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RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR Update 3-19-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 19 March 2021

Compiled Fri. 19 March 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Restored Republic via a Global Currency Reset:

150 years ago in 1871 the US was secretly and without vote of The People, changed from a Republic to a Corporation that would drown the nation in debt and result in President Nixon ending the US Currency Gold Standard 100 years later in 1971. It took fifty more years until 2021 for the US and 209 countries across the globe to again adopt that Gold Standard, along with a NESARA/ GESARA Debt Jubilee as the US returned to concepts of the original Constitution.

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The Shotgun Start was still set for at any moment this week. The Redemption Centers were getting start schedules that ranged from Sat. 20 March to the end of the month. Different executives from two major banks estimated that Tier 4B would start in a window that ranged from Thurs. night 18 March to Sun. 21 March.

Our Military Intel Contact confirmed, “We were told that everything was ready and waiting to go, all funds were in place and we were just waiting for the 800 numbers and/or Safe Link Websites.”

MarkZ: “For the past ten years they have kept a contingent of Chinese Banking Elders in a California compound, but now they were moving them to other Banking Centers around the world. IMO that was big news… Snake was told there would be Elders in 6-7 major cities or Banking Centers around the world to oversee the rollout of the Global Currency Reset. Yesterday (Wed. 17 March) I heard the same thing – that they were positioning Chinese members of the Banking Family to oversee the GCR. They were dispatching them as we speak!!

“I am told we would have 10 days to set our appointments and 30 days to exchange.”


Thurs. 18 March 2021 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 712-770-4016 pin123456#

Iraq completed vote and approval on the HCL Law, budget and everything they had to do. We would hear a rate change Fri. 19 March or Sat. 20 March.

Some Bond Tier 3 have paid out in Zurich, Hong Kong, Europe, Malaysia and Miami.

One bank said we would start some time in a window that went from tonight to Sun 21 March.

Another bank said we would get started between tonight and the weekend.

The Redemption Centers were getting schedules that ranged from Sat. 20 March to the end of the month.

The DUMB tunnels clean up was ongoing but the rescue of children was complete.

The Emergency Broadcast System would take over at some point.

The new US Notes were at the banks and Redemption Centers.

The interest you earn from a structured payout would be very high

Thurs. 18 March Fleming’s Military Intel Contact: We are told that everything was ready and waiting to go, all funds were in place and we were just waiting for the 800 numbers and/or Safe Link Websites.

The Safe Link Websites were brought into this because of all the fraud that was going on concerning the 800 numbers. Servers for the Safe Link Websites were located in China, the US and various parts of the world to prevent them from being hacked. All had the capacity to get on line at any minute. We would be emailed a link that everyone would be able to access worldwide.

Information that you will be asked to provide will be verified from public information. Once done you will be provided with an 800 number that will be specific to you. Call the 800 number provided to set your appointment. Once you have made your appointment then the number would be no good and it would expire.

The Safe Link Website will be available from several Intel providers. It will be the same web link address for everyone that is involved in this process. Clicking on the link will take you to a secure site that is encrypted. There has been several test runs on the end result is that the links are all working and ready to go.

We hear a lot of information from Intel providers about rates and the only thing that can be said about that is we will not know what the rates are until we have our appointments and are sitting in the exchange/redemption centers. It would be only then that we would know the rates for sure.

What you need to bring to your appointment:

Two forms of identification
a) Drivers license
b) passport
c) Birth certification

Proof of where you reside
a) utility bill
b) Cable bill

All of your currency
a) Break it down by country
b) highest to lowest
c) a complete list of your currencies

If you have a humanitarian project, bring a 3 - 5 page outline of it, along with copies to leave at the Redemption Center.

Be professional, polite at all times and do not get rude or demanding.

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Zim Redemption:

We were told that if you have Zim, then you may not be eligible for the Contract Rates. We do not know that for sure until we talk with the representative who represented the US Treasury.

We were also told that it would be a $1 to $1 on the redemption of the Zim and that was by agreement with the Chinese who were the buyers of the Zim that we held. Though, while it was $1 to $1 on the Zim in the rest of the world, it would not be that in the United States. In the US it would be on a sliding scale depending on the projects that you were presenting to your Wealth Managers.

If you did not have a project or projects then a list of approved international projects would be supplied for you to pick from.

Default Package: If you just wanted to walk in and out of your appointment with no strings attached, you would be offered a Default Package. We have heard that package offered would be in different amounts ranging from $11 million to $33 million on a 100T note. It could go as high as $150 million. We would not know for certain until we were in the exchange/ redemption center.

If you did not like the Default package being offered then just tell the person that you wanted to get a higher rate. They would refer you to someone else and give you 15 days to work it out with them.

You would be given a debit/credit card for 2% of your exchange/ redemption. There would be no up-front cash given out.

At the next meeting you would present your projects and set up your trusts, bank accounts and structured account, etc.

Currency Exchange:

The currency exchange would be handled much like procedures of Zim redemption.

No one at the moment knew what the currency rates were because they have not been locked in.

If you do not have Zim, then you would be given the opportunity to exchange your currency at a Contract Rate. The only two currencies that have Contract Rates were the Dinar and Dong.

I have said for months that in order to get the Contract Rates humanitarian projects may be required and at this moment that looks like the case.

If the total amount of currency reaches a certain point, you may be required to have a structured payout.

You would be given 2% of the total exchange and a limit of $10 million dollars to spend in the next 15 days. During that time you would meet with your Wealth Manager and set up your trusts, projects, etc.

If you already have a Common Law Trust then you could have funds deposited into that trust.

There were three documents that you would be required to sign, one of which was a Non Disclosure Agreement.

They wanted you in and out as quickly as possible.


Judy Note on Exchange/Redemption in countries outside the US: Please be aware that this is my opinion only – and I could easily be wrong. I recommend that you do your own research.

We haven't been given much information about exchanges/ redemption for countries outside the US. All currency exchanges and Zim bond redemption were dependent upon the worth of that particular country's own currencies and contracts they had with other countries. I've heard that some countries don’t have Zim redemption, some countries won't require humanitarian projects to redeem Zim and in some countries the Zim was redeemable at a 1:1.

It has been confirmed that all exchanges/ redemption periods worldwide would be during the same time frame for everyone (it is a Global Currency Reset). The Secure Website would work for everyone across the globe to set your appointment at the location of your choice.

Your humanitarian project(s) could be international, or for your own country.

For further questions ask when you secure your appointment.


Restored Republic via a GCR Schedule:

A couple of weeks ago the international monies accounts of Dubi 1 and 2 received huge tranches of funds from upper level bond redemptions.

On Mon. 15 those monies were finally released for the purpose of starting Tier 4B exchanges this week.

On Tues. 16 March Dubai 1 completed paying out tranches into US Treasury accounts.

On Wed. morning 17 March Dubai 2 completed payouts and audits, after which Tier 3-4A bond sellers were told they would receive liquidity that day.

The Redemption Centers received start schedules that ranged from Sat. 20 March to the end of the month. Different executives from two major banks estimated that Tier 4B would start in a window that ranged from Thurs. night 18 March to Sun. 21 March.

By Thurs. 25 March and no later than Wed. 31 March Tier 4B exchange appointments at the special rates were expected to be FINISHED.

Thurs. April 1 was the beginning of the fiscal year for the new gold/ asset-backed US Treasury Note. On that date the General Public Tier 5 could exchange gold/ asset-backed foreign currency exchanges at the new international rates.

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/03/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_19.html

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