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Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Feb. 7, 2020

Thank you Judy

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Feb. 7 2020

Compiled 7 Feb. 2020 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Divide They Try, Fail They Will, WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q & Trust Plan

Judy Note: A credible source has confirmed that the Currency Reset has begun. It was my opinion that we could expect 800#s to reach the Internet group within the next couple of days.

With World Markets needing that currency reset to keep from going over the edge, China attempted to keep their market up by forbidding sell-offs until Fri. Feb. 7.

Thurs. 6 Feb. Bruce: Notifications could go out overnight Thurs. 6 Feb, another of his sources said it would happen before noon Fri. 7 Feb. and yet another claimed funds were to initiate perhaps by Mon. 10 Feb. Paymasters were just waiting for the go ahead and already had funds sitting in their accounts to pay their groups.

Thurs. 6 Feb. MarkZ: I was told everything was back on “go” now that they were done with all that political stuff. Banking Contacts in Hong Kong and Zurich reported that another system check in the US began Wed. night 5 Feb, was still going on, though no liquidity could be seen as yet. The release could be within hours, or perhaps days.

Last Fri. 31 Jan. at midnight, (which Q designated as Freedom Day), US Inc.’s fiat US Dollar officially bankrupted, although evidently that deadline had been extended into this week. Such a bankruptcy would create a world financial crisis – unless there was a Global Currency Reset very soon.

On the Restored Republic side: As Trump left Congress on Tues. he whispered to General Milley, “Get ready for action.” He could have been referring to seriously begin arrests of the Cabal in the US, plus the military exercise called Defender Europe 20' – the largest American exercise in Europe in 25 years. It targeted the Cabal and was expected to last until mid-May.

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On Wed. 5 Feb. after Trump was acquitted of impeachment, Q tweeted about declass: “It’s going to be Biblical.” Evidently Rush Limbaugh has been told that his show would be the center of Declass Intel release within the next few weeks.

Also on Wed. 5 Feb. Head of the FBI Christopher Wray gave testimony before Congress, indicating investigations on his bureau and political elites had been ongoing for some time. At any time we should have release of the Durham Report – which would expose Cabal political elites who were under indictment. More Declass would come with the FISA Abuse Report due out in March. The Back Wall for Declass/Reset/ GESARA/ NESARA release was July 4, although Mass Arrests may wait until after the Nov. 2020 Elections.

In Nov. 2019 Trump handed the reset date decision to the Military, who had been executing arrests of political elites. According to Military Intel, as Tier 3 & Tier 4 liquidity was released, many more World Court ordered/GESARA-required arrests would take place. Certain political elite criminals had to be indicted in order for the US to be GESARA compliant and able to participate in the GCR, just as BREXIT had to happen for Britain to be GESARA compliant in order to participate in the currency reset.

President Trump announced that 191 federal judges have been appointed to interpret US laws for a return to Common Law of the original US Constitution. In his SOU Address Trump stated many more judges would be appointed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2O3Z3IAkUc


A. Feb. 6 2020 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net: 712-770-4016 pin123456# (712) 770-4014

1. After Trump was acquitted things started rolling.

2. Different sources said that notifications were to initiate perhaps by Mon. 10 Feb., another said it would go out before noon tomorrow Fri. 7 Feb and yet another said by overnight tonight.

3. Tiers 1, 2, 3 were set. Some have had table top meetings, but no liquidity in their accounts.

4. Paymasters were ready to go with funds in their accounts to pay their groups and just waiting for the go ahead.

5. There were bond platforms that would fund infrastructure projects


B. Feb. 6 2020 Morning Chat with MarkZ: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz

1. I was told everything was back on “go” now that they were done with all that political stuff.

2. Banking Contacts in Hong Kong and Zurich reported that another system check in the US began last night and was still going on.

3. No liquidity could be seen as yet.

4. After this third system check proved successful, Mike Cottrell would be given the codes to put in for release.

5. All world currencies would revalue at the same time, although some countries which were not quite ready for the reset, would be allowed to float their currency.

6. You would have around 90 days to move your monies from the skeleton trust set up at your exchange to trusts you set up for where you wanted it to go.

7. Rumor: Dinar Contract: $8, Dong Contract: $2, Zim: $32 million per 100T Zim, or the most prevalent rumor was that Zim was $.11 cents to $.30 cents.


C. Sat. 1 July 2017: The Global Collateral Account http://freedomfromdelusion.blogspot.com/2017/07/the-global-collateral-account-important.html

The assassination of JFK, the implosion of the World Trade Center Towers on 9-1-1, the world furor of Mideast Wars and a no-Hillary president. The Global Collateral Account was purported to be a vast amount of gold. During WWII the Japanese dug tunnels and bunkers throughout Southeast Asia to store the gold – primarily in Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines. After the war, the gold was discovered by the Allies and was incorporated into a system set up by the European central bankers.


D. Feb. 6 2020 2:50 am EST The Next Phase – the Senate was the Key, X22 Report: X22 Report -- Episode 2089: Next Phase of the Economy, Senate was the Key


Trump has ended the Obama-Era regulations. The US was now energy independent. Trump and the Patriots have been setting the economic stage and it was almost complete. This needed to happen to move the economy into the transition. The Fed was looking to cut rates. The Central Bank has completely backfired.


The Dems have failed in their mission, Trump was acquitted of all charges. Now it's the Patriots turn. Trump gave the State of the Union and the Dems were not happy about it. They were exposed to the world. The Patriots were ready to drip some more information. Get ready, the Dems will feel pain. The Patriots were going to bring it all down. It's going to Biblical.


E. Feb. 6 2020 2:01 am EST SOTU 2020, RedPill78: RedPill78 -- Acquitted! #SOTU 2020, Wray Testimony!

1. Nancy Pelosi was expected to soon disappear. Tearing up President Trump’s State of the Union Speech was a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2071, Section 2071 (a), punishable by up to three years in prison, fines and loss of office.

2. Rush Limbaugh’s show will be part of Disclosure in the near future.

3. A number of Democrats stated that they were leaving the Party after witnessing Democrat responses at the State of the Union Address.

4. Head of the FBI Christopher Wray’s testimony before Congress on Wed. 5 Feb: no one has asked him to open an improper investigation, though he indicated that they were investigating certain political elites within the FBI. Those at the top involved in criminal behavior have been fired and were being handled by Durham, while others were in a disciplinary process.

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F. International Child Sex Trafficking:

Feb. 4 2020 California Authorities Arrest 500+ in Human Trafficking Operation: https://abc7.com/more-than-500-arrested-in-statewide-human-trafficking-operation/5904117/

Staff Member at Childrens Hospital Arrested for Sex Crimes: https://www.wtvr.com/news/problem-solvers/problem-solvers-investigations/staff-member-at-childrens-hospital-under-criminal-investigation-arrested-for-sex-crimes

Vatican-led Child Holocaust Surfaced and then was Covered Up: http://beforeitsnews.com/celebrities/2018/04/vatican-led-child-holocaust-surfaces-covered-up-2475374.html

On Friday 31 Jan. at the White House Summit on Human Trafficking President Trump signed an Executive Order that included a $42 million budget increase to expand support for victims of Human Trafficking, would boost investigations and prosecutions, plus create a new White House staff position to focus solely on Human Trafficking and Child Pornography.

Enough Is Enough® was a national bi-partisan non-profit organization who has led the fight to make the Internet safer for children and families since 1994. EIE's efforts focused on combating Internet Pornography, Child Pornography, Sexual Predation, Sex Trafficking and Cyber Bullying by incorporating a three-pronged prevention strategy with shared responsibilities between the public, Corporate America and the legal community.


G. Restored Republic, GESARA/NESARA Compliance: As Q advised, “Enjoy the Show!”

Since 2016 US Attorney for Utah, John Huber, has been over a Grand Jury investigation looking into evidence of wrongdoings by those in the upper echelons of Washington, D.C. bureaus and law enforcement agencies.

Those more prominent elites charged were rumored to be the Clintons, Bushes, Obama, Pelosi, Biden, Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, Brennan, Ohr, Strzok, Clapper and many others. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/certainly-will-be-a-standout-john-durham-appoints-new-criminal-chief

Charges included using a public office for personal monetary gain; performing criminal acts relating to Uranium One, the Clinton Foundation, Fusion GPS; Crimes of 9/11 and Cover Up of 9/11; the March 11 2011 Fukushima Nuclear and Tsunami mass murders; Benghazi Massacre; Hijacking of Malaysian Air 370; Mass Murder in Haiti; Pedophilia; trying to subvert the will of The People by conspiring with foreign officials to take down a duly elected US President, or violation of the Espionage Act of 1912; High Treason; Election Fraud; Child Sex Trafficking; Homicide; Pornography; Money Laundering; Bribery; Perjury; Gun and Drug running; Human Trafficking; Child Exploitation; Kidnapping; Organ harvesting; Blackmail for votes on political issues through recording of pedophilia parties where children were raped, tortured and murdered; Misappropriation and Confiscation of US taxpayer monies through use of the illegal and privately owned Federal Reserve, IRS, US Corporation, City of London and Holy See, plus not implementing the Freedom from Debt GESARA Law passed by the US Supreme Court and signed into law by President Bill Clinton.

As of 31 Dec. 2019, 144,844 sealed indictments had been filed by Huber’s team of 740 investigators in federal courts across the nation, most of which contained pedophilia charges. It was said that 80% of the Democratic Congress (plus some Republicans) had been charged, some with major offenses such as Treason. https://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2020/01/whos-who-in-those-144000-sealed-indictments-about-to-be-served-3160490.html

Jan. 2019 saw the beginning of Federal Court secret trials and GITMO Tribunals. By Dec. 2019 of 144,844 indictments filed, 16,818 had been unsealed (meaning indictments were served, arrests made), with 1,843 served during just these past holidays. With so many cases pending it was assumed that it would take at least two years or more to complete litigation. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edi

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H. Currency Exchange and Bond Redemption:

Each country had their own 800# or website code for use of currency exchangers/ bond redeemers that would be sent out by email, or found on certain websites as below. Clicking on that web link on your computer or phone, would create your own unique signature to receive an exchange/ redemption appointment, along with exchange/ redemption information.

We were told that Mike Cottrell’s signature was on the Gold Treaty and he would push the liquidity button. Just an hour or so prior to liquidity release, Wells Fargo and HSBC Banks would be sending out over 400,000 emails to currency and bond holders, along with instructions on how to exchange and redeem. That information would also be available on websites as below.

Redemption Center Staff were told that upon liquidity release, they would be working 7 am to 11 pm for about 10-12 days. The Tier4b Internet Group (us) would have those 10-12 days to exchange at the higher Contract Rates, after which (predicted by mid-Feb.) the General Public could exchange at regular banks, receiving the new, but lower, International Rates of exchange.

At your exchange you would watch a 15 min. CD that would explain the exchange/redemption process before you began. If you held Zim expect to sign a 4 ½ page Non Disclosure Agreement. If you held both currencies and Zim expect that NDA to be 5 ½ pages. If you held currencies and no Zim, that NDA was expected to be around 1 ½ pages.


I. Websites to check for instructions and 800#s:

Dinar Chronicles: http://www.dinarchronicles.com/tetelestai.html
Dinar Recaps: https://www.dinarrecaps.com/our-blog
MarkZ: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz
MarkZ Twitter: m.twitter.com/originalmarkz
Bruce: https://www.iqdcalls.com/The_Big_Call.html bigcalluniverse.com
TNT Tony: https://twitter.com/the_tnt_team

J. 800#s Notification From Dinar Chronicles: Website Update - TETELESTAI: Reminder for RV Notification and Instructions Do not send or give your currencies to anyone to exchange. Each individual would be allowed to redeem. You do not need to be in a group. Once the RV began instructions would be published that applied to everyone globally. All would be posted on the TETELESTAI page: http://www.dinarchronicles.com/tetelestai.html, plus on the main blog, where you could also be emailed: http://www.dinarchronicles.com/intel.html


K. Judy Note on Zim Bonds: It was my understanding that if you had Zim Bonds and a humanitarian project, your Zim rate would be determined from the costs of your project. It would be wise to type up a short outline of that project including your goals. Have an estimate of monies needed to accomplish those goals, the years you wished in your long term payout and your interim financial needs until your first quarterly payout was received.

If you did not have a specific humanitarian project you would be given a certain set rate on your Zim and opportunities to invest redemption monies in international humanitarian projects. Either way you could determine the amount of years you wished for your long term payout and be paid interest on your monies left at the bank during that payout.


Judy Note: I do not, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having opportunities to research and expose the truth about Satanic Ritual Abuse including pedophilia and Child Sacrifice, which was rampant in our international society and thereby hopefully contribute to Saving the Children.

The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid. A Thank You to those dedicated and brave intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to humble Wildfirelady who was adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who did great research and Ken who uncovered almost unlimited intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

“We must keep America first in our hearts, we must keep freedom alive in our souls.” Donald J. Trump

Divide They Try, Fail They Will, WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q & Trust Plan

Let us ThankQ that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. Judy

Courtesy of Dinar Chronicles


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