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Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Dec. 31, 2019

Thank you Judy

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Dec. 31 2019

Compiled 31 Dec. 2019 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: An anonymous though very valid source confirmed that Tiers 3 and 4 had become liquid and Mass Arrests had officially begun as of 5pm EST on Mon. 30 Dec. Release of the 800#s was still unknown, although according to Mike Cottrell, every year since 2008 the Chinese Elders have attempted to do the reset on Dec. 30, 31.

The general public was said scheduled to begin their exchanges on Thurs. 9 Jan.

Mike Cottrell: The Chinese have attempted to do the reset on Dec. 30, 31 every year since 2008. The reset release has been based on the US Corporation being bankrupt. Trump has signed off on the reset, which indicated that the US Corporation bankruptcy was now recognized.

Cottrell had been involved in trying to do the reset for 30 years. President Trump read Cottrell’s documents (summarized from 60 boxes of files), got rid of those who needed to go and signed off on the reset in the Gold Treaty.

 Cottrell submitted all the documentation to President Trump in October about the entire history of the rats, Reagan, the new QFS, ect. – 7½ pounds of documentation – 30 years worth – and it was documented by various agencies that he did read it all, and he signed off.

Within hours of the Chinese Elders giving Cottrell the codes and him putting them in the system for the reset to occur, they had to begin the Mass Arrests. The Cabal has been unrelenting in trying to stop this. Their tactics have not worked, including trying to impeach President Trump.

The reset was rolling out and nothing could stop it. The Federal Reserve System would be changed to a Treasury System with each individual country having it’s own Treasury and the Quantum Financial System doing the oversight.

They have taken away assets of those arrested, found guilty of crimes and/or being part of the Cabal and Federal Reserve global system. When the transition occurred the IRS would be dissolved.

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MarkZ: Some Paymasters and others started moving back into their positions last night and this morning Mon. 30 Dec. There was a possibility that we could start at some point today Mon. 30 Dec. The reset could happen between now and Tues. 30 Dec. As of yesterday Sun. 29 Dec. Iraq went digital and were calling in their old Iraqi Dinar. The Iraqi banks announced that their asset-backed Iraqi Dinar would be released Sun. 5 Jan.

A Second Anonymous Source: “On Mon. 30 Dec. everything was supposed to break loose.”

Tony: “Everyone I know of was expecting something to happen on Jan. 1.

Bruce: “There was a possibility of getting the 800#s on either Mon. or Tues. 30-31 Dec. and start on either Tues. or Wed. 31 Dec. – 1 Jan.

A Third Anonymous Source: “If Bruce were right the Admiral’s groups could go between Mon. and Fri, 30 Dec. to 4 Jan. and the Internet group would be Jan. 4 – 11.”


A. Dec. 30 2019 Morning Chat With MarkZ: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz

1. Paymasters and bankers started moving back into their positions last night and this morning Mon. 30 Dec.

2. Mark believed that there was a possibility that we could start at some point today Mon. 30 Dec.

3. Wells Fargo would no longer be processing Prosperity Packages.

4. As of yesterday Sun. 29 Dec. Iraq went digital and were calling in their old Iraqi Dinar.

5. Mike Cottrell:

The Chinese have attempted to do the reset on Dec. 30, 31 every year for several years.

The reset has always been based on the US Corporation being bankrupt. Trump signing off on the reset indicated that had happened.

Cottrell had been involved in the reset for 30 years. President Trump read Cottrell’s documents (summarized from 60 boxes of files), got rid of those who needed to go and signed off on the reset in the Gold Treaty.

Within hours of them giving Cottrell the codes, they had to begin the Mass Arrests.

The Cabal has been unrelenting in trying to stop this. Their tactics have not worked, including trying to impeach President Trump. The reset was rolling out and nothing could stop it.

The White Hats were part of those trying to keep the Federal Reserve in control.

The Federal Reserve System would be changed to a Treasury System with each individual country having it’s own Treasury and the Quantum Financial System doing the oversight.

They have taken away assets of those found guilty of crimes and being part of the Cabal and Federal Reserve fiat dollar System.

When the transition occurred the IRS would be dissolved.

Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation were the most important people to be under arrest when the Mass Arrests began.

For crimes committed there would be a reckoning for the Catholic Church, Vatican and Pope.

I submitted all the documentation to President Trump in October about the entire history of the rats, Reagan, the new QFS, ect…7 ½ pounds of documentation…30 years worth…..…and it was documented by various agencies that he did read it all…..and he signed off.


B. Dec. 30 2019 2:22 am EST US Government Loses Forced Vaccinations Case: U.S. Government Loses Landmark Lawsuit Over Forced Vaccinations https://cairnsnews.org/2018/11/19/u-s-govt-loses-landmark-vaccine-lawsuit/ https://cairnsnews.files.wordpress.com/2018/12/ican-hhs-stipulated-order-july-2018.pdf

1. Producer of the suppressed anti-vaccine documentary, Vaxxed and the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) demanded relevant government documents proving that all federally approved vaccines had been tested for quality over the past 32 years — and there were none.

2. This means that the US Department of Health and Human Services and all vaccine makers have been lying to the American people for over 30 years about the effectiveness and safety of vaccines.

3. This may ultimately mean that continuing the existence of five US “healthcare” agencies are now in doubt: the CDC, the FDA, the IOM, the NIH and the “Health” part of DHHS itself.

4. This may also threaten the existence of state medical boards and exclusive medical guilds like the AMA.

5. This means that vaccine makers have been fraudulently exempt from what all other pharmaceutical drug makers have been forced to do concerning biannual recertification for quality and effectiveness — meaning that their vaccines have never been tested for quality and have had no proven safety or effectiveness for over 30 years.

6. This case can now be legally cited by all parents fraudulently mandated by any government/ organizational regulation/ requirements that they must vaccinate their children for school or any other activity to stop the forced vaccination of their children.

7. This case can now be legally cited by all employees being mandated by their employers to be vaccinated in order to retain their jobs.

8. This case can now be legally cited by all those who seek compensation for vaccine injury, making it likely that the pharmaceutical vaccine industry can in the near future be legally bankrupted out of existence.

9. The future of allopathic medicine in its current form is now in doubt, as well as that of the global pharmaceutical cartel, since almost all of the drugs allopathic practitioners prescribe come from pharmaceutical corporations which have also committed vaccine fraud and injury.

10. The existence of the deep-state corporate mainstream news media will now also be further endangered, since 70% of their income stream comes from the global pharmaceutical cartel, which in America has been responsible for 750,000-1 million human sacrifices per year for at least the past half century.

11. Autism rates will now likely plummet, freeing the American people from another deep state-engineered debility, and providing further evidence of mass vaccination-caused autism.

12. All government officials who have passed laws legalizing vaccine fraud at the state, national, or international level, or otherwise aided and abetted this vaccine fraud can now be charged with vaccine fraud, criminal malfeasance and in some cases, war crimes under the Nuremberg Code.

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C. Dec. 30 2019 3:02 pm EST Obam’s, Biden’s and Pelosi’s Possible Treason, Trafficking and Money Laundering: Obama, Biden, and Pelosi's Possible Treason, Trafficking, and Money Laundering -- Judy Byington


E. 800#s Release:

It was obvious that in order to capture the Bad Guys, different Gurus have been fed many false deadlines for the Global Currency Reset.

 The latest was last week and culminated in the arrests of over 64 bankers trying to steal our monies.

However, we have now been told that a valid and set date has been programmed into the Quantum Financial Computer. It was said that when that date came to be individual 800#s would be released for each country in a daytime event and the computer would spit out emails containing the 800#s for Currency and Zim Bond buyers worldwide, along with information on how to exchange and redeem. The 800#s would also be placed on certain approved websites and Twitter accounts so appointments could be made at licensed Redemption Centers to redeem currencies and bonds:

Dinar Chronicles: http://www.dinarchronicles.com/tetelestai.html
Dinar Recaps: https://www.dinarrecaps.com/our-blog
MarkZ: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz MarkZ Twitter: m.twitter.com/originalmarkz
Bruce: https://www.iqdcalls.com/The_Big_Call.html bigcalluniverse.com
TNT Tony: https://twitter.com/the_tnt_team


F. WARNING – DON’T BE SCAMMED: There have been continuous complaints about certain group leaders who promised to give sovereign rates and/or said you could be part of a humanitarian project if you placed your redemption monies into an Irrevocable Trust, gave them identification numbers of your currency and/or bonds and/or allowed them to exchange for you.

They were also advising not to call the 800#s, even claiming that there would be no 800#s and therefore you should put your personal and currency information onto certain websites.

Such tended to signify that you were dealing with a Scam Artist who was after your monies. In the recent past several so-called group leaders have been arrested for doing the same. If you felt you have been taken in by such a person be sure to do your own exchange and turn over the person’s identity to authorities at that exchange.

Stay in Control of Your Own Monies: By calling the 800#s and obtaining your own appointment at a licensed Redemption Center, you likely could be awarded Sovereign or Contract Rates just by asking for them, redeem bonds without having a humanitarian project, keep control of your own monies by placing them in a Skeleton Trust set up for you at that exchange and later at your own discretion, hiring your own Money Management Team, the information for which would be provided at your exchange.


The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to readers to do your own research and decide whether or not it was valid. A Special Thank You to those dedicated and brave intel providers who wished to remain unknown, to Brad who did great research and Ken who uncovered almost unlimited intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

Divide They Try, Fail They Will, for WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q & Trust Plan

This has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side of the reset where together, we will make life better for all.

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. Judy

Courtesy of Dinar Chronicles


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