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Short Wednesday Evening News With MarkZ 3-16-2022

As the World Turns with MarkZ 03/16/2022

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good evening all…. I think we might have some good news tonight… I sure hope so

Member:  no nothing burger tonight… the word says man can't live on bread alone …WE NEED MEAT ON THAT BURGER

Member: Waiting for our ships to come in or for our train to arrive at the station??

Member: So should we be waiting at the docks or the train station?

Member: Holly says bonds have been paid the last 2 days and so does Bruce….

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MZ: I’ve been hearing more chatter on that. Got 2 reports from a person I have great faith in…. …saying they know people with full access to bond money today. This person has a lot of skin in the game and says he knows 2 real life friends that have received full money…not partial on bonds within the last 24 hours.

MZ: I will take that as great news…..We were always told that when they got to a certain point with redeeming historic bonds….then we get CMKX and PP’s deliveries settlements.. …..then we at 4 b can go.

MZ: Other than that it has been obscenely quiet….the last 48 hours have been miserably quiet.

Member: I think quiet is good….more NDA’s…..

Member: No news is good news?

MZ: They have been cracking down on bond people sharing…..most have signed electronic NDAs…so I take quiet as a good sign when it’s this quiet. .

Member: bonds paid in fiat money?

MZ: They would have to be for now.

Member: If those who have bonds are being paid, that's a good sign. BUT it only means we are getting closer to being notified. We still need appointments, be @ appointments and get our exchange complete.

Member:  it is now public that wells fargo will do real time settlement …emails sent out for policy changes

Member: Hi Mark I received an email from Wells Fargo, they will be switching to their rtp digital system on May 24th.

Member:  I went to our bank today, just to get some cash and I made the off-the-cuff statement to the teller, “oh, I was hoping to get the new currency.“ His response, “not yet, soon.“

Member: this one girl said she went to her bank of America location and the bank teller told her they were changing systems on the 1st of April .... and when askedi f Nesara/Gesara and teller said yes

Member: Mark what do you mean when you say bank screens are showing $4 for dong?

MZ: Bank screens on different currencies….Even though rates are locked , values fluctuate ..I have 2 different bankers that have told me they are seeing $4 rates…..this could just be a place holder. Most bankers believe the rate will be around $2.25 to $2.30.

MZ: Remember I will not be here in the morning tomorrow. Basically expect to have tomorrow and next Thursday off when I am traveling.

Member: Ok be honest who besides me will have MarkZ withdrawals tomorrow?

Member: Watch tomorrow morning is when it’s all going to happen. Lol

MZ: I will have my golden egg shirt with me on my trip in case something happens…..This week while I am gone…i will tweet ahead of time when I can do a podcast. Next time I see you it will be from Puerto Rico.


Member: Safe travels tomorrow Mark……Hope we get to see you with good news on Friday!!

Member: Happy Saint Patrick’s Day tomorrow everyone!!

FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO JOIN US THIS EVENING AT PPN 8PM CST/ 9PMEST HERE: https://www.thepatriotpartynews.com/

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

The next stream is unscheduled and unknown at this time due to Mark traveling…………..


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