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Robert Kiyosaki Shares 7 Steps To Reach Your Financial Goals

Robert Kiyosaki Shares 7 Steps To Reach Your Financial Goals

Heather Taylor   Wed, September 27, 2023

Did you know it only takes seven total steps to reach your financial goals? According to personal finance expert Robert Kiyosaki, it’s true, and he recently outlined all seven steps in an article on his Rich Dad blog.

Before you can start making your financial goals happen, Kiyosaki said you’ll need a few things. A support structure of friends, financial experts, brokers, mentors and teachers should all accompany you on this journey. You must also be true to yourself and who you are, creating a plan that fits you and your values and determining your “why.”

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This reason should not necessarily be to just make a lot of money either. Your “why” should be the reason for pursuing your dream. If you know your “why” for beginning this journey, follow these seven steps to successfully reach your financial goals.

1. Know Your Destination

What goals do you want to achieve? What does your dream life look like? What do you need to get there? Kiyosaki recommends making big, bold statements about the financial goals you’re setting for yourself.

2. Create a Plan

Once you know where you want to end up, Kiyosaki said the next step is to create a plan. This plan should always be written down, shared with a friend or mentor so they can help keep you accountable, and may be revised as needed.

3. Break Big Goals Down Into Smaller Ones

Some of your financial goals may be intimidating, especially if you have never set them before. The best way you can set yourself up for success is by taking this big goal and breaking it down into smaller goals.

These smaller goals should be easier to manage and achieve. For example, if your big goal is to pay off your student loan debt, some of your smaller goals might include working to pay off outstanding loans by using the debt snowball or debt avalanche method. As you accomplish each of the smaller goals, you can cross them off of the list and feel satisfied knowing you’re on your way to achieving your big goal.

4. Accomplish One Goal-Oriented Task Each Day

To continue reading, please go to the original article here:


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