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Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Sat. Oct. 10, 2020

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we are making exchange appointments...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

Thank you Judy

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 10 Oct. 2020

Compiled Sat. 10 Oct. 2020 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington

Judy Note (Rumors)  No one knows exactly when we in Tier 4B would start, just that it would happen after the Department of Defense had secured the US communications grid after an attack on it last Wed. 7 Oct.

1. Last Wed. 7 Oct. the National Security Administration (NSA), along with military Intel, realized that De_ep State bombing teams were about to blow up the US communication grid.

2. The Department of Defense (DoD) security teams, along with FBI, ATF and Homeland Security task forces, apprehended the conspirators in New York, Seattle, San Francisco, LA, Miami and other major cities.

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3. An all-clear to start the Shotgun Release was given at 9:30 pm EDT Wed. night 7 Oct.

4. About 4:30 am EDT the next morning Thurs. 8 Oct. everything was opened up for a Shotgun Release.

5. By Thurs. and Fri. 8-9 Oct. Tier 2 humanitarian organization gained access to funds.

6. (Rumor) Wells Fargo, Chase and HSBC banks would be sending out emails with a Safe Link Website that contained an individual 800#s for use to set your exchange/ redemption appointment. The Safe Link Website would also be published on certain Dinar Websites and blogs.

7. In addition to the 800 Number you would receive a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) that you needed to agree with and return. There would be a second NDA for you to sign at your appointment. From that point onward you could not discuss anything about your appointment, nor the reset, to anyone for 90 days.

8. As of Wed. 7 Oct. the National Guard was put on standby and ready to deploy.

9. Until Sat. 31 Oct. Tier 4b (Us, the Internet Group) would be able to redeem Zim Bonds and exchange foreign currencies at the Contract rates.

10. By Fri. 30 Oct. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US Marines would conduct the operation while the National Guard was activated.

11. On the Nov. 3 2020 Elections expect Mass Arrests and some form of Martial Law.

12. March 2021: should see the Disclosure of names of the elites arrested, tried and executed, including videos of their confessions.

***Must Watch Video*** Charlie Ward on the Virus, Reset and NESARA/GESARA: https://www.bitchute.com/video/mU4kXAIWKoTJ/


A. Thurs. 8 Oct. 2:58 pm Fleming Chat Room: We have been informed that the Secured Website we have all been waiting for, was imminent.

B. Fri. 9 Oct. 7:19 am EDT Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

1. Earlier this week the De_ep State did what they do best (you gotta love'em, Pelo_si & her team had nothing better to do...), De_ep State politicians paid cartel/mafia bombing teams that were caught & stopped in the act of trying to blow up the communication grid in this country.

2. The key locations where there was switching & routing equipment of satellite, cable & transmission tower connections of the communication grid were located in major cities of New York, Seattle, San Francisco, LA, Miami, etc, etc.

3. These De_ep State mercenaries tried to pull off a "mini-9/11" and blow up the communication grid that would prevent us in Tier 4B (& the other tiers using 800#s) from being able to receive notification emails, to call the 800#s, speak with the call centers, and keep us from being able to use the Safe Link Web Sites to set our appointments.

4. On Wed. 7 Oct. the National Security Administration (NSA) and military Intel picked up the chatter of these De_ep State bombing teams, and then Department of Defense (DoD) security teams, along with FBI, ATF and Homeland Security task forces, apprehended them in the targeted urban areas.

5. The all-clear to start the Shotgun Release was given at 9:30 pm EDT Wed. night 7 Oct.

6. Seven hours later at about 4:30 am EDT Fri. 9 Oct. everything was opened up for Shotgun Release payouts and access to portions of account funds.

7. This process was slowed way down because of De_ep State threats, though started with Tier 2 humanitarian organization representatives being notified to come in and access account funds Thurs. and Fri. 8-9 Oct.

8. We were still waiting for the start of Tier 3-4A groups (the Core and the 27 other Admirals groups) and the start for us in Tier 4B.

9. They don't want us or the De_ep State to know when we in Tier 4B would start for obvious reasons, like this Deep State attempt to blow up the communications grid.

10. Right now DoD security teams were working on making sure the communications grid in this country is secure from any more Cabal attempts to blow it up, to compromise it in order to keep the exchanges from starting, or to keep Trump and the White Hats from being able to communicate with the people.

11. The Military Intel Contact said that he marveled when currency holders said things like they cannot figure out why this has not gone yet, or “we thought this was supposed to have gone already to help the people." He said it’s BECAUSE THERE IS A WAR STILL GOING ON WITH THE DE_EP STATE who DEARLY DO NOT WANT YOU TO BE ABLE TO EXCHANGE-REDEEM SAFELY!!! He said, Don't you see the war going on in the riots in our cities? In the C19 shutdown and mask false-science madness? The war is all around us, clear for all to see.

12. He said to remember that the De_ep State criminals HATE Trump and the White Hats because their decades-long power and control were being removed RIGHT NOW by GESARA and the RV!!

13. He said people NEED TO STOP FORGETTING THE WAR going on before our eyes daily, and we all need to PRAY ANY MORE ATTEMPTS OF THE DE_EP STATE TO STOP THE RV & GESARA are IMMEDIATELY EXPOSED AND STOPPED AS FAST AS POSSIBLE, as we all need this money and Trump still needs this money out in the economy ASAP BEFORE THE ELECTION.

14. He said that we needed to exercise patience and endure until we cross the finish line.

15. The Shotgun Release started Thurs. 8 Oct. with the Tier 2 Humanitarian organizations being paid out with access to account funds.

16. Our Tier 4B start was imminent over the next few days after security teams make sure that the communications grid was safe from schemes to take it out and to make sure "mini-9/11" schemes the Deep State shills had planned were halted before they happened.

17. He confirmed again Dr. Charlie Ward's Info from his White House sources that TRUMP, DoD security teams, and the White Hats were having to move carefully and patiently to make sure there were not any more mistakes such as led to the terror attacks on 9/11/2001 that stopped the RV & GESARA and killed 3000 (!!) innocent Americans.

18. They were having to move slowly and carefully to defeat the De_ep State trying to blow up the RV and GESARA.

19. Mandino was one of the most well-known personal development writers and speakers of the 20th century. He was a WW II Army Air Corp bombardier who flew 30 bombing missions (piloted by the later-movie-star Jimmy Stewart) over Nazi Germany to defeat the Nazis – which Trump & the White Hats were now having to do 75 years later. Our guy recommended that we listen to Og Mandino's words on patience in the face of adversaries and adversity as below:

“Patience is bitter, but it’s fruit is sweet. With patience you can bear up under any adversity and survive any defeat. With patience you can control your destiny and have what you will. Patience is the key to contentment, for you and for those who must live with you. To be brave without patience can kill you. To be ambitious without patience can destroy the most promising of careers. Patience is power. Employ it to stiffen your spirit, sweeten your temper, stifle your anger, bury your envy, subdue your pride, bridle your tongue, restrain your hands, and deliver you whole, in due time, to the life you deserve.”

20. Our Military Intel Contact was sorry to have to confirm the reports of Mr. Fleming’s sources above, but it was what it was. He was not a decision-maker, and the decision-makers were making tough choices to slow this down right now – for your own good – so that you could use the Safe Link website to get your unique 800#s assigned to you in order to connect to a Call Center, make your appointment and safely go to that appointment to redeem/ exchange.

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C. Thurs. 8 Oct. 2:58 pm Fleming Chat Room: We have been informed that the weblink we have all been waiting for was imminent. After we post the Safe Link Website, all rooms will be set to Read Only. There will be no chatting for 90 days, but we are not going anywhere. Nick Fleming, Maga21, CK and Epic.


D. Charlie Ward on the Virus, Reset and NESARA/GESARA: https://www.bitchute.com/video/mU4kXAIWKoTJ/

GESARA was created in the 1950s and changed over the years.

Forgiveness of debt

Will be slowly implemented

Payroll tax has been eliminated

Has to do with meeting humanitarian needs

As of March 2020 there were 167,000 sealed indictments

As of March 2020 C19 was downgraded on the US and UK government websites from a pandemic to a simple virus no worse than the flu.


E. Occult Calendar of Demo_nic Holidays: All Hallows Eve (Halloween) – the major Sa_tanic holiday of the year – was fast approaching for Thurs. 29 Oct. through Sun. 1 Nov.

According to Sa_tanic Rit_ual Ab_use Survivors (SRA), there would be human sa_crifices performed in thousands of local Sa_tanic Covens using victims of any age, male or female, as per an Occult Calendar compiled by licensed therapists using chi_ldhood accounts of their SRA clients.

Be aware of Sa_tanic activities in your neighborhood and help save mind controlled chi_ldren and te_ens being forced to participate in the ra_pe, tor_ture and mur_der of other chi_ldren. Months in advance Sa_tan worshippers planned for the event by kidna_pping chi_ldren (especially on Halloween night). Over the three day Halloween Celebration period, the victims were starved, tor_tured and used in se_x orgies in preparation for human sa_crifice rites.

Please report suspected Sa_tanic activities to your local law enforcement. Since Sa_tanists were known to infiltrate police departments, also contact U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE): https://www.ice.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form

If you wished to join the effort in saving chi_ldren from international se_x traffic_king, contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad and/ or the non-profit Saving Innocence: https://ourrescue.org/ https://savinginnocence.org https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT4tmI8YxCU&feature=emb_rel_end

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 It’s All About the Children

It’s not about the money. It’s about the children – the thousands of mal_nourished and trau_matized chi_ldren. The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office, was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Chi_ld Se_x Traffic_king Ring run by global elites. Let us fast and pray for these little ones who were now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and ki_lled by Sa_tanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mb9gU6DmKs

How can you help survivors of human traffic_king? Here is a list of over 2,000 organizations in the United States and internationally that serve survivors of human traffic_king. Click map. Zoom in. Research organization. Volunteer. globalmodernslavery.org

If you wished to join the effort in saving chi_ldren from international se_x traffic_king, contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad: https://ourrescue.org/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT4tmI8YxCU&feature=emb_rel_end

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) investigated violations of criminal law ranging from chi_ld exploitation to transnational gangs inside and outside the US, including ra_pe, tor_ture and mur_der of chi_ldren by Satan followers. You could use this form to report suspected criminal activity: https://www.ice.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form


Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Chi_ldren by exposing truths about the very secretive Sa_tanic Ritual Abuse, Ped_ophilia and Chi_ld Sa_crifice that was rampant in our international society.

The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid. A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to humble Wildfire Lady who was adept at exposing the truth; to Martha who worked around the clock to discern what was real in the fake news; to Brad who did great research; to Ken who uncovered almost unlimited Intel on ped_ophilia to help us Save the Children and to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening.

Divide They Try, Fail They Will; WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q & Trust Plan

Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. Judy

Courtesy of Dinar Guru


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