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Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Dec. 11 2019

Thank you Judy

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Dec. 11 2019

Compiled by Judy Byington,

The below was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.

Judy Note: New Intel was nonexistent, except that as of today Wed. 11 Dec. the legal entity over the global financial system - the World Trade Organization - would cease to function.

Last week we were told that a date for the Global Currency Reset had been programmed into the Quantum Financial Computer, nothing could change it and when that date came to be, the computer would automatically spit out emails to Currency and Zim Bond buyers worldwide containing the 800#s for each country, along with information on how to exchange and redeem.

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Today Wed. 11 Dec. the World Trade Organization – controller of the fiat global financial system since the conclusion of World War II – would cease to function according to the Mon. 9 Dec. X22 Report. The WTO Court was required to have seven active judges in order to rule. Trump has not appointed judges when positions have become vacant. As of Wed. 11 Dec. the WTO would be short two judges and thus would no longer have the legal ability to rule: https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog/monday-night-x22-reports-12-9-19

Next Fri. 13 Dec. Congress would be out of session for Christmas Vacation – giving legal entities the authority to arrest political elites who have been charged with crimes.

On 22 Nov. President Trump was on Fox and Friends promising that before Christmas important reports on ongoing investigations would be released. It was expected that the releases would be coordinated with arrests of global and political elites on charges of Treason, Crimes Against Humanity, Sedition and Pedophilia:

World Court would expose those charged with Treason, Crimes Against Humanity and Sedition

John Huber Report on over 144,000 indictments of mainly political elites filed in federal courts.

Rudy Giuliani’s Report on an alleged Soros and Clinton Foundation’s Pay for Play.

Divide They Try, Fail They Will, for WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q & Trust Plan


A. Dec. 11 2019 Morning Chat with MarkZ: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz

1. There was a high level bank mtg. late last night Tues. 10 Dec. They were told it would be a little longer, but we were very, very close.

2. Mark’s contact in Iraq guessed it could happen any time between now and early next week.


B. International Child Sex Trafficking:


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C. Calendar and Research:

On Friday 6 Dec. US Attorney General Bill Barr indicted eight people for illegally funneling foreign money to top Democratic Senators.

On Wed. 11 Dec. the World Trade Organization – controller of the fiat global financial system – was set to cease functioning.

By Fri. 13 Dec. Congress would be out of session for Christmas Vacation – which would give legal entities the authority to arrest political elites charged with crimes.

Before Christmas President Trump has promised that the following reports would be released:

The World Court would expose names of those political elites charged with Treason, Crimes Against Humanity and Sedition.

The John Durham Investigation on Spygate, which contained 17 possible indictments on how Obama’s corrupt FBI and intel agencies carried out the largest spy operation of a presidential candidate in US history. Durham had the power to indict, impanel a Grand Jury and bring coup plotters to justice.

The John Huber Report which included over 144,000 indictments filed in federal courts across the nation against mainly political elites since Trump took office.

Rudy Giuliani’s Report on an alleged Pay for Play via the Soros/Clinton Foundation whereby US Tax dollars went to the Ukraine in the form of Foreign Aid, only to be laundered back to the Democratic National Committee through family, friends and corporate donations.

A Traitor’s Justice, Episode 10 – Conclusion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gz7uerZ9nNM&feature=youtu.be

Dec. 1 2019 U.S Army Tweet: The Calm Before the Storm – The Calm is Over #ReadytoFight: https://twitter.com/USArmy/status/1201366645765218305

White Hats Report #48: A history of why the Alliance “White Hats” formed to expose the Cabal-Deep State: White Hats Report #48 - Episode I - Follow The Money https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAHCKW7RInk


D. 800#s Release: The 800#s would be on certain approved websites and Twitter accounts so appointments could be made at licensed Redemption Centers to redeem currencies and bonds.

Dinar Chronicles: http://www.dinarchronicles.com/tastelessness
Dinar Recaps: https://www.dinarrecaps.com/our-blog
MarkZ: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz MarkZ Twitter: m.twitter.com/originalmarkz
Bruce: https://www.iqdcalls.com/The_Big_Call.html bigcalluniverse.com
TNT Tony: https://twitter.com/the_tnt_team

Courtesy of Dinar Chronicles


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