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RV Excerpts and Rumors from the Restored Republic via a GCR Update 3--29-2022

RV Excerpts and Rumors from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 29 March 2022

Compiled Tues. 29 March 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: This week it appeared that Mass Arrests were happening; the Global Currency Reset had begun with at least seven nations now functioning on gold-backed currency including Russia and China, leading to Europe, Russia, China and Indonesia de-pegging from the US Dollar with other nations to soon follow…

Time for Judgment Day.

Real News Headlines for Mon. 28 March 2022:

Get Ready for a World Currency – the Largest Transfer of Wealth in Planet Earth’s History. New Stock Market, Global Governments, Banks, Companies, Hedge funds, Bonds, ETF’s, Real Estate etc. …The Economist

The Global Currency Reset happened on Sun. 20 March, while the SWIFT Global Financial System was no more.

The evidence that BRICS nations have been trading in a gold-backed currency this week has been verified.

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Thurs. 31 March was the last day of business for any bank that was not Basel 3 compliant and the last day for the Federal Reserve. The Fed was absorbed into the Treasury 1 year ago and given a year to close down shop.

Fri. 1 April the Quantum Computer and new digital currency using Blockchain would be fully activated. 

This week Europe depegged from the US dollar, while Indonesia depegged last week.

IRS Admits Taxes are Voluntary: https://www.bitchute.com/video/M2sU4mccR5f2

Global Currency Reset as of Mon. 28 March 2022:

Preauthorizing for PP owners started Thurs. 24 March and should have finished by Sun. 27 March, so as to go out Mon. 28 March or Tues. 29 March according to Bruce.

CMKX, Farm Claims, Prosperity Packages, Groups out of Reno and Bond Holders were told they would get emails over last weekend, with access to their funds on Mon. 28 March or Tues. 29 March according to Bruce.

Fleming: Notifications for Fines and Penalties will be delivered by Special Courier. Although these deliveries started this weekend no money has been released – not until Tier 4 notifications start. It’s reasonable then, to believe that by Thursday, 3/31, everything has to be done.

Mon. morning 28 March MarkZ: “My banking contacts expect a full flow of dollars on Tues. 29 March – a full flow of not only bond, but also of currencies. This is coming from two large International banks. This weekend I spoke with Sheila (CMKX leader) and she expects this week to be a “week of abundance.””

MarkZ Mon. evening 28 March: “I am still not 100% certain tomorrow is our day…. 2 contacts from large International Banks think tomorrow will be the day everything starts..….even currencies will start….I am praying and hoping it is true. But I do not believe Iraq will be holding us back.”

Redemption Center Staff were scheduled to begin working full time on Tues. 29 March according to Bruce.

Notification for Tier4B (us, the Internet Group) would happen according to Events, not dates, though Bruce claimed notification to set exchange/redemption appointments was set to go out Tues. 29 March, with start of appointments on Wed. 30 March. Fleming said the email notifications may not go out until Wed. 30 March.

The Federal Reserve Note USD would likely complete cleanup by the end of March according to Bruce.

The new gold/asset-backed US Note was expected to be available to the general public around the first part of April.

The fiat US dollar (US Inc. was bankrupted by the Chinese Communist Party and Saudi Arabia according to Charlie Ward) would be phased out by the end of the US Treasury fiscal year in Sept. 2022.


Global Currency Reset:

Putin predicting dollar and Euros demise and everyone moving to “real reserves of raw materials” like “land, food, and gold” https://twitter.com/wallstreetsilv/status/1508186316638457864?s=12&t=HnDp1l6GxH8hFt00WSSRVw

Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed the government, Central Bank and Gazprom to implement measures to switch to ruble payments for gas for unfriendly countries by March 31, the Kremlin says. Judy Note: The Ruble is gold backed. Putin will not accept the fiat US Dollar.

New Bill tasks Treasury, not Fed, with Digital Dollar Issuance: https://www.theblockcrypto.com/linked/139514/new-bill-tasks-treasury-not-fed-with-digital-dollar-issuance

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/03/29/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-march-29-2022/

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