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Special Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Jan. 19, 2020

Thank you Judy

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Jan. 19 2020

Compiled by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Rumors from the Internet on Sat. 18 Jan:

A. Sat. 18 Jan. 10:39 am EST Facebook GESARA/Prosperity/RV info (name confidential): This morning in the mosques, a new revalued IQD was announced with a commitment for the published rates in "Saturday's Gazette." This coordinated by the Team of Twenty, established a Value Date today with a Tues. start at 11:30 am EST with “functional liquidity” for everyone. After Martin Luther King Day on Mon. 400,000 emails and instructions are planned to be sent by Wells Fargo and HSBC.

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B. Sat. Jan. 18 Philip Tilton Facebook Confidential from my NYC office:

The Reno RETSEL office is permanently closed. The Sovereign committee returned home. The paymasters accounts are all funded. The paymasters have received their instructions. The 27 mega accounts have all been funded. Essentially, all of the duties of the committee have been completed.

Based upon the above long awaited and painful achievements, I’m assured by the highest leaders that RETSEL will receive committed initial funds on Tuesday, 21 Jan. and we anticipate our Green Book fully processed by Bank of America’s as quickly as possible.

All this week we have gathered the details of the massive RETSEL RV and as requested delivered the supporting documents to the end buyer for every conceivable asset and every RETSEL Associate to be included in the RETSEL Global RV program.

All RETSEL plans, Programs and commitments remain and are unchanged.
Stay tuned as we are told Tuesday will be the first day to begin the money and everything
Best wishes to all.


C. Admin Bill Call 5 Jan: (712) 775-7029 Code 535533 https://fccdl.in/z6QPXTPYxU (about 1:30 mark) Terry: “I’ve been in this for 13 years and recently been in touch with the five trustees for the five largest trusts on the planet. These five trustees were in unison that this was going down as of Mon. 6 Jan.

D. Judy Note:

Mon. 6 Jan: the Global Currency Reset formerly began with a test run of CMKX packages. “Source,” who confirmed such, was an attorney, federal agent, Director of North American Treasury redemption and representative of the 27 Royal Chinese families. He was the one who gave the Use Order of Funds and paid redemption to all: the American Indians, Royalty, purchase foundations platforms, beneficiaries, etc.

Wed. 15 Jan: Signing of the US-China Trade Deal appeared to have legitimized NESARA and the Gold Standard, while a host of employees at the Central Bank of Iraq were arrested for trying to confiscate RV funds – just another in the many arrests of bankers over the previous month.

The next day of Thurs. 16 Jan. the US/Canada/Mexico Trade Agreement was passed by the Senate and sent to President Trump for signing, which he did. These treaties were tied into free trade through the GCR.

Mon. Jan. 20 could see Tier4a liquidity as per rumor at the new US Treasury in Reno. Zap claimed he could see his funds in a Trust Account and would have use of them on Mon. 20 Jan.

On Tues. 21 Jan. President Trump would be out of town attending International Monetary Fund meetings in Davos, Switzerland. His two Gold-Standard Advocates Judy Shelton and Chris Waller would be by his side, for Trump had just appointed them to the Federal Reserve Board. The IMF meetings would likely discuss a US Inc. Bankruptcy scheduled for Jan. 31 and an expected resultant Market Crash in Feb. Last week IMF Manager Christine Legarde warned financial managers not to go public with “what they were about to do” at Davos.

Could that “what they were about to do” be a return to the Gold Standard – the only real solution in order to keep Markets from imploding?

Not coincidentally, on that same Tues. 21 Jan. President Trump’s Senate Impeachment Trial would begin. Those testifying were expected to exonerate Trump, while verifying the need for Treason and other serious charges against major Democrat players.

Evidently the Mass Arrests began over the holidays. According to Military intel, as T4 & T3 liquidity was being released many more World Court ordered/GESARA-required arrests would take place. Those political elites charged with Treason had to be charged and arrested in order for the US to be GESARA compliant and participate in the Global Currency Reset. Dem Panic Grows Over Mysterious Sealed Criminal Indictments -- Sorcha Faal

Other countries’ leaders were in the process of making their own countries GESARA compliant, such as in Iraq, Iran and Russia’s Vladimir Putin, so that their independent nations could also be included in the Global Currency Reset. Putin’s constitutional changes

President Putin appeared to have already announced that Russia was GESARA compliant. Last Wed. 15 Jan. in his State of the Nation address before the Russian General Assembly, Putin decentralized their government and announced a new universal income. Two hours later his government was disbanded and everyone “walked out,” only to return as a new government with a new constitution. https://youtu.be/rdmt75mvLdA https://youtu.be/oZcSejShxvg

Whenever the RV became liquid, from therein we would have 10-12 days to exchange at the Contract Rates. The General Public was expected to begin their exchanges sometime in Feb. 2020.

Sealed Indictments: As of 31 Dec. 2019, 144,844 sealed indictments had been filed in Federal courts across the nation, most of which contained charges of pedophilia and Child Exploitation. Of those, 16,818 were now unsealed (meaning indictments had been served, arrests made), with 1,843 served/ arrested during the holidays.

Courtesy of Dinar Chronicles

Read Full Post Here:   https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2020/01/restored-republic-via-gcr-special_19.html

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