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Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Nov. 27, 2019

Thank you Judy

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Nov. 27 2019

Compiled 27 Nov. 2019 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

The below is a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it is valid.

Divide They Try, Fail They Will, WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q & Trust Plan

Judy Note: Some groups were reported to have been made liquid today Tues. 26 Nov. It was not expected that 800#s would be out, or exchanges would take place on Thanksgiving Day Thurs. 28 Nov, though Redemption Center Staff would be working this next weekend. Rumors were rampant that we would be very thankful this Thanksgiving weekend.

It was reported that the reset was underway, nothing would stop it, with an exact date set to release the 800#s – though no one knew exactly when. At this point new intel was almost non-existent, so don’t be alarmed if an Update doesn’t appear. It merely meant that nothing new had been reported. Take it as a good sign that the 800#s release was very, very near.

MarkZ: They were trying hard to get it done today Tues. 26 Nov. Ministry groups were supposed to get paid today Tues. 26 Nov. It could happen at any moment, though Redemption Center personnel were not working on Thanksgiving Thurs. 28 Nov., though would be working over this next weekend.

TNT: An agreement has been made on the Iraqi 2020 Budget that was effective as of Mon. 25 Nov. 2019. It contained the new RV Iraqi Dinar Rate.

A Major Economic Event Was in the Works: As of Tues. 26 Nov. all banks appeared to be insolvent, hence the Repo Markets now being run by Central Bank fiat monies. A New York Stock Market Crash was predicted sometime between now and March 2020. For over a year the Market had been tittering back and forth in the red after losing all gains for the year in Oct. 2018 – never to recover. The German Deutsche Bank, which held most derivatives of the European Common Market and Central Banks across the globe, was believed to be in bankruptcy. It was reported that Currency Trading Platforms have been shut down throughout the world until after the GCR, several nations had already gone gold/asset-backed and would not accept the fiat US Dollar, plus forty of the fifty US States could not cover their bills.

Restored Republic Might Soon Include a Declaration of Martial Law: On Fri. 22 Nov. President Trump was on Fox and Friends saying, “In the next few weeks we would see release of the IG FISA Report (set for Mon. 9 Dec.), John Huber’s Report (A US Attorney General from Utah whose 240 investigators have filed over 144,000 sealed indictments against global and political elites in federal courts across the nation since Trump took office – the majority of which included charges of pedophilia) and from the World Court, we would come names of those found guilty of committing Crimes Against Humanity, Treason and Sedition.”

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A. Nov. 26 2019 Morning Chat with MarkZ: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz

1. Redemption Center Personnel were not working on Thanksgiving Thurs. 28 Nov., though would be working this next weekend.

2. They were working hard to get it out the door today Tues. 26 Nov. and it could happen at any moment.

3. A number of ministry groups were supposed to get paid today Tues. 26 Nov.


B. California Mafia, Pelosi and Control of the Internet: https://youtu.be/dL61pMTp2AU


C. Nov. 26 2019 One Person’s Opinion, Anon Intel

My intel is saying the exchanges are not likely until the military can guarantee safety coordinated with the transfer from the old fiat system to the QFS. A coordination of exchange when control is guaranteed. Control of safety, transfer and banking. What constitutes control? Arrests.

Key: Control. Control = safe RV, safe banking, secure transactions, legal control, rule of law. None of these are ready until arrests can be made and are made. That puts us into December. Perhaps longer depending upon the rate at which arrests are made. We all know of 7 or 8 key arrests to be made in mid-December. We don't know if those are sufficient to allow exchanging to commence.

Keep in mind coordination of implementing gold-backed, new currency (which began being placed into vaults in November 2018), the arrests, the stock market and other things to be considered.

GESARA is not likely to be announced until July 2020. Why? That fits the time frame of 120 days to implement elections without having to explain so much to the public a different election time, and allow them time to digest something that would be radically different from what they are accustomed.

It also provides six months for 144,000 arrests (if it goes that fast and not stretched through December). Then we must consider North Korea, Iran, Venezuela and Hong Kong. They must also be brought into compliance before GESARA can be announced/implemented. Arrests = Control

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D. International Child Sex Trafficking:

Exposing Jeffrey Epstein's international sex trafficking ring | 60 Minutes Australia: https://youtu.be/VQOOxOl9l80

Prince Andrew deleted scenes: https://youtu.be/r8Gq0qPMAOo

President Trump Signs an Executive Order Establishing the Task Force on Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VR9mSAu3t6g&feature=em-uploademail

Mind Map Trafficking Cult: https://www.mindomo.com/mindmap/traffickingcultspedo-31455d471ebe42ca878ac3d5c9b733de


E. Research Resources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvv17YRquPk

Q: We Are The Plan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRtEgdgj_XQ&t=130s
A coup against Trump by Barak Obama: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTcjw...
The impeachment narrative, Glen Beck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TFh1YJynGA
President Trump’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump
President Trump’s Email: whitehouse.gov@gmail.com
President Trump was Q: https://youtu.be/BcV9Qc5gYTQ https://vimeo.com/362919470
Q Tweets: https://twitter.com/3days3nights?lang=en Q Website: https://qanon.pub/
Q Posts Twitter: https://twitter.com/3days3nights
JFK Jr. Twitter: https://twitter.com/john_f_kennnedy
George’s (JF Kennedy Jr.?) Email: George@The CollectiveQ
George The Collective Twitter: https://twitter.com/thecollectiveq
EyeTheSpy Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrueEyeTheSpy
Captain Field McConnell aka Abel Danger Website: https://www.abeldanger.org/
The US Department of Justice: https://www.justice.gov/news

Courtesy of Dinar Chronicles


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