Dinar Recaps

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Sierra, TNT, PIR and more Tuesday Afternoon 4-7-2020

Thank you Sierra

"Boris Johnson in ICU" by Sierra (NZ) - 4.7.20

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 4:56 AM EDT on April 7, 2020

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is in hospital in ICU with COVID-19 virus. Many Anons believe that it was planned - and that he will make a miraculous recovery thanks to the anti-malaria drug being recommended by President Trump.


Here is Dr Russell McGregor's tweet...

'Sorry Deep State.
Boris will live.
It's a Psyop and a blatant one at that!
Britain is making amends for Spygate.
Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromyan + Zinc will "save" him from "certain death" (even if he is intubated).
Efficacy confirmed to normies.
MSM will be furious!'

The mainstream media has been aggressively pushing the narrative that the drug is unsafe - and President Trump is to blame. This GLOBAL incident will prove conclusively that the mainstream media is corrupt to the core.

The tide is already turning against the MSM. Dr McGregor has retweeted a tweet from President Trump...

'Congratulations to State Representative Karen Whitsett of Michigan. So glad you are getting better.'

The young DEMOCRAT said that hydroxychloroquine and Trump saved her life. She does not believe she would have been given the drug if President Trump had not touted it. What say you, mainstream media? She is a Democrat. Gee, how embarrassing.

Meanwhile Dan Scavino Jr, President Trump's Social Media Director, continues his countdown. He started the countdown at 10 and today he tweeted a photo of a Mum of FIVE children who recovered from the virus. So on 6th April - number 5. We should be seeing number 4 on 7th April.

Evidence of the rescue of sex-trafficking victims is being presented by President Trump himself. Scroll down VincentCrypt46 Twitter feed. There is a video from a President Trump conference where he talks about it. The video is titled 'White House Holds Covid19 Task Force Briefing'...

Finally, President Trump has tweeted...


Dan Scavino Junior's countdown on Twitter gives us hope that everything is proceeding according to plan - the Divine Plan.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)


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Harambe:  Bloomberg: Indonesia Says New York Fed Offers $60 Billion Credit Line ... Rupiah rose 1.3%


Indonesia’s central bank said the New York Federal Reserve will provide it with a $60 billion repurchase facility to help with liquidity needs amid a dollar shortage triggered by the coronavirus outbreak. 

Bank Indonesia has no plan yet to use the facility, Governor Perry Warjiyo told investors on a conference call on Tuesday. The agreement on the credit line was a vote of confidence in the domestic economy, he said.

The rupiah has been the hardest hit in Asia this year, dropping more than 14% against the dollar, as investors pulled money out of emerging markets and fled to the safe-haven greenback, triggering liquidity shortages. Bank Indonesia has taken aggressive steps to stem the fallout, draining $9.43 billion from its foreign reserves last month, according to figures released earlier Tuesday.

Indonesia’s reserves of about $121 billion are ample and the Fed’s credit line was a “second line of defense in case we need liquidity in dollars,” Warjiyo said. 

“The repo line will give Bank Indonesia access to dollars if needed and helps to ease pressure in the near-term,” said Khoon Goh, head of Asia research at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group in Singapore. “In the current volatile market environment, sentiment and perception is important. The line will allow BI to access dollars without needing to sell U.S. Treasuries held in their reserves.”

The Fed said March 31 it was setting up a temporary repurchase agreement facility for international monetary authorities to help support financial markets. The facility allows central banks to temporarily exchange their U.S. Treasury securities held with the Federal Reserve for U.S. dollars.

Rate Room

Bank Indonesia lowered its benchmark rate in March for the second month in a row and has signaled more easing may be in the pipeline as it looks to provide stimulus to support rapidly deteriorating growth prospects for Southeast Asia’s biggest economy.

While the central bank still sees room to lower rates, further easing may be risky “amid the current climate” and the bank’s priority is to guard the currency, Warjiyo told an online news conference. Bank Indonesia will coordinate with other authorities to combat the spread of the virus and its impact on the economy, he said.

The rupiah and bonds rallied on the news of the repo facility. The currency rose 1.3% to 16,200 to a dollar, the most since January 2019, while the yield on benchmark 10-year rupiah sovereign bonds fell 7 basis points to 8.14%, the first decline in seven days.



Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy  Article quote "Zarfi pledged elections within a year of forming his cabinet and vowed to respond to the demands of the protestors."  Dude I'm really pumped about this...what do you think one of those needs are?  ...one of the protestors said he is upset that of the fact that he has 250 dinars in his pocket and it's not even worth a quarter.  That to me sounds like somebody who's looking for more purchasing power...

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Patriot Intel Report

PIR 04 07 20

I will remind you we have seen the US Treasury absorb the Federal Reserve. Do not be surprised , be in anticipation of an announcement where we can see the change of the economic system here in the United States. We are getting away from the Petro Dollar System and going back to an asset backed system. Asset backed meaning gold, silver…who knows exactly how it will play out but or what it will be…but we are in the energenics of that change right now.

When will this happen?  It’s happening right now.


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