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Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Dec. 3, 2019

Thank you Judy

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Dec. 3 2019

Compiled 3 Dec. 2019 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington,

The below was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.

Divide They Try, Fail They Will, for WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q & Trust Plan

Judy Impressions: Evidently last week frustrated bankers were promised that the RV would be live by Sat. 30 Nov. When that didn’t happen, (likely for security reasons), another definite date was set and entered into the Quantum Computer. The computer had been programmed to automatically release the RV, including emails to currency and bond holders that contained the 800#s. None but a very few knew when.

Contacts in Zurich believed it would be on Tues. 3 Dec., while Iraqi protesters were told Wed. 4 Dec. Whatever the date, the reset was in motion, nothing would stop it, plus it was reasonable to expect action this week and right before the FISA, Huber and World Court Reports came out, the beginning of which was next Mon. 9 Dec.

It was also believed that the release would be a daytime event and everyone would go at the same time. US Redemption Center personnel were told they would be working 24/7 for about two weeks exchanging currencies and redeeming bonds for the Tier 4 Internet Group.

On the Restored Republic:

On Tues. 19 Nov. 2019 an alleged child rape by Bill Clinton was exposed, though, of course, not picked up by the Mainstream Media. That same day was believed to be the beginning of arrests of high profile individuals that perhaps included the Clintons. US Attorney General from Utah John Huber and his 240 investigators had filed over 144,000 sealed indictments on political and global elites in federal courts across the nation since President Trump took office in 2016.

On Fri. 22 Nov. President Trump was on Fox and Friends saying, “In the next few weeks we would see release of the IG FISA Report (set for Mon. 9 Dec.), John Huber’s Report and from the World Court, we would see names of those found guilty of committing Crimes Against Humanity, Treason and Sedition.”

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A. Dec. 2 2019 Morning Chat with MarkZ: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz

1. Bankers were on call all last weekend expecting the release.

2. The release date was already decided and plugged into a computer system that would automatically release it. No one knew when that would be, although Mark believed it could happen at any moment, or within the next couple of days.

3. Several nations have repatriated their gold in preparation for the Global Currency Reset.

4. This past Fri. Issac (in Zurich) said he was looking for his liquidity on Tues. 3 Dec.

5. We know for a fact that our current financial structure would implode (without the GCR).

6. Iraq contacts believed that Wed. 4 Dec. for release because of their mourning period for murdered protesters.

7. Over last weekend Iraq closed down all loans and currency sales auctions in preparation for the RV.

8. A number of contacts were under an NDA.

9. Any licensed currency or bond dealer would send your email address to a master list so you could be notified of 800#s release.


B. Dec. 2 2019 12:42 am EDT Operation Disclosure Intel Alert: RV/Intelligence Alert: "Synopsis" -- December 2, 2019

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

1. According to sources, a major financial correction/transition was about to occur. The Fiat Financial System was on course to collapse and implode.

2. The Central Banking System was showing signs of failure as multiple banks in China began to fail.

3. HSBC recently made a big financial deployment by moving from paper to Blockchain. https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2019/11/hsbc-moves-from-paper-to-blockchain-in.html

4. BRICS was joining together to dethrone the Petrodollar, which created the possibility a US Dollar collapse and therefore gave reason to adopt a new monetary system.

5. The timing of the FISA report release (scheduled for Mon. 9 Dec.) was essential in allowing the public to connect the dots. The release of the FISA report would lead to further investigation, which would lead to implications connected to other investigations such as the Epstein investigation. Eventually, these investigations would lead into the financial world and explain why the Fiat Financial System was imploding.

6. Worldwide corruption of the Khazarian Crime Syndicate was being exposed. Rumors were becoming fact as everything began to surface. The plan continued, Holidays or not.

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C. Dec. 2 2019 TNT Call

1. At the request of demonstrators, the Iraqi PM resigned on Sat. 30 Nov. They gave the parliament one week to appoint a new Prime Minister.

2. The Iraqi Banks announced they won’t do any lending or transactions from 1 Dec. 2019 to 1 Jan. 2020 because they knew changes were being made in the monetary system.

3. The original plan was to have the RV live by 30 Nov. In the US Exchange Personnel were called in to the banks on Sat. 30 Nov. and Sun. 1 Dec. to do exchanges, but it didn’t happen and no one knew why.

4. No personnel were at the Exchange Centers today Mon. 2 Dec.


E. Nov. 2 2019 Chicom Cartel, CIA Takedown of America, Dave Hodges: https://thecommonsenseshow.com/activism-agenda-21-conspiracy/major-breaking-story-un-chicom-cartel-cia-takedown-america

F. International Child Sex Trafficking:

Nov. 2 2019 Epstein Tapes Emerge: http://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2019/12/epstein-tapes-sordid-case-takes-a-bizarre-turn-after-mystery-hacker-emerges-3497387.html

Shortly after Jeffrey Epstein’s August death in a Manhattan detention facility, a shadowy figure claiming to have set up encrypted servers for the convicted sex offender told several attorneys and the New York Times he had a vast archive of incriminating evidence against powerful men stored on overseas servers, including several years worth of the financier’s communications and financial records which allegedly showed he had vast amounts of Bitcoin and cash in the Middle East and Bangkok, and hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of gold, silver and diamonds.

Going by the pseudonym Patrick Kessler, self-described ‘hacker’ said he had “thousands of hours of footage from hidden cameras” from Epstein’s multiple properties, which included former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, lawyer Alan Dershowitz, and Prince Andrew, along with three billionaires and a prominent CEO, according to the Times.

Courtesy of Dinar Chronicles


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