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Short Tuesday Evening Update with MarkZ 8-24-2021

Tuesday Evening News with MarkZ 8/24/2021

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Mod: today is Okie's Birthday

Member: Great things are about to happen..

MZ: I’m taking a short vacation but you will probably see me every day except tomorrow…..at least once a day.

MZ Today I got more confirming emails that they are expecting dollars over the next few days.  

MZ: I do have a DHS contact who said they believed it will happen no later than the Labor Day weekdne which is right around the corner. I tend to think it will be earlier based on the chatter I am getting.

See this content in the original post

MZ: I did touch base with one of my Iraqi contacts and they believe they will see their new rates there  in the month of August before Sept. 1st. He works within the government so this is fantastic.

Member: Which banks can we expect t exchange at?

MZ: The 3 major banks which are HSBC, Chase and WellsFargo. I am told they will use regional banks in areas that do not have these banks. In Canada I believe they will be Scotia and Royal Bank of Canada.

MZ: Don’t over think this. When we get instructions they will tell us where to go.

Member: Mark you must not think it's going to happen if you are on vacation

MZ: I have packed my streaming equiptment and the golden egg shirt. Hope I get to wear it.

Member:  ​Have a great well deserved rest and Vacation Tomorrow

Member:  Happy birthday to Okie hope it’s a good one

Listen to the replay for all the information

Mark is on vacation from Aug 25 to the 29th. No scheduled streams at this time.


See this content in the original post