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RV Excerpts From the Restored Republic via a GCR Update 2-17-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 17 Feb. 2021

Compiled Wed. 17 Feb. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note:

Military Intel Contact: Today Tues. 16 Feb. everything including liquidity was moving as expected. All necessary codes have been put into the QFS, all funds were in place and they just needed to pull the trigger. Everything was ready to start the RV Shotgun Release, Value Day and Tier 4B notification at any time over the next 24-48 hours. The Military expected to lockdown the final rates for 22 world currencies and bonds some time on Wed.-Thurs. 17-18 Feb.

Bruce: Bond people were expecting to be notification of liquidity of around 1% of their funds some time Wed. 17 2021.

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Charlie Ward: They were expecting to get the green light for Tier 4B notification on the Chinese New Year. One reason for the delay was because of the tunnels beneath the Capitol and the need to save children from them. Now we have been given a different timeline. As of Tues. 16 Feb. the codes were uploaded and everything was ready to go. Something massive was going to happen on April 6 2021.

The Alliance was Beta testing a new platform that guaranteed Free Speech and could handle without censorship, public communications on the Internet.

There was a possibility that by Thurs. 18 Feb. the US could be in lockdown with businesses closed for around two weeks. FEMA was setting up emergency stations all over the country in preparation for the two week lockdown. We have been promised that if we were in lockdown during the exchange period we would be given passes and even military escort if so wished, in order to go to our appointments.

All signs were that the next two weeks would be epic.


Tues. Evening 16 Feb. Fleming’s Military Intel Contact Update:

Everything was ready to start the RV Shotgun Release, Value Day and Tier 4B notification at any time over the next 24-48 hours.

All necessary codes have been put into the QFS, all funds were in place and they just needed to pull the trigger.

Today Tues. 16 Feb. everything including liquidity was moving as expected.

Some time by Wed.-Thurs. 17-18 Feb. a lockdown was expected by the military of final rates for 22 world currencies and bonds.

Iraq finished passing their budget with the Dinar RV rate including the economic reform white paper the day on Sun. 14 Feb.

On Sun 14 Feb. at about 9:15 am Iraqi time and for security purposes the US military told Iraq to wait until after Tier 4B exchanges started to make public the RV rate of the Dinar so as not to give D*eep State psychopaths reasons to cause violence and bloodshed in retaliation.

Between last Thurs. 11 Feb and Sun. 14 Feb, 31,000 federal employees who were not D*eep State Traitors exchanged their currencies, getting ready for the Shotgun Start this week.

RV teams and the Military were saying that nothing could stop this. It was going to be a great week for Tier 4B.

On Tues. Morning 16 Feb. MARKZ said, "I'm hearing similar things. Everything is positioned and waiting for that switch to flip. . . . I hear we are all prepared...dollars [funds] are in place and the QFS is just waiting for that switch to flip. They are still asking all of the group leaders and paymasters to stay in place....so to me this is exceptionally positive news. . . . Paymasters and group leaders...everybody I know that needs to be in a seat-is in their seat for this thing to go. I have heard of funds "tranching" [being moved into place in large tranches] going on where things are positioned....but, nobody yet has spendable cash. I am still told it's a Shotgun Start and it will all happen at the same time. That is positive news."

There was "news from Iraq about the [RV] lifting or raising the value of the dinar so they can remove the 3 zeros…This was published in three different publications in Iraq over the past weekend. . . . the news out of Iraq is phenomenal...the news from our paymasters and group leaders is stellar...I don't think anything is holding it up now."


Tues. 15 Feb. 2021 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 712-770-4016 pin123456#.

There was a need to do a two day stress test on the QFS system for the banks to see how the system would handle the great amount of monies in the GCR.

Those stress tests started Mon. 15 Feb. and would go through today and tonight.

If the QFS passed that would give us the go ahead to receive notification.

Bond people were expecting to be notification of liquidity of 1% of their funds some time Wed. 17 2021.

Today we had over four million without electricity in Texas. That could have affected the RV rollout.

Funds have moved into position from the Trusts.

Sun. and Mon. 14, 15 Feb. there were conference calls between Chase, banks in Iraq and about the stress tests.

See this content in the original post

Tues. 15 Feb. Charlie Ward Roundtable: https://youtu.be/hO7qs3Nsilg

They were expecting to get the green light on the Chinese New Year. Everything was ready to go. The codes were uploaded and ready to go.

Something massive was going to happen on April 6 2021.

Charlie has confirmed that the QFS has been up and running for over a year.

WIM: When the QFS is in place, the RV was right around the corner.

Charlie has direct access to the highest level people exchanging bonds including Zim. You will be evaluated for your rates depending on the goodness of your heart.

You can get a default rate if you don’t have a project.

Tues. 15 Feb. NESARA/ GESARA, Charlie Ward: Let's Move Forward On Nesara Gesara With Charlie Ward, Julia & Carly

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/02/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_17.html

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