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Silver Report Uncut- Money Printing, Recession and DeutsheBank 1-4-2021

Silver Report Uncut

Money Printing Can't Hide Irreparable Damage From The Recession, The Entire Economy Is Unsustainable

Jan 2, 2021

Irreparable damage has been done by the 2020 recession and for the most part they have been trying to make us believe this was the shortest recession in history and the truth is the disconnect between stocks and the underlying economy is so large Stock prices have been hitting new record highs while the greater economy is falling into the greatest depression.

We begin with the year in review because some truly unprecedented events took place like the record collapse in stock prices in the beginning of the recession to the record amounts of money printing that has disconnected from any rational thought.

It's hard to see the US making it through the other side of this new MMT experiment. The concepts being pushed forward make no sense such as this concept that money creation can continue indefinitely since we make the currency.

This was actually stated directly in the beginning of the year and From Kashkari to Powell everyone was telling us the Fed has unlimited power to create digital dollars on a screen.

 Or they "literally flooded the system with money" and overall the M2 money supply increased over 64.5% during the year and looking at the current spending patterns this is a long way from slowing down.

The question I arrive at is are they ever trying to preserve the US economy because according to some of their statements it doesn't seem like it.


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Deutsche Bank Is The Latest Bank To Joins The Mass Exodus From NYC, 50% Of Staff To Be Moved

Silver Report Uncut:  Jan 3, 2021

Deutsche Bank is the latest big bank to announce plans to begin transitioning out of NYC. It seems many companies from the major Wall Street banks to the small business owners the trend seems to be anywhere but New York.

 NYC had a very robust economy not too long ago, so it's shocking they could drive such a critical industry like the finance industry out of Wall Street.

They used to have that designation the "Wall Street Banks" and Florida and Texas seem to be where all of these people are going, and for DB they said they are planning the move to Tampa Florida which is in line to become Wall Street south.

In the end, the governors of these states may have made the greatest financial decision for their states possible.


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