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Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Mon. Nov.2, 2020

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we are making exchange appointments...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

Thank you Judy

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 2 Nov. 2020

Compiled Mon. 2 Nov. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: The Department of Defense (DoD) and five top Elders had the ultimate responsibility for timing of the RV release to Tier 4B. They partly relied on Quantum Financial System Computer’s algorithm calculations and predictions to make timing decisions. At this hour, no one knew the exact time the button would be pressed, only that it would…and soon.

The Chinese Communist Party’s Takeover of the World Plan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HOMWyWeztc

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A. The Cabal’s Plan: For over a year FBI Director Wray sat on evidence that would have forced the [D]emocratic Party to field a candidate that wasn’t crooked and corrupt. In cahoots with [G]eorge [S]oros and headed by the [J]oe [B]iden Crime Family, the [C]hinese [C]ommunist [P]arty has been funneling monies into our Universities, Senators, House members, [D]emocratic Party, [B]iden campaign, Hollywood and Mass Media in order to blackmail them to support a socialist agenda of the [N]ew [W]orld [O]rder.

The Democrats planned to disrupt the voting enough so that a winner couldn’t be announced. [N]ancy [P]elosi said, “I’m going to be President when this is over” because the House has the authority to vote an interim President and [P]elosi believed they could put the outcome to such a level to take that control.

The Democrat Cabal was already raising concern about the legitimacy of the vote. They had 600 paid attorneys who were going to put the outcome of the election into question. They had [S]oros, Qatar and China paid for agitators, Marxists and criminals who would be put up in expensive hotels and try to take down this lawful American government through so-called protests.

The [B]iden, Epstein, Nexium Child Se[x] Scandals were soon to be joined by one called Sanctum.

On Sat. 24 Oct. the Black Dragon Illuminati tried to initiate a Global Currency Reset using their (fiat) currency, but their codes didn’t work.


B. The Alliance’s Plan: On Sun. 25 Oct. US Inc. was officially defunct and the United States of America was Restored to the original Constitutional Republic. On Tues. 27 Oct. 2020 the Department of Defense initiated a kickoff to the Shotgun Release with codes that did work in order to pay out all 27 categories of the GCR/RV primary tier accounts. Iraq went international with their Dinar as of 6 pm EDT Tues. 27 Oct.

On Wed. 28 Oct. [H]unter [B]iden turned himself into the FBI and later signed a written confession about the [B]iden Crime Family. Fri. 30 Oct. US Attorney General William Barr met with [J]oe [B]iden and recommended he either withdraw from the race, or face criminal charges. The FBI had received Intel about a [B]iden Family 30 year Crime Spree while [J]oe [B]iden held public office, including his tenure as Vice President of the US.

Charlie Ward was given 1,500 Court Documents proving the [O]bamas’, [B]idens’, [C]lintons’, Royal Family’s theft of trillions from South Africa. Those documents were available on his website: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/drcharlieward/

Chinese Nationals who have gone into a form of exile in Taiwan, were releasing Intel on [B]iden and the [C]hinese [C]ommunist [P]arty’s blackmail of the Democrat Order that’s taken control of the US. These people were putting their life on the line to get that material out to a location where it could be distributed.

If [B]iden withdrew from the race, under NESARA guidelines a new election for US President would have to be held within 120 days of Sun. 25 Oct, or by March 2021. According to Charlie Ward that election would be done on the new and transparent Quantum Computer Voting System. US citizens would be able to vote on their computer or phone, the ballot would be thoroughly vetted and results would be instantaneously counted and released.

It doesn’t appear that [B]iden would withdraw from the race and we would vote on Nov. 3, with the results being obvious. President Trump was predicted to win in a landslide, while [B]iden campaign offices across the country were like a mortuary.

Though, don’t think that on Nov. 3 or 4th it’s all over. It’s not going to lighten up with the election. It’s going to go even faster and harder after the election: 40 days and 40 nights of Shock and Awe.

The Alliance knew who the criminals were. They had videos of crimes they’ve been involved in. This time the protests won’t be the same as before. In a matter of hours or days those acting as terrorists would be picked up. If you’re an American citizen you would be charged with sedition and be prosecuted for it. If you’re from a foreign country and you got sent in here for terrorist protests you’ll be living in a FEMA barge at Gitmo.

Around Election Day Tues. 3 Nov. the [D]eep [S]tate was expected to cause extensive chaos through disrupting food and delivery system distribution, funding riots in major cities, along with causing confusion at the voting booths and an inability to determine the final winner.

[N]ancy [P]elosi’s dreams of being the first woman US President were just that – dreams. We could expect Mass Arrests after the election. There were over 209,000 sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation. Every one of them could have one to 99 names on it. [P]elosi was named in several of those 209,000 sealed indictments and according to public records in California, had already been served. What Pelosi didn’t realize was that the Alliance had a Plan and from Nov. 4 to Jan. 20 at noon 2021 Donald John Trump would remain President of the US.

The National Guard in all fifty states has been called to active duty. They were expecting attempts by [D]eep [S]tate Antifa & BLM anarchists at rioting and violence in urban areas post election. The National Guard, active Military units and federal and local law enforcement personnel have been deployed to contain it. If things got out of hand they would instigate Martial Law.

President Trump just issued an Executive Order that would begin playing out on Jan. 19 2021. In the next year or two he would fire any Federal employee found to be supporting the [D]eep [S]tate [N]ew [W]orld [O]rder Agenda. These people, estimated to represent 20% of the federal employee workforce, presently owned Federal operations and voted Democrat.

By the Ides of March 2021 we have been promised to see exposure of names of the global and political elites who have been charged, tried and convicted of numerous Crimes Against Humanity, including videos of their taped confessions at GITMO.

The Democratic Party as we know it and a huge portion of the Republican Party would not likely survive this next couple of years and the mid-term elections. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/01/trump-second-term-cabinet-433739

See this content in the original post

C. Sun 1 Nov. 2020 Important Links:

[J]oe [B]iden Responsible for Killing of Seal Team Six?: https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/2020/11/a-reminder-about-joe-biden-and-seal.html#more

[J]oe [B]iden and the Infiltration of the Chinese Communist Party, Mina: https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/2020/11/update-november-1-2020-ccps-deep.html#more

End of Matrix, Start of GESARA, Rinus: https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/2020/11/end-matrix-start-of-gesara-rinus.html#more

[H]unter [B]iden Corruption on an Industrial Scale: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/graham-hunter-biden-business-industrial-scale-corruption

[J]oe [B]iden’s Silence on Hunter’s Emails Speaks Volumes, NY Post: https://nypost.com/2020/10/31/joe-bidens-silence-on-hunters-emails-speaks-volumes-goodwin/

Leaked Zoom Calls: Federal Workers Conspiring to Shut Down White House in Contested Election: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=157083

Active Threat Against Pentagon: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/top-u-s-officials-were-briefed-active-threat-against-pentagon-n1245273


D. Sun. 1 Nov. "Video: Thrilling Juan O’Savin (JFK?) on The Next 60 Days of Chaos! Awesome!" by Kat - 11.1.20 https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2020/11/video-thrilling-juan-osavin-jfk-on-next.html?m=1 https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/2020/11/juan-o-savin-interview-chaos-season.html#more

23:56 While most of the Media, most of the Politicians, most of the world… has been of the mindset that everything was going to come out of the [(H)unt*er (B)i*den] laptops… the information that the FBI had and didn’t do anything with it… that Wray sat on… [Christopher Wray, Dir. FBI since ‘17]… to the detriment of the Democratic Party…

23:25 If they want to get mad at anybody get mad at Wray… who sat on this evidence that would have forced the Democratic Party to field a candidate that wasn’t crooked and corrupt and everything else…

24:32 By not doing a proper investigation letting everybody know something was wrong… you want to get mad? Don’t get mad at President Trump… don’t get mad at Republicans… don’t get mad at anybody but the Prosecution… Barr, Wray… including Haspel over at the CIA… [Gina Haspel, Dir. of CIA since ‘18]…

24:55 Who didn’t bring facts, hard and fast, that forced the Democratic Party to field a candidate that wouldn’t get out-exposed at this critical moment in history… they’re the ones that are the problem… not Republicans…

31:56 So, what we have here… the images you’re seeing coming out of Taiwan aren’t coming out of [H]un*ter’s laptop… they’ve [the ca_bal] shut down the flow of stuff too deep because… “oh it’s part of the legal process… and it’s Trump’s attorney Giuliani… we’re still trying to sort out the information”… how come Taiwan is where all this information is coming from?

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32:23 Because Mainland China… Xi… that whole deep state over there [the CCP] has been attacking our country… attacking President Trump… funneling money into all of our Universities… they don’t want Conservative guys to have a platform… they don’t want Conservative people to do anything… we’re a threat… no we don’t need current members of the Administration to present policy statements around our campus…

33:22 It’s why are your kids are getting mis-educated and coming out Mar*xists and Leftists… it’s money out of China… that are causing the Professors… to take the money… the money that’s running the Universities… the bit in the mouth for these departments is this Foreign Money… they’re not thinking America cuz the money is not coming from America…

35:26 What was going on in Mainland China? THEY WERE THE ONES SPYING ON [H]UNTER… they were the ones getting the videos to blackmail… to blackmail… they had it all…How did it end up in Taiwan?

35:40 Because you have Taiwanese people and you have Chinese Nationals who have gone into a form of exile in Taiwan… and they’re providing it to you… they’re showing you what’s going on in China…they’re showing you what they [CCP] were trying to do and blackmail the Democrat Order that’s taken control of our country…

36:05 And so what are they doing from Taiwan? Like a Battleship on the other side of the planet they’re lobbying rounds across the sea, out into outer space, and back in and they’re landing DEAD FU*CK*ING CENTER OF THE DEMOCRATIC OPERATIONS…

36:27 The Senators they’re paying off…the House members they’re paying off…the University affiliations that they’re controlling and paying off into all those departments…

37:12 Do you realize… that it’s not really just about [J]oe [B]i*den and his campaign to run for President… it’s allllll the camp around him…These rounds aren’t just hitting the [B]iden campaign…It’s the money behind him, the Hollywood behind him, the news people behind him, the university system behind him

37:40 Juan O’Savin: ALLLLLL of those locations are receiving rounds right now…. where was all this money in M.I.T. coming from? China…

Kat note: Director of M.I.T.’s Media Lab Resigns After Taking Money from Jeffrey Epstein

37:50 Juan O’Savin: How come M.I.T.’s gone off the rails on a bunch of stuff including…How come Aaron Swartz ended up committing suicide allegedly? What was he doing up there in the utility closet trying to download material? It wasn’t the Cambridge Library… it was the child pornography out of Cambodia… OK?

Kat note: Aaron Hillel Swartz: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Swartz

38:11 VGuerrilla: Which has links to NXI*VM… and Keith Raniere [who was sentenced to 120 years in prison on 10-27-20]…

38:15 Juan O’Savin: It’s everywhere… every scandal, every time you turn around, whether it’s [H]unter, [E]ps*tein, NXI*VM… the one we haven’t heard yet that’s coming… Sanctum… believe me…

38:33 VGuerrilla: You heard it here first, folks… Sanctum…

38:37 Juan O’Savin: That’s right… Bill Ma*her is going to be dead in the center of the sights… people are going to want to find a rock to hide under and there might not be a hole deep enough for all the revelations that are coming…

39:49 Juan O’Savin cont.: That’s what’s happening in the DNC camps… and the revelations even after the Election… aren’t slowing down…

39:54 When people find out what’s being done in their name…what’s been happening here in our country…around them right under their noses…They’re going to be so livid…that these people are going to have to be picked up to keep ‘em from getting strung up…

40:15 Gitmo won’t be because they just have to go there and do their term… Gitmo will be the only place they’ll be safe… they won’t be safe here in the mainland [of the USA]… OK? And, those people who want to protest after the election? Sedition…

40:35 Excuse me… if you’re trying to overturn the Government, overturn the results of the loss of Election, and you’re involved in Sedition?... you don’t go away at a nice plush Federal prison… you go to a Military prison…

46:30 Well the long and the short of it is the President just issued an Executive Order that’s going to be given a certain amount of time to play out but on January 19th all of that conversation’s over with…That he pretty much can fire any Federal employee he wants to down through the ranks… for just about any reason he wants to…

47:16 We could probably lose, and I think that’s part of the plan… probably lose 20% of the Federal workforce in the next year or two… and start making these positions perform at a more optimal level… closer to what’s expected in the general workforce in the civilian side… start to tighten things up…

48:00 The reality is the President has just targeted one of the strongholds of the Democratic Committee and Party… because that was this de*ep state… that anything that happens, that’s their constituency… they own the Federal operations… and they VOTE Democrat because it protects them no matter what…

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51:53 Juan O’Savin cont.: So you can’t trust anything to anybody… but the President is a pretty savvy guy… and the Military Intelligence people that are orchestrating this behind the scenes… hat’s off to every last one of ‘em…

52:39 Juan O’Savin cont.: You know they had to go through the White House and clear it of thing… sneaky little things… that were even deadly threats… before they could occupy the White House… including de_mons… cuz Melania wouldn’t move in there until they had 2 exorcisms of the White House… and then the President Tweeted “sa*tan has been evicted from the White House.”… at every level the attacks are going on Spiritual, physical people present in the advisories, etc…. but all of that… that was then.. this is now…

53:44 I don’t actually think after the mid-term elections… this is my prediction you can come back and see if I was right or not… I don’t think the Democratic Party as we know it… and a huge portion of the Republican Party… listen to me… a huge portion of the Republican party survive this next couple of years and the mid-term elections…

54:32 Juan O’Savin cont.: That they will be finding deeper holes… the DUMBs… they won’t be deep enough to protect these people from the revelations that are coming… and what the American people are going to learn… and the world…

55:34 And, BTW, China… with real people with real information… those spy cam pictures that’s stuff that was planted there… that’s not even the stuff that’s on [H]unter’s laptop…

55:50 Do you realize that people put their life on the line to get that material out? To a location where it could be distributed?...If the Chinese leadership could get their hands on those people this second they would wipe them out… and bury them in the deepest trench in the ocean… to shut them up…

56:10 And you’re getting help by people that are seeking Independence… Freedom in their country… based on the ideals that we received from our Founding Fathers here and that we’re headed back to right now, today, with the actions taking place over the next several days… as the beginning salvo to take back our country…

56:38 Juan O’Savin cont.: But… and this is where it has to get real for people… don’t think that on November 3 or 4th it’s all over… it’s happy days again… and going back to normal.. and the Democrats are going to have to shut up… it’s not just the Democrats… you’ve got traitors inside the Republican party too…

57:09 I believe what you’re going to see happen is this, and it’s been telegraphed pretty widely… I’m only saying what you’ve been told but you may not have grasped it…

57:48 We’re going to have this VOTE on the 3rd… it’s already obvious… look the [B]i*den offices all across the country it’s like a mortuary… best guess they might have 100 people in the whole country to man the phones… at the end of the day, so many people have walked away…

1:01:20 What the Democrats want to do… what this ca*bal intend to do… is to raise so much question and concern about the legitimacy of the vote… they have 600 attorneys… they’re not going to walk away they’re getting paid… they’re going to put the outcome of the election into question… and then what’s going to happen…

1:02:16 The day after the election it’s very clear President Trump hasn’t just won, he ran the table… what you’re gonna have is these paid for agitators, Marx*ists, criminals that are being put up in expensive hotels… Qatar and China paid, they are on the Soro*s payroll… and these other people’s payroll trying to take down this lawful American government and this President against American interest… against us…

104:12 Juan O’Savin cont.: Only thing is, we already know who they are… we’ve got videos of all the crimes they’re involved in… they want to do their protests? This time it won’t be the same as before… they do their little drama on the 4th? In a matter of hours or days they’re going to be picked up…

104:33 And BTW, the election’s over, we won… SEDITION… you’re an American citizen that’s SEDITION… you’re from a Foreign country and you got sent in here… and you’re carrying a little communication device around… you’re going to Gitmo… you’ll be living in a FEMA barge at Gitmo… you’re going to act like a terrorist here… watch what happens… you’re going to Gitmo…

1:05:29 So what’s going to happen here, V, is that then there will be all this drama… we can’t certify the election… what Nancy Pelosi has told you “I’m going to be President when this is over”… because the House has the authority to vote an interim President… Nancy Pelosi believe they can put the outcome to such a level is they can take control…

1:06: 40 But the one thing you have to remember.. is from November 4th to January 20th at Noon 2021… Donald John Trump will remain President of the United States of America…

1:07:04 If you think they’re going to take him out by any legal action?... You’re wrong… the President has already shown you he’s like a bull in a china factory…

1:10:15 I don’t take any delight at all in the revelations about [H]unter and his personal tragedies… or the [O]bama daughters and the drugs…

1:10:20 The reality is, just like with the girls, they were put in a situation from birth… they’re not Michael’s children… they’re from another couple that were medical people… and placed in that situation for the illusion that Michael [Michelle] is a woman… and that this is a normal couple with children… that’s all BS… I talked about that long before [O]bama was the nominee… and those talks unfortunately went up through the ranks… even in Hollywood… Joan Rivers…

1:16:45 The Democratic Party has rabies at this point in time… they’re rabid… the infection came out of China… didn’t come out of Russia… and they’re hooked on the money the graft… they’ve become the mob… they’re entrenched in our government… entrenched in every operation of the political process… and excuse me… some of the Republicans have the same disease… and they’re just as rabid, just as dangerous… maybe more imbedded…

1:17:28 Be diligent… focused… to get through this election… and then understand… that there’s a whole theatre of activities that are about to happen and that will continue to happen right out to the end of the year… all the way up to January 20th… and maybe even beyond… because as these revelations happen… what’s going to happen inside the Democratic Party and the Republican Party…

1:17:56 Where their money’s coming from…what secrets they’ve sold out and given away and worked a deal over…how they’ve been compromised…There’s gonna be a whole bunch of players that are gonna be taken off the table for legal reasons… Federal prosecutions… Gitmo prosecutions… and Special Elections… that are going to have to be done to get the country back on track…

1:20:01 The salvos have already started… the softening up of the world of our environment here… it’s not going to lighten up with the election… it’s going to go even faster and harder after the election…

1:20:90 40 days and 40 nights of Shock and Awe…

1:20:27 Then we’ve got 209k sealed indictments… sitting there waiting to be served… every one of them can have one to 99 names on it… the largest number 160% of what has ever existed before as a running average in the Federal Judicial System… the 94 Judicial districts…

1:20:55 Two hundred and nine thousand indictments waiting to be served… they’re not going away… and after the election… those people that were involved in Bullfrog (? sp)… they’re going to be picked up… across the board…

1:21:25 It’s not just winning this election… not just winning this battle of the election… it’s winning the war…

1:22:17 Those of you who understand what’s really at stake you need to be praying for the President… praying for his family… and praying for all his advisors through all of these crisis that are coming…the people that work there in the White House that support the President from day to day… very serious dramas are taking place and they will escalate not lessen over the next weeks and months… it is going to be steady at the wheel…

1:23:01 You’re going to be in a storm that you can’t believe…

1:23:06 So relax… buckle up… be ready… don’t be a hand wringer… don’t let the other camp get you confused about where you’re at… don’t let the Mainstream Media get you convinced that there is actually a Constitutional Crisis… cuz there really isn’t a crisis…

1:23:26 Juan O’Savin cont.: This has all been planned… this has all been mapped… on super computers… the guys that have been backing the President have been playing out scenarios over and over and over… multiple variations a day… since the very beginning of this Presidency and beyond…

1:23:45 And they have understood… even the allowing the impeachment to go forward… we got that out of the way… now we control the courts… Roberts can’t control where we’re going with the court cuz we have a majority that outrides Roberts… so his vote’s not going to matter…

1:24:40 I don’t think Roberts is there in office 4 years from now… and probably sooner…

See this content in the original post

1:24:52 Juan O’Savin cont.: With that in mind, the direction the country’s going to be radically different than most people can even conceive… don’t listen to the siren song of the Mainstream Media… behind the scenes… this Administration has been working tirelessly… looking at all the options… the anticipate them… to be prepared… to get these other people exposed, out in the open, and then off the playing field…

1:25:38 Pieces on the chess board being taken out of play… and a chance to be shown what they are and their opinion doesn’t matter… everybody take a deep breath… with this audience… there should be no question that we’re doing fine… we’re the ones firing the salvos… it’s targeted near you but it’s not you being targeted… just stay out of the way…

1:27:19 It’s going to be epic… don’t be in a fearful mode as these dramas unfold… and they’re going to be epic dramas… and understand that at the end of the day… it’s going to be great… we’re going to take the country back… we’re going to put the country back on track… be part of it… take a deep breath… and let’s get the monsters…

1:28:27 VGuerrilla: …A lot of exciting things are going to happen with this Economic Reset…

1:28:39 Juan O’Savin: Well let me just add this, V… We have people over in China… look we’re not going to be able to do business with Xi and his crowd… they were the ones behind the attempted take out of America as a power… the infiltration at every level… in politics, in business, in Hollywood, you know, CAA [Creative Artists Agency]… 51% is owned by China…

And controlling the Media… shutting down of America’s ability to talk on a First Amendment basis in various Social Media places… Iran, Mexico, trying to control what’s going on in our border… what has been allowed to happen… what has been happening… the President has consolidated power… it took 4 years to get to this point… a lot of these enemies are going to be exposed decisively… in Canada they’ll see the criminality that’s going on in their government.. down in Mexico same thing… [discussing weapons the USA has]…

1:32:33 Juan O’Savin: The book… The Kid On The Side of the Road… the people who have already ordered the book will get an Email… they get first crack at the print version… there are some real surprises there… and I have something very special for people who have ordered the E-book… we’re going to try and get it mailed out so all of them have the Election Day stamp on them… it’s spectacularly beautiful… I appreciate everybody that wrote the E-book…


E. C19 Hoax:

Doctors World Alliance: There Is No Pandemic: https://www.awakeningchannel.com/post/doctors-world-alliance-there-is-no-pandemic-it-is-only-a-hoax-yo-take-the-people-their-liberty


F. *** Keep It Quiet!!! *** On Thurs. evening 22 Oct. a new communications systems monitoring of Social Media posts, Emails, Text messages, Discord DMs, phone conversations, etc. became effective through the NSA and military Intel (DIA). After you digitally signed a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to obtain a exchange/ redemption appointment and then another NDA at your appointment, you would be legally obligated not to discuss or write anything about the Global Currency Reset (GCR), Redemption, Exchange, Revaluation (RV), Currency exchange rates, Dinar, Dong, ZIM, etc. and Quantum Financial System (QFS) for at least 90 days, or whatever time period was on your NDAs. To do so would break conditions of those NDAs and your monies would be frozen.

See this content in the original post

G. *** Must Watch Videos ***

“How [J]oe [B]iden Got Millions in Foreign Bribes,” Rudy Giuliani: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axVq7yWg6KA&feature=youtu.be

Rudy Guiliani exposed [J]oe [B]iden’s 30 year Crime Spree where he used US Taxpayer dollars to bribe foreign countries out of millions and then stashed the monies for his own use in Swiss bank accounts. https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2020/10/hunter-biden-has-flipped-unconfirmed-report-3734572.html

Fox Tucker Carlson interviews former [B]iden business associate Tony Bobulinski. https://www.bitchute.com/video/7rX1BSFtcpJ2/

Glenn Greenwald resigned from The Intercept after it censored his article on [J]oe [B]iden. How can the same censorship engulfing the press, engulf the media I co-founded? https://twitter.com/m1dn7ghtrider/status/1321970614807265282

“The Underground War Happening Right Now, Part 2”: Underground DUMBS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cogTtoYz-A

“[O]bama[gate], Official Movie,” Judicial Watch: https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/2020/10/reader-sunflower-obamagate-movie-with.html#more


It’s All About the Children

It’s not about the money. It’s about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children. The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office, was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Se[x] [Traffic]king Ring run by global elites. Let us fast and pray for these little ones who were now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mb9gU6DmKs


Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive [S]atanic [R]itual [A]buse, Ped[o]philia and Child Sacr[i]fice that was rampant in our international society.

The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid. A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to humble Wildfire Lady who was adept at exposing the truth; to Martha who worked around the clock to discern what was real in the fake news; to Brad who did great research; to Ken who uncovered almost unlimited Intel on ped[o]philia to help us Save the Children and to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening.

ivide They Try, Fail They Will; WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q &Trust Plan

I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites. It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it would generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to agree to in order to get appointments.

After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email, post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for 90 days. After sending out the Safe Link Website I will be going silent and taking those 90 days to get my humanitarian project organized and going. This was not a goodbye. I expected to be working with many of you in the near future. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know all of you. You will remain in my heart forever.

Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. Judy

Courtesy of Dinar Chronicles


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