicted that surprises would occur during the first quarter of next year.

The conflict within the Shiite bloc, which controls more than half of the ministries, led to the threat of an important party to withdraw from the government.

This comes at a time when the fifth anniversary of the victory over the terrorist gangs of “ISIS” is passing, while Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi shocked the families of the missing persons during that period.

Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani said yesterday: “The tenth of December will remain an Iraqi symbol of courage and sacrifice with distinction, and thanks to the rational reference for its fatwa, which followed its zealous guidance.”

And he added: “Glory to everyone who made this victory, and may the pure blood be blessed, which restored the pulse to Iraq and the Iraqis,” stressing that “the memory of the victory is an incentive to build Iraq and serve its people.”

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In conjunction with the anniversary, human rights organizations said that there are about 11,000 families who have filed complaints about the loss of their children in the last 8 years, most of them between 2017 and 2022.

On the other hand, the Speaker of Parliament said in an interview with a local TV station: “We must tell people who they are (the disappeared), and change their name first to the murdered, not the absent: the murdered have passed away.”

Al-Halbousi criticized what he considered: “their families (the disappeared) have been misled since 2014 until now.” He added, “To be bolder with the people who lost their families and children… the file should not be used for political slander… and giving their families hope for their return, as this is not true.”

The file of the missing or disappeared is considered one of the most prominent files that were within the political agreement between the Sunni forces and the coordination framework for the formation of the Sudanese government.

It seems, according to political sources who spoke to (Al-Mada), that the Speaker of Parliament: “has received non-positive signals from the framework regarding this file and other files that prompted him to threaten to withdraw from the government and the State Administration Coalition.”

In the same meeting, the Speaker of Parliament considered the coming year 2023 a “crossroads,” and hinted at the possibility of a change in the political map.

Al-Halbousi said: “If the political agreement is not achieved, there is no purpose in staying in the political process,” indicating that this decision may also be taken by some Kurdish and Shiite forces.

And the Speaker of Parliament continued: “But we will not repeat the mistake of the Sadrist movement (referring to the withdrawal from Parliament) and leave our representation to other parties.”

After the last statement and other words mentioned by al-Halbousi in the meeting about the inability of the coordination framework to “enter Jurf al-Sakhar” south of Baghdad, this sparked strong criticism within the “framework.”

And the sources, who asked not to be identified, confirmed that "the speaker of parliament questioned the existence of a prior agreement with the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr (before the withdrawal of his deputies last June) by giving a deadline of up to 6 months before withdrawing from it."

According to the leaks, there are difficulties in implementing the terms of the political agreement, especially in the Sunni part, such as withdrawing the crowd from the areas that were under the control of “ISIS”, and dissolving the Accountability and Justice Commission.

In turn, a former Sadrist deputy suggested in an interview with (Al-Mada) that “the crisis will escalate at the beginning of next year, and the state administration coalition may be dissolved in next March, as a maximum.”

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Representative Al-Sadr, who asked not to be named, believes that "conflicts over important positions and the intersection of parties because of control over some ministries will accelerate the explosion inside and outside the framework." A few days ago, information leaked about the possibility of Nouri al-Maliki's withdrawal from the government due to the control of other parties on the decision within the coordination framework.

According to what is being circulated, Oil Minister Hayan Abdul-Ghani of the State of Law objected to the sale of 3 plants belonging to the ministry.

And the oil minister tried to prevent or retract that deal, but he failed, which caused al-Maliki's threat, according to his three ministers (oil, sports, and communications).

The State of Law Office said, in response to these leaks: “We affirm the unity of the coordination framework, its cohesion, and its commitment to support the government, and the government is responsible before the framework as it is responsible before the State Administration Coalition.”

Parliament had postponed last week's session, devoted to voting on part of the special grades, due to continuing differences. It seems that the differences in some joints have escalated to the judiciary, as the deputy head of the Military Industrialization complains about his boss because of the latter's clinging to the position.

According to a document published on some news platforms, Ali Fakhri Abdel Hamzah, Vice President of the Commission, filed a complaint with the competent court because the defendant, Muhammad Sahib al-Darraji, refused to implement the decision of the Federal Supreme Court, which included the cancellation of Cabinet Resolution 133, according to which the defendant was appointed as head of the Military Industrialization Commission.

Al-Darraji is close to Shibl al-Zaidi, leader of the Imam Ali Brigades - one of the Hashd factions - while there are leaks about the existence of struggles to control the body.

Abdel-Hamza demanded that Al-Darraji be considered a violation of the law, in addition to impersonating the head of the Military Industrialization Authority and usurping the position by force and intimidation in order to continue carrying out his business, which caused severe damage to national security and damage to public money.

Abdel-Hamza threatened to take legal action against him (Al-Daradji) and anyone who proves his involvement in not implementing the Federal Supreme Court’s decision, which is irrevocable and binding on all authorities, and which was publicly disclosed in Federal Case 198 on 11/13/2022. LINK

Al-Abadi: The Momentum Of Victory Is Achieved Through Good Governance Away From Corruption, Chaos, And The Narrow Interests Of Opportunistic Forces

Political | 06:55 - 10/12/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News   Former Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi confirmed that the momentum of victory is achieved through good governance away from corruption, chaos, and the narrow interests of self-interested political forces.

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Al-Abadi's office stated in a statement, which Mawazine News received a copy of, that "a celebration was held today, Saturday, in Najaf Governorate, on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of defeating terrorism and achieving victory over the terrorist gangs of ISIS, in the presence of a large gathering of the province's notables and its people, including political figures, deputies, military officers and sheikhs." Clans, clerics, academics and students.

Al-Abadi addressed the Iraqis in his speech during the ceremony, and said: "The living nations celebrate the days of their victory and glory, and today is the day of your most precious victory, which you wrote with blood, patience and sacrifice," stressing that the victory over terrorism was absolutely Iraqi, and from injustice the victory was granted to the foreigner, whoever it was.

He added, "We supported the world, and we extended our gratitude to it, but we affirmed and affirmed that the blood and victory was Iraqi par excellence, and that the world's support for us was in defense of their countries and their interests to collapse at the hands of terrorism, and their assistance was paid for and was not free."

And he stressed that the achievement of liberation, which was achieved yesterday by the will of the Iraqis and their sacrifices, should not lose its momentum and lose its direction, as everyone must continue the march today with the same vigor, clarity and determination, and apply the same rule of will in dealing with the state and its just causes, to ensure the integration of the state and the success of its project, which is the greater jihad.

Al-Abadi said: “Victory (i.e. victory) will not be achieved through failed and corrupt governance, but rather through good governance away from corruption, chaos, and the narrow interests of the self-interested political forces. Preserving the spirit and momentum of victory requires the determination of a just government that does not compromise with falsehood, failure, and corruption.

Our political and economic reality is And the sovereign today needs determination, determination and free will that are no less powerful than the great liberation battles that we fought.” Ended 29 / H


Al-Sudani: We Renew Our Commitment To Our Government Program To Protect Public Freedoms

Baghdad - Mawazine News,Prime Minister Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani considered, on Saturday, that the government's measures in combating extremism, renouncing violence, ensuring peaceful coexistence, combating corruption and maintaining security, ensuring the provision of services to citizens, and reducing violations, represent a "true understanding" of the importance of human rights issues.

Al-Sudani said, in a statement received by Mawazine News, that "International Human Rights Day is an occasion in which we renew the commitment of the government of Iraq to what came in our government program in terms of protecting public freedoms and caring for human rights issues."

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Al-Sudani reiterated the emphasis on "seeking to rehabilitate ways of adhering to the international agreements that Iraq has signed, dealing responsibly and transparently with this file as a fundamental and central issue, and making the necessary efforts to spread a culture of human rights in society."

And he continued, "As we remember and celebrate this day, we prepare it as a reminder of the status of human rights throughout the year, in every policy, work, or government direction, and at all levels, which represents our pursuit of the ultimate goal of preserving the dignity of the Iraqi person, and upholding its status in all aspects of life."

He added, "The application of human rights standards, since 2003 to the present day, has become a criterion for building institutions and adopting national legislation and policies, in line with the implementation of what is stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the relevant international norms and covenants."

He pointed out that "the Iraqi government's measures in combating extremism and renouncing violence, ensuring peaceful coexistence among all components of the people, combating corruption and maintaining security, ensuring the provision of services to citizens, and reducing violations, in their entirety, represent a true understanding of the importance of human rights issues."

He continued, "We also believe that the promotion and protection of human rights is the responsibility of everyone without exception, in an integrated process that includes all agencies, whether in the government, the judiciary, the parliament, or national institutions and civil society."

Al-Sudani concluded his statement by saying, "Today, Iraq has become a fertile and open arena for the work of civil society, for the work of activists and human rights defenders, and this is the result of change and the adoption of a true understanding of human rights standards." End 29/33.


Al-Sudani: We Still Have A Long Way To Go To Cut Off All Sedition, Extremism And Hatred In Iraq

2022-12-10 05:39   Shafaq News/ The Prime Minister, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani considered, on Saturday, that Iraq still has a long work ahead of it "to cut off all strife and the grave of extremism's dreams and rhetoric." The hatred Al-Sudani's speech came during a speech on the sidelines of his attendance at the celebration held by the Joint Operations Command on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the declaration of victory over ISIS in the country.

Al-Sudani said in the speech, "Our armed forces achieved this victory in all its forms, from the army, the popular and tribal crowd, the counter-terrorism apparatus, the federal police, the rapid response in the Ministry of Interior, the Peshmerga forces, and other intelligence agencies and support forces."

He added, "In that epic, the words of the supreme authority in Najaf were the light behind which the Iraqis walked. The fatwa of the competent jihad was the starting point for the liberation of cities and districts, one after the other."

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Al-Sudani also mentioned, "Today we are proud of those who were on the battlefield, holding a weapon in their hands and extending others to save their family and people. We are also proud of those who left us and rose as a martyr from the leaders of victory and the great victory, commanders, commanders, officers, ranks and associates. There is no victory except by mentioning the martyrs of Iraq and the wounded of our armed forces."

And he went on to say, "We also remember the steadfastness of the displaced, and the sufferings of the forcibly displaced from their homes and the birthplaces of their fathers and grandfathers, their homeland that they were known for, and that they knew for thousands of years."

Al-Sudani added, "There is no victory except for the women of Iraq, and by recalling their honorable role in the liberation operations and supporting our fighting forces, I salute the women of Iraq, and the happy martyrs among them, on the anniversary of the great victory."

He noted that "it is right for us to remember the martyrs of the victimized victim, our youth in the Camp Speicher massacre, the defenseless, the innocent, the victims of hatred and cowardly murder. Just as we remember the heinous crime of the genocide of the Iraqi Yazidis, the survivors of the Iraqi Turkmen women and the Shabak, as we remember the sufferings of our people in the liberated areas, who They suffered what they suffered."

The Prime Minister continued by saying that "our national principles and faith rejecting terrorism and extremism made its demise inevitable and a consequence, so that Iraq would return to its thriving diversity, and for the Iraqi society to enjoy its people and its cultural richness."

He pointed out that "we still have a long work ahead of us to cut off all strife, and to bury the dreams of extremism and hate speech, and also a lot of work awaits us in reform, development and achieving a decent life."

Al-Sudani concluded his speech by saying, "The Iraqis who defeated terrorism are able to defeat corruption, which has become the number one enemy of the state and its entity."   LINK

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