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Ron Paul and PIR Friday 3-20-2020

Ron Paul

Bailout Everyone? The Fed Is Doomed To Fail

Streamed live 53 minutes ago

'Shut down' the economy? Would government even think of such a thing without a Federal Reserve? Most likely not.

Bailout just about everyone? Could government even think of such a thing without a Federal Reserve? Of course not!

Every government and Federal Reserve "solution" comes with a promise for a bigger future economic crisis.

The Fed is doomed to fail.


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Patriot Intel Report

Mar 20, 2020

(A few highlights)

It’s the lockdown edition……but we understand why this is happening and where this is going

Today markets are up, gold and silver is up and cryptos are up…..this is not normal.  This is an anomalous reaction for the markets.

There is some funny business with all of this.

Also coming out right now we are getting reports that a couple Republicans, some Senators and congressmen,  I believe Diane Fienstien was one……Well, it appears that about one week before the corona virus shock to the market hit……They conveniently sold off millions and millions of dollars worth of stock.

For the common folk……you and I ….that would be called “insider trading” .  they obviously got security and intel briefings that let them know economically there would be a big downturn. So, they took action, sold their stock and probably told friends and family to do this also.

Remember Martha Stewert went to prison for a couple years for this same thing. Why don’t congress and the Senate go to prison for this? Because they changed the law. The duties of Congress and the Senate is to write and change laws. They actually changed the laws to allow Congress and the senate to do insider trading legally . I kid you not.

So they are elite and above the law……They get the briefings, they manipulate the markets and they make millions.

People are noticing this now and this will change….We are closely watching this global “Black Swan”  event…Markets may be up today but they will come back down….this is the destruction and we are coming to a full stop on the economic system.

There is only going to be one way out of it and that is a “Debt Jubalee” . A total forgiveness of all the debt….they will zero everything out.

A jubilee year is a very ancient thing that was done in Isreal….every 50 years was a “Jubalee” where debts would be forgiven…wiped out…..They did this because God knew that men are greedy and if this wasn’t done you would have small groups of families (Rothschilds) people who would take advantage of the system scamming the poor (Sorros) …They believed that without things being corrected the largest amount of wealth in the world would be consolidated within a small percentage of people.

So, to prevent that they would do a “Jubalee” and wipe it out every 50 years.

We are going to see this again. We are going to see a “Debt Jubalee” The old system is dead and dying and the new system is ready to go.

So remember that when watching all this chaos. We are in the “Storm” right now…and you know what’s going on….


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