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Saturday Update with MarkZ "Something is Afoot!" 10-30-2021

Weekend Update. 10/30/2021

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: happy Saturday everyone

MZ: Lots of things in flux right now….Based on the chatter from Miami and Reno and Iraq…things are moving forward quickly;

MZ: Many reports that bank branches are down, some reports of rainbow bills in ATMs today. We are trying to track this down and get pictures of them There is something afoot in a big way.

See this content in the original post

MZ: in Iraq – it looks like they are going to be “down” for 7 days. They could be trying to roll this out like they did Kuwait right now. We are hearing out of Iraq that they are moving forward….and the lower denominations are being announced on televisions…..I am waiting for some translations to know 100%.

MZ: in Iraq I am really wondering if they are letting it rip over there and trying to keep things quiet,.just like in Kuwait…..It is very interesting what we are watching going on.

MZ: it is not rolling out exactly like I thought it would

MZ: I am hearing of exchanges where banks are offering lower amounts and “jumping the gun”. I would not take any of those deals guy….They may be traps trying to see who jumps and who goes early.

Member: We all should wait for appointments to redeem

MZ: Yes…don’t jump the gun!

MZ: I did speak to a number of bankers and something is afoot. They are looking at this point for Monday or Tuesday new values in all of my redemption centers……it’s going to be a nervous weekend…I did not expect this much news overnight….I did not expect this much news until Monday .

MZ: You may see me again later on today based on the chatter right now….This has been unreal.

Member:  If the rainbow currency is being dispensed @atm machines do they not need to announce soon? Because how would the retailers know they are real?

​Member: Make sense it’s Halloween weekend...no one would expect this movement today

Member:  I heard a rumor that we are now asset backed??

MZ:  We have a whole lot going on right now. I have heard the rumor that it may be asset backed but have been unable to verify this.

Member:  Simon Parks also says the US is now asset back

Member:  Yes, We are Asset-backed... and the prices are adjusting in the markets. WE ARE HERE!!!

Member:  Currency365 is also live, talking about being asset backed. This is crazy

MZ: We are also hearing big things out of Europe for Nov. 7th. And I think that we are in the middle of Nesara/Gesara right now.

MZ: I am also hearing on the CMKX, PP’s, settlement side that deliveries are slated to start on Monday starting at 5 pm. Est.

MZ: I am praying nothing stops, derails or slows this all down. It looks like by the time we get into Tuesday we will know people with dollars.

Member: So it’s happening now???

MZ: Based on all the chatter it is full tilt and happening right now. 

MZ: We are already seeing the historic German bonds processing …in Zurich, Miami and other places.

Member: So they should be starting Chinese bonds, dragon bonds super petchellis ect next!!

Member: Isaac said he is not liquid with his bonds yet,

MZ: There are a number of folks still waiting to exchange. But, we have many that already have.

MZ: Keep in mind they do not want our exchanges to be difficult. They will make it as easy as possible. Our first appointments will be limited time to exchange…anyone you take with you will be signing the same NDAs you have…they want to keep it quiet…...

Member:  then our second appointments we will be able to start setting things up.

MZ: I am hearing we will have up to 90 days to exchange….so we will have plenty of time to get it done but, they really want to keep this very quiet…..

MZ: When we sign the NDA;s I will disappear until it is over……you all should also keep everything quiet.

MZ: When you go to exchange and sign the NDA for 30 days, 60 or 90 days….that is how long I will be off the internet  without talking….whatever it happens to be….

Member: Simon told Charlie Ward the US exchanges will start in Texas.

MZ: I have not heard that from any of my sources…..but I won’t rule it out….. I actually think the US will start in Miami , Richmond and New York…..then move east to west

MZ: They have moved a lot of the whales from Reno to Miami…..also for those that don’t know we hear the new “Wall Street” will be in Miami. It will be a new financial hub for the US.

MZ: We have also been told for many years that the president of the Us “corporation” would be out of the country when the RV/reset happened…..and he is out of the country right now…. Very interesting

Member: also remember tonight that Upstate New York is supposed to have a view of the Aurora borealis tonight…….

MZ: That is exciting…..if you are lucky enough to see- take pictures.

Member: There is so much energy in the air, you can even feel it online!

Member:  Please tell Okie he needs to land the Plane… and we are praying the best for him

Please listen to replay for all the information

Todays stream is sponsored by CBD gurus…please listen to the replay for all the information…..

The next stream is Monday at 10Am est……..unless Mark is back sooner…..



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