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Short Monday Evening Update with MarkZ 8-30-2021

Monday Evening News with MarkZ 8/30/2021

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: I've got some intel for ya since you were away on vacation...the RV hasn't happened yet. Just so you know!!!

Member: tomorrow is the day-right?

MZ: We will see how that goes.

MZ: According to my banking sources we have a lot of activity . They still believe it will be the 7th for exchanges with notifications as early as Wednesday right now. I am hoping this is accurate. We have been here before so we need to manage our expectations.

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MZ: On the bond side there has been boxes of bonds paid out. Some of the smallest amounts being report are around 90 million dollars . I am still waiting to find out if any of these funds are spendable. It’s not enough to just see them. They need to be able to spend them.

MZ: But, It appears things are taking off this week.

Member: Mr. Z, how do the bonds being paid tie into the RV's timing? Thanks!

MZ: It is just another cog….we do not have to wait for all them to be paid before the RV, but we always knew Bonds would start to happen in the same approximate time span. It is an indicator for us to watch. Movement on the bond side means the RV is close behind…..moving forward.

Member:  So just to clarify...notifications POSSIBLY this week with redemptions beginning next week ?

Member:  A WF bank employee told me that the dinar will exchange first. Dong and others will be a month or so later. According to her boss. They are preparing for the exchange.

Member: Can we exchange our currency now?

MZ: You can but you won’t get the value you want from it. . You will just get basically what you paid for it.

Member: It was said in the past that the IQD should be exchanged into a separate account.

MZ: Absolutely not. And I am told you do not need a trust before the exchange. . Anyone tells you that you need one is just trying to sell you something.

Member: If we have Zim, should we also buy other currencies?

MZ: For me, Zim has always been the dark horse. The safest one to have, imo is the dinar. We know dinar should go first even though we are also being told they will all go at the same time. .  Let’s say nothing else happens and they kick the can on the reset…..Iraq will still revalue. They have gone through all the hoops and jumped through everything they need to in order to RV their currency. That’s the way I look at it. .

Member: Are you still hearing there will be 3 options in exchanging the Zim?

MZ: Yes. 1: you take a lower amount and there is no strings on it. Cash and carry 

2: you get a higher rate and you give a chunk of it to one of the preapproved humanitarian projects. You will not have to do any work and you make a little more

3: you make the maximum amount and lots of strings and work involved….you will be running the humanitarian project yourself, hiring people, filing things, state and federal requirements. They will be watching you to make sure you are a good steward with these funds.  

Member: What are you hearing for the dong rate?

MZ: I am still hearing we will get in the lower $2 range.

MZ: I am looking for fantastic news this week. I think this will be an enormous week for us. See you all in the morning.

Member:  Thanks Mark…..everyone have a great night.

Please listen to the replay for all the information

The next stream is Tuesday 10AM est……


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