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RV Excerpt From The Restored Republic Via a GCR Update 3-15-2021

RV Excerpt from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 15 March 2021

Compiled Mon. 15 March 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: On Sun. 14 March our Military Intel Contact reported:

Wed. 10 March the Interim Military Govt concluded their seven week Department of Defense 2020 Election investigation and concluded that there was foreign interference and election fraud in the 2020 Election.

On Thurs. 11 March Gene Decode reported that Special Forces were still rescuing children out of the vast tunnel network system two miles under Capitol Hill.

Fri. 12 March late night liquidity payouts were released.

See this content in the original post

Overnight Sun 14 March the QFS, which has been fully integrated with Forex, would be facilitating trading of all USN pegged global currencies.

Mon 15 March some private redemption would be done.

Mon 15 March NESARA protocols would be implemented through (1) gold-backed USN currency notes released through Redemption Centers and (2) the $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Bill $1,400 direct deposits & checks would go out as cover for exchanges.

Tues. 16 March onward Tier 3-4A, B notification emails and calls to obtain appointments for Zim redemption and foreign currency exchanges at the special rates.

Thurs. 25 March and no later than Wed. 31 March Tier 4B exchange appointments were expected to be FINISHED.

Thurs. 1 April Announcement of the Global Currency Reset

Thurs. 1 April NESARA / GESARA Debt Jubilee

Thurs. 1 April was the beginning of the fiscal year for the new gold/ asset-backed US Treasury Note.

Thurs. 1 April the General Public Tier 5 foreign currency exchanges at the new international rates would go forward.


New Global Currency Reset Rates (as I understand them only – and I could be wrong) as reported by our Military Intel Contact so Zim redeemers could decide prior to their appointment whether they wanted the default rates or to present a project and negotiate a rate. There would be no holds, no caps and no tax on your redemption/ exchange.

The Zim Default Rate you received was dependent on amount you had, long term payout time frame and your investment in international humanitarian projects = $.11 to $.33 per each 100 T Note

Zim Contract Rate if you have long term humanitarian project put on a long term payout = $.94

Dinar International Rate = $3.71

Dinar Default Rate = $16.00

Dinar Contract Rate if you have no Zim and dedicate 30% to humanitarian = $22.00

Dong International Rate = $.47

Dong Default Rate = $15.00

Dong Contract Rate if you have no Zim and dedicate 30% to humanitarian = $20.00


Sun. 14 March Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

Late Fri. night 12 March liquidity payouts were released, clearing obligations from Zurich to get the GCR/RV Shotgun Start going this coming week.

All bankers, paymasters, bond seller recipients, group leaders, attorneys, Redemption Centers, Banks, etc. were told to stay in position and get ready for the Shotgun Start this coming week.

Redemption Centers were on high alert and have to be at their desks ready to start exchanges-redemptions within two hours of being notified.

Paymasters will have major meetings on Mon 15 March. There would be some private redemption on Mon also.

All funds from bondholder sellers receiving liquidity will be down-streamed to support payouts of Tier 3-4A/B.

The RV was being pushed out from Tues. 16 March onward.

Tier 3-4A Group notification emails and calls were set to start going out next Tues. 16 March.

Our Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) notification emails could come at any time at the same approximate timing from Tues. 16 March onward next week.

Tier 4B exchange appointments were expected to be FINISHED by the Department of Defense and US Treasury by Thurs. 25 March (and no later than Wed. 31 March).

The General Public Tier 5 would start about Thurs. 1 April going forward.

If you do not have a trust, the exchange bankers will offer you a skeleton trust (a type of revocable living family trust).

Whatever trust your redemption proceeds go into, your assigned Wealth Manager and trust company team would help you see to it that your trust(s) were re-written once the Restored Republic was fully activated under Common Law.

All attorneys, medical doctors and banking personnel would need to be retrained under Restored Republic Common Law or Constitutional Law.

The Military has taken care of some security issues that came up over the past 72 hours.

D/eep State (read CIA/FBI / Antifa, BLM, et al.) half-wits could no longer interfere.

Of the 400 urban areas that were threatened a couple of months ago with D/eep State violence, only 22 urban potential hotspots remained across the USA.

You were asked to avoid, if possible, Redemption Centers in D/eep State controlled cities like Philadelphia, NYC, Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, Seattle, San Francisco, LA, etc, etc.

It that were not possible, you would still be safe, as the Military would be guarding all Redemption Centers to keep currency holders and exchange personnel safe.

13 March 2021 Juan O. Savin Definitive Video: Patriots are urged to stay off the streets and away from State Capitols -- False Flag events intended to discredit patriots are known to be planned. NON-VIOLENCE is VITAL. Obey the law, allow events to play out.

It was recommended that we continued to pray over the RV release process starting in 24+ hours and continuing the rest of the month.

Overnight Sun 14 March the QFS, which has been fully integrated with Forex, would be facilitating trading of all USN pegged global currencies.

See this content in the original post

Mon 15 March NESARA protocols would be implemented through (1) gold-backed USN currency notes released through Redemption Centers and (2) the $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Bill $1,400 direct deposits & checks would go out as cover for exchanges.

Stimulus direct deposits would go from "pending" to "active" on Wed 17 March, St. Patrick's Day: https://www.cnet.com/personal-finance/the-irs-is-now-sending-1400-stimulus-checks-when-will-your-money-arrive/

It was recommended that at your redemption appointment you stay open to what the exchange bankers say, take your time and listen thoroughly before speaking.

Keep in mind the general rates put out by Mr. Fleming's sources last week to help you determine whether to receive the default rate package, or to present your project outline presentation.

In order to request the higher contract rates, you and your Wealth Manager would need to commit to a long term project plan that included a multi-generational family wealth plan.

Your assigned WM and team will be glad to explain the details both at and following your redemption appointment.

The IRS was now sending out $1,400 stimulus checks, with more $1,400 payments arriving into next week and beyond. But not everyone will get their money at once.

The Rates (no caps, no holds):
• ZIM 0.94
• IQD contract rate $22.00
• VND contract rate $20.00

At your exchange you would be given 2% of your face value in a debit card.

Within 15 days of your exchange you must return with bank accounts and info for corporation/ trust vehicles for managing these amounts. At that time all monies would be transferred into those accounts.

At your exchange you would need to sign three Disclosure Forms that established KYC (Know Your Client).

You could not spend over ten million $ in the first fifteen days after your exchange. However, upon your approval your Wealth Manager and bank could make for you any purchase, place a deposit and provide your seller with a guarantee of payment.

You would be provided with a tax free, clean, clear funds letter.

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/03/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_15.html

See this content in the original post