Dinar Recaps

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Scott Mowry, Holly and more.....Monday AM 1-17-2022

Some Highlights from the Scott Mowry miracle call

The Chinese Elders are very very upset it's been the US that has been holding up all of this but the US would never be excluded from this event,  we are the most powerful Power House in the world.

We heard from a reliable source of the Dinar revalue a few days ago but was not released due to the US wanting to hold out 

Iraq has agreed to a Dinar rate of $11contract $4 public

The United States Treasury Note will be the number 1 currency for North America 

The dinar will be the number one currency for the Middle East,  there will be a couple other currencies that will be for different regions so that no one currency dominates another.

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January 17th Martin Luther King jr. Day as he stated the time is always right to make things right

January 17th there is a big effort underway to launch the RV 

January 20th we are being told that Nesara/ Gesara will be activated 

January 20th the law of War this is when the EBS should be activated globally Global operation 49 states have already enacted there NG with more to follow, this is a limited operation possible rural areas only.

You will receive an email alert this will take you to a SafeLink website after you click on this SafeLink website they will give you an 800 number with all of your personal information connected to this,  you cannot share this number with anybody. 

Bring your receipts if possible with your Holdings.

Scott Mowry Replay Number: 712-770-5402 Access code: 767664# / followed by #


Holly Monday Thoughts

Good morning roomies!  

Self Love is Key To Life: "Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. ... unknown   

We have been taught to love ourselves is selfish. Actually you can not love anyone else until you love yourself. If you are not complete within you being, then you look outside yourself to fill a void. Loving another is a complimenting each other not completing each other. 

There still is a war going on behind the scenes and this unfortunately will not go away instantly. This is a military operation and the Military will never reveal their moves and show the enemy what they are going to do.

This is the most sophisticated military operation that has ever taken place. The release of the monies to all of us is the last phase of this operation. Let’s see what this week brings.

Stay positive and keep your vibrations high. This all we can do at this time as this war is waged.

This our part in the war, keeping high vibrations, as we are part of it by being involved in the greatest transfer of wealth there is. Stay strong digital soldiers. 



Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Walkingstick  [via Guru Frank26]  ...It's in print now...the way that the CBI is printing this education is for the citizens to properly interpret the monetary and economic reform.  It's not for them as investors.

Frank26  Article:  "Economist: The Government has no justification to continue to raising the dollar exchange rate"  Bada-bing-bada-boom  Quote:  "...oil prices and financial abundance make it imperative for the next government to take measures to reduce the exchange rate...Iraq has all the financial capabilities and qualifications that necessitate a reduction in the exchange rate especially after the compensation of Kuwait's completion and the rise in oil prices..."  This is an amazing article... [Note about article title: Raising the dollar exchange rate from Iraq's perspective is making the dinar rate go down.

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Doug Casey: The Decade of the Greater Depression

Palisades Gold Radio:  Jan 17, 2022

Since 2008, Doug has continued to be shocked by the Fed's reactions. They've printed trillions in new currency along with most other governments in the world.

The little guys on the bottom are now seeing the full effects of inflation which is turning into a social time bomb. Bonds are now negative in real terms. Negative interest rates encourage borrowing and if we don't borrow the system will collapse.

We're getting near the end game.

 What we have in the west today is not capitalism but a form of corporate fascism where the government controls things fairly tightly.

 Doug believes that gold is fairly well priced currently when compared with other assets. Gold for him is a savings vehicle and occasionally useful as a speculative asset.

Gold equities on the other hand are currently quite cheap.

Doug discusses how Cypress confiscated a lot of money directly from the population's bank accounts and since then many other countries have passed laws to permit similar actions.

Therefore, it may be foolish to have more than the insurable amount in your bank account.

The largest export of the United States is the dollar itself and we see this reflected in the trade deficit.

There are many trillions of dollars floating around outside of the United States. Eventually, foreigners will decide they no longer want dollars and then that money will flow back in exchange for any goods left in the United States.

This is a timebomb ready to go off.

Doug discusses how digital currencies issued by governments and central banks could function. He has serious concerns about social credit scores. Your biggest risks today are political so it makes sense to have some bullion on hand. Diversifying politically is also important so keeping some bullion outside your home country can be a good idea.

Doug has always had an interest in commodities and we are entering a bullish period for them. He has placed a sizable investment into the carbon market but it's definitely speculative.

He notes that bonds are the biggest disaster waiting to happen.


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