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Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Jan.11, 2020

Thank you Judy

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 11 2020

Compiled 11 Jan. 2020 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note:

1. Word from the US Treasury in Reno was that the Admiral was looking for the reset to happen around Wed. Jan. 15 when the Internet Group Tier4b could likely access 800#s/GCR websites and set appointments to redeem/exchange.

2. Evidently President Trump released the RV/GCR on Mon. 6 Jan. – the date verified by five Trustees of the world’s largest Trust Accounts, a Group Leader, Bruce and “Source” an attorney, federal agent, Director of North American Treasury Redemption and representative of the 27 Royal Chinese families who would pay out the redemption and give the Use Order of Funds.

3. Mike Cottrell: President Trump may have authorized the RV/GCR, but that didn’t mean Paymasters and others had access to their funds. No one would have liquidity until the codes have been released through execution of the Gold Treaty. Those codes would be put in by myself.

4. MarkZ: A hacker went into Travelex, which slowed down the system, though things were still lining up for this weekend. Folks in Zurich were expecting something to happen within the next three days, or by Tues. 14 Jan. The US-China Trade agreement to be signed Sun. 12 Jan. or Mon. 13 Jan. could have influence on when the reset happened. Some Redemption Centers were staffed for the weekend. MarkZ’s Paymaster was very positive it was going, likely around Sun. 12 Jan. Iraq was looking at posting the new Dinar Rate in their Gazette next Wed. 15 Jan.

5. A Hong Kong Paymaster was looking for liquidity by Thurs. 16 Jan.

6. Bruce reported that the General Public could begin exchanges by Feb. 4, (which was also likely the same date that the higher Contract Rates would no longer be available).

7. A week or so ago Military Contacts confirmed that numerous World Court GESARA-required arrests had taken place, plus arrest warrants would continue to be served as liquidity was released for Tiers 3 and 4.

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A. Jan. 10 2020 TNT Call

1. There were Call Centers located in seven cities: San Francisco, Reno, North Carolina, Dallas, NY, Phoenix, Florida.

2. None of the Call Centers were manned today Fri. 10 Jan.


B. Jan. 10 2020 Morning Chat with MarkZ: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz

1. A hacker went into Travelex and slowed down the system, but things were still lining up for this weekend.

2. Today Fri. Jan. 10 Isaac in Zurich has a call with HSBC and the attorney handling his redemption.

3. Contacts in Zurich were expecting movement over the next three days, or by Tues. 14 Jan.

4. The US-China Trade agreement to be signed Sun. 12 Jan. or Mon. 13 Jan. could have influence on the reset.

5. Some Redemption Centers were staffed for the weekend.

6. MarkZ’s Paymaster was very positive it was going, likely around Sun. 12 Jan.

7. Iraq was looking at posting the new Dinar Rate in their Gazette next Wed. 15 Jan.

8. Mike Cottrell:

The funds may have been released, but being paid doesn’t mean you have access to your funds. No one will have access to their funds until the codes have been released through execution of the Gold Treaty. Those codes would be put in by Cottrell.

When the reset event occurs, the Central Bank system would essentially go out of existence. The Federal Reserve would have rolled into the US Treasury and basically dissolved. It would become a group inside the Treasury.

By Trump signing this off to the Chinese and/or Military I think he did a smart thing. We hear Trump has Dinar. It could be an impeachable event to profit from actions taken by the president. He took himself out of the “hot box” by giving this authority to the Military and the Chinese.

After the successful court case on CMKX there was a deal made between Hodges, the legal team and US government. CMKX debt would be paid back in gold. That became a reality with signing of the Gold Treaty.

The gold in the basement tower that collapsed during 9/11 was already gone – taken away by the Bushes. This gold that the Bushes stole has now been confiscated. Interpol holds it and will until after the GCR. The US gold reserves have long been spent and no new gold has been minted and stamped for a long time.

Iraq cannot RV until the Gold Treaty was executed. Everyone would go at once.

When Cottrell puts in the codes all currencies of the world go to 0. At that time all derivatives will be zeroed out, though you could exchange your currencies. Several times over the years and because they held the world’s debt, the Catholic Church has declared a Debt Jubilee where all debt was zeroed out. They were able to start over again from ground zero.

We are going through the same thing. The GCR results in all debts going away because all the derivatives go away. That’s why we were going to individual gold/asset-backed currencies for each country. The gold to back this reset was coming in from the Chinese families. That debt will take about 100 years to pay them back. That’s when GESARA would kick in.

Judy Note to Mr. Cottrell: I greatly appreciate your sacrifices, dedication to and fighting for the Global Currency Reset, including your sharing of experiences and history. Your knowledge has been a great help to me and many others to understand what was going on. Though, you and I have a problem that stemmed from your MarkZ Call today. Just because I summarize information from Gurus that you don’t particularly agree with doesn’t mean that you have the right to encourage people to sue me. It’s called the right to have Freedom of the Press and Free Speech.


C. Something Huge that MSM Missed in Trump’s Iran Speech: https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2020/01/something-ridiculously-huge-that-conservatives-leftists-missed-in-trumps-iran-speech-msm-silent-3709843.html


D. Homeless campers share their stories of unsheltered life in Sacramento: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Pw8_yvWTa0


E. International Child Sex Trafficking:

Department of State‏@StateDept The @realDonaldTrump President Trump has declared January 2020 as “Human Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month.” His Administration is committed to ending human trafficking for its estimated 25 million global victims. Modern slavery simply has no place in the world. http://go.usa.gov/xpJCW #EndTrafficking

An undercover agent exposes the realities of child trafficking. Warning: graphic details. I could hardly get through it. https://www.republicbroadcastingarchives.org/the-red-pill-hardcore-with-v-january-8-2020/

Oct. 19 2019 “US Marines, Navy Seals Rescue 2,100 Caged Children, Teens”: http://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2019/10/marines-navy-seals-rescue-2100-caged-children-teens-3144359.html

Vatican Spokesperson Advocates New World Order, Eliminate 6 Billion People, World Church Domination: https://www.disclose.tv/vatican-offical-introduce-new-world-order-and-remove-6-billion-people-314705

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F. 800#s – GCR Web Link Release:

A set date for release of the 800#s/GCR websites was programmed into the Quantum Computer. Each country had their own 800# or website code for use of exchangers/bond redeemers. One could find their reset web link either by going to a Guru website, calling an 800 number, or having it sent to you through email. Clicking on that web link on your computer, or phone, would create your own unique signature to receive an exchange/ redemption appointment, along with information on how to exchange and redeem. That intel would include the address of a Redemption Center set up relatively close to where you live, no matter the country.

In order to receive the higher Contract Rates redeemers must make that appointment prior to a certain date, which may be Tues. Feb. 4. We won’t know that exact date until the reset was made known to the Internet Group. We do know that the release would occur in a daytime event with the rollout going West to East, from Hong Kong, to the US, to Zurich, to Asia.

That web link/800# would be placed on approved websites and Twitter accounts:

Dinar Chronicles: http://www.dinarchronicles.com/tetelestai.html
Dinar Recaps: https://www.dinarrecaps.com/our-blog
MarkZ: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz MarkZ Twitter: m.twitter.com/originalmarkz
Bruce: https://www.iqdcalls.com/The_Big_Call.html bigcalluniverse.com
TNT Tony: https://twitter.com/the_tnt_team


G. WARNING – DON’T BE SCAMMED: There have been a continuous line of complaints about certain group leaders who promised to give sovereign rates and/or said you could be part of a humanitarian project if you allowed them to exchange for you, gave them identification numbers of your currency, or bonds and/or placed your redemption monies into an Irrevocable Trust. They were also advising not to call the 800#s, even claiming that there would be no 800#s and therefore you should put your personal and currency information onto certain websites.

Such tended to signify that you were dealing with a Scam Artist who was after your monies. In the recent past several so-called group leaders have been arrested and charged for doing the same. If you felt you have been taken in by such a person be sure to do your own exchange and turn over the person’s identity to authorities at that exchange.

Stay in Control of Your Own Monies: By calling the 800#s or using the GCR website and obtaining your own appointment at a licensed Redemption Center during the week or so we were allowed Contract Rates, you likely could be awarded those rates just by asking for them, redeem bonds without having a humanitarian project, keep control of your own monies by placing them in a Skeleton Trust set up for you at that exchange and later at your own discretion, hiring your own Money Management Team, the information for which would be provided at your exchange.

The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to readers to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid. A Special Thank You to those dedicated and brave intel providers who wished to remain unknown, to Brad who did great research and Ken who uncovered almost unlimited intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

Divide They Try, Fail They Will, for WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q & Trust Plan

This has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side of the reset where together, we will make life better for all.

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. Judy

Courtesy of Dinar Chronicles


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